Latte Game – Generation 4.04

Generation 4.03 | Rules | Family Tree | Generation 4.05

SimNaNo Entry #2

Well hello and welcome back to our second SimNaNo update of 2021. I hope you enjoyed the last update, we have plenty more to come. I’m excited to keep bringing the fun of the Latte’s to you throughout the month, and I hope you will keep coming back to see the latest. Last update Lowitja had a birthday and moved out, and Hjorids made it through her first semester of school with straight A’s. Let’s check in to how it’s going now.

First let we check in on Easton, Halix, and Ijtiba. They are busy watching TV, and looks like maybe some sort of snow sporting event. They did take a trip to Mt. Komorebi, and enjoyed the snowy sports offered there. Perhaps they now enjoy watching them as well?

We then get a couple of great notices. First off Hjordis has done enough practicing and working on her soccer abilities to get promoted to starter. That’s great news for her and she begins studying the playbook right away. Then we also get the notice that Xjavier has completed his aspiration. He now gets the Artistic Prodigy, although he isn’t going to reach that I don’t think.

Later that evening Kynzie is back to haunting and cleaning up our bathroom. This house is a bit of a mess, and the fact that Hjordis is a slob is not going to help that at all. It’s good to see Kynzie though, and she isn’t breaking things in this moment. I’m quite tempted to get the family a maid, I’ve never had one in any Sims 4 challenge, and I believe this is one of the few that would allow it.

Our dear Easton decides to retire. He had topped his career last update, and has a long life from meeting his aspiration. I have no idea what I’m going to do with him during all that time, but the idea he will be around for his grand kids makes me happy. Hjordis is going to end up with 7 kids by the end, so we will have more than filled the house again.

Xjavier and Hjordis sit down and work on homework together. When you have kids in school there seems to always be work to be done. I am going to be doing a big update to the kids room now that we have bunk beds and such, and I’m also considering redoing the house.

Hjordis found this girl attractive and started talking with her. She very quickly discovered that she is Evil. While I like her look I don’t know that I want to deal with an evil sim right the moment, so we decide to keep our eyes peeled. There is another girl that I keep seeing walk by the building that is cute.

Xjavier has finally reached his A in elementary school. It feels like it’s taken him a long time, but I’m not sure if it actually took a long time or if I just wasn’t playing often enough to make it feel quick. Still, that earns us some points all the same.

Hjordis finally was able to meet and talk with the other really cute girl that I saw walking by the student center. They both sit down and work on school work together and try to get to know each other a bit. I really hope she has good traits.

Another day, another party for the Latte’s. The family is so big it seems like there are always events to throw parties for or celebrations to have. So what is the party for this time? Well it’s a birthday party, and we have one special sim that is ready to grow up.

Happy Birthday to Xjavier! He is now a teen and that means the last of Halix’s babies are all grown up. We still have a little time before either of the boys is going to be moving out, but we are getting super close to having Halix and Easton be as “empty nesters” as really any of this family will ever be.

During the party we get the notification that Lowitja is moving into the neighborhood, which makes me happy. I really hope the girls get married and have kids. I love their looks, and want to have kids to invite over for play dates. This also seems super quick as I’m not sure Amarja has even moved in yet.

So every time I went to snap his picture, Xjavier would close his eyes….so this is what you get as his make-over picture. The Wilde genes are pretty strong in these boys, but they are very handsome, and I really like how Easton’s genes mixed with Halix’s.

So as the party was winding down I went ahead and did the make-over to the kids bedroom. They now have much more room than they did, with the bunk beds and the desks underneath. We also now have room to move the art and science tables into the room. I should be ready for all of Hjordis’ future children, unless I change the whole house.

Zax’s twin boys are now YA’s which means they will be getting flagged with the no marriage and no children flags. I do not need MORE Latte’s then I already have, and actually I need to remember to go flag Paula and Olivia as well. I love this family but we have at least a few more generations to go and I don’t need the whole hood to be full of related sims.

Halix and Xjavier appear to be homework buddies as they take advantage of the new beanbag “chairs” to do their homework for the day. I am a little nervous for Hjordis’ grades this semester as she has 2 papers to write and I am struggling with keeping up with everything for some reason.

On top of the 2 papers her other class has a presentation. I’ve never done a presentation before, but it’s kind of fun to watch her work it. Hjorids is so often in a swimsuit I barely remember what her other outfits are. Since she spends many nights, right now, sleeping in the ocean to get her hydration and energy up. I do love the fact a mermaid can sleep in the water. It might not be as comfortable as a bed, but it keeps them hydrated. I wonder if I should have built them “water” beds at this point.

Then something new, for me, happened. Amarja has stopped by, and I get a notice that she is stopping by with a gift for her neighbors. Now I thought maybe Amarja had moved it and I had just missed it, but that isn’t the case. Either way, Hjordis heads out to great her and Amarja hands her the gift. I open it up to see what she gave us, and it’s faux meat.

Since Amarja was over of course she hung out with Hjordis while she did her homework, and their dad came in to chat with his two oldest daughters. Easton is very proud of all his kids and is very close with all of them, this whole family is close. I also miss Amarja a bit, she was always so fun.

I had to add this picture because it just made me laugh. Lowitja called Hjordis having a bad day and she had the option to try and cheer up her sister, which I told her to do. This was the message I got from choosing that. Gotta love sisterly love in the sims.

I swear that Hjordis did more than homework during this play period! I also promise that people other than Easton and Hjordis do still live here. Seems there wasn’t a whole lot going on with this family, which is funny because it felt SUPER busy. I must have just slacked on picture taking.

Another family update, and this time sees the youngest of Halix’s gen growing into an elder. Halix is the last one, although she was not the youngest, she’s had a lot of kids. Ixael has not gotten married, choosing to be a bachelor his whole life, at least so far. It’s still possible he will marry as an elder, but he has seemed content to be single. Perhaps it was being born into such a busy household that made him appreciate being alone.

We need the boys to do some work on the outdoor adventure scouting badge, and the easiest thing to do is fishing, since we don’t have to wait for them to spawn. Before heading to the fishing spots though, they stop by their cousins house to flag the twins who grew up earlier.

Once that task is accomplished the boys are at Willow Creek to fish. They spend a fair amount of time fishing and while Xjavier doesn’t get enough to get his badge Ijtiba I believe gets there, or at least very close. I do with the Sulani fishing spots would count for this badge.

We are going to end this update with the news that Kendra, Kevin’s daughter (if you can remember that far back) has passed away. I cannot believe she was still around, it’s pretty wild to me. We have see her at many family gatherings and I’m sure the family will miss her.

That is going to wrap it up for me for this entry. Next time we will see how Hjordis fared with her schooling this semester and hopefully we will have a girlfriend or boyfriend to show off. Until next time!

SimNaNo Totals:

Words: +1,597 | 2,847 / 27,000
Pictures: +26 | 54 / 500

So like normal I will not be counting the title, links, or this box of information in my word totals so I do not ‘pad’ my numbers unfairly.

Generation 4.03 | Rules | Family Tree | Generation 4.05

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I have been playing sims since TS1 and even played a little bit of the PS2 version and the mobile versions over time. Once I discovered challenges for TS2 I never looked back. I love the sims, the families I've been able to make, and play through the years, and connecting with people about them. I work from home as a QTC Admin for my company, have a cat I adore and have a million hobbies I feel like I will never have time to completely explore.

2 thoughts on “Latte Game – Generation 4.04”

  1. Oooooooooooh mermaids sleeping in the pool? I’ll keep that in mind!

    Also the same thing happened to me with the gift! I was so confused lol, expected it to be already in the sim’s inventory

    Liked by 1 person

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