Comic Summer: Post 3.07

Post 3.06 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 3.08

We are back again with another update for you from the Comic’s. Last time we saw the birth of Oryx and Oriole, the newest members of this crazy family. We should see them grow into toddlers this update. Let’s take a quick look at our requirements and goals.

Generation Two Requirements

  • IL: Complete a Nature aspiration
  • JA: Go to Selvadorada to find a spouse
  • JA: Build a relic and use it on someone outside of the family
  • RoM: Become a spellcaster
  • RoM: Have a child with Ancient Bloodline
  • FS: Write a Non-Fiction novel
  • FS: Take pictures of all the kids and spouse

  • IL: Keep Sulani clean (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Buried Treasure collection (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Seashell collection (ongoing)
  • JA: Complete Ancient Artifact collection (ongoing)
  • RoM: Win a duel against all 3 sages (ongoing)

  • Have 3 pregnancies each generation (7 of 9)
  • Workaholics (8 of 10 careers topped)
  • Tricks of the Trade (36 of 40 skills mastered)
  • Aspiration Family (25 of 27 base game aspirations completed)
  • Aspirational Family (goal) (31 of 30 aspirations competed)

So we can see we finished another career, having 2 left, and another couple of aspirations, thanks to Olive, and therefore we have completed the 30 I was going for originally, and only have 2 BG aspirations left, Soulmate and Party Animal. Let’s see if we can complete any more goals this time around.

Lily throws a “come meet the new babies” party and sadly, right in the middle of the party, Grim’s warning for Olive come true. It’s time, after many years, for Olive to leave this mortal life and be with Fabiana. It does put a bit of a damper on the party, but they were also able to celebrate Olive.

Olive managed to complete 5 aspirations (Purveyor of Potions, Big Happy Family, Bodybuilder, Successful Lineage, and Master Chef), 1 career (Education), 6 skills maxed (Baking, Cooking, Dancing, Fitness, Gourmet Cooking, and Research and Debate.) She ended with about 22 traits. She will be missed, but she deserves her rest

Thankfully, the death didn’t ruin the party, and we finally got through a party that counted for Lily and she as finished her aspiration. Party Animal can be marked off the list, which means all we need now is Soulmate, which Rye and Analisa are working on.

During the party, however, this was a slightly terrifying site.

You cannot take him Grim He is new and not ready for you.

Grim: I’m not planning on taking him, yet. He will come with me in his own time.

Please put the baby down, you are terrifying him.

The cousins are growing up more and more. Orca’s final kids, the twins, are now young adults, and Misty is also an adult now. It’s amazing to think that all the kids are becoming adults, and soon we’ll start getting updates saying they are elders.

When Reed goes to work next he has a bit of a surprise. Our costuming girl is very pregnant. Feeling a little guilty for flirting with her he starts to apologize, but she assures him, she is single and he doesn’t have any reason to feel bad. That’s great for Reed, and he is excited for her. He loves his nephews and wouldn’t hate to have some of his own some day.

Reed’s newest acting gig consists of him being an officer but apparently there is also a fish man of some kind. The fish man is getting locked up. I do love all the sets, and it’s been a lot of fun to watch Reed act in all these scenes.

This update cracks me up. If you didn’t actually want the poof why did you send money for it?? Thankfully it didn’t actually mean anything at the end of it, but it was just funny.

Time for Lily to grow up into Elder. It’s hard to believe Lily is already an elder. She’s been amazing and I have loved having her still at home. She has become a lot like her aunt Oceana, and will be here and helping with the babies for as long as she can.

Right after Lily’s birthday it’s time for another couple of birthdays. The twins are now toddlers, and mom and dad start with walking training right away. These boys, I believe, are identical, much like their dad and uncle Reed.

Here are the boys after a bit of a make-over They are absolutely adorable, as I figured they would be. As Oriole’s are often a bit orange, Oriole is in the Orange color. Oryx is in the white/gray/brown colors. I decided to give them the same hair to check out how similar they are, and they are very similar.

Sadly, life means, while we celebrate birthdays and new life growing up, we also have others to say good-bye too. Oceana’s time with the family has come to an end. She was my initial pick for heiress that first generation and I’m so glad she was able to stay this long.

Oceana finished 6 aspirations (Spellcraft & Sorcery, Computer Whiz, Joke Star, Chief of Mischief, Master Mixologist, and Public Enemy), 2 careers (Tech Guru and Criminal), and maxed out 9 skills (Comedy, Dancing, DJ Mixing, Fitness, Knitting, Mischief, Mixology, Programming, Video Gaming.) She ended up with around 25 traits and did amazing. Oceana you will be greatly missed.

We updated the resting area for the family members a bit show pictures of who is who and prepare for the potential passing of Lily, Rye, and Analisa. Oceana and Olive are added in their respective spots.

The extended family is growing and changing some more. Wade finally married so he might have more kids, Lavender remarried a new husband, which might mean she will have more kids too. Finally both Misty and Birch have kids on the way, but no marriages yet.

Because we need Pet Training as a skill still, we decide to welcome a new member to the family. Meet little Basil. He is ADORABLE and I’m already in love with me. So excited to see him grow up.

Petunia seemed to get a little “stuck” at the house after the party for a bit, so it gave her time to get to know her nephews a little more, and spend some time with her brothers.

It’s time for WinterFest once again and family is invited over, presents are open, meals are had and it was a successful WinterFest all the way around. Even the twins had a chance to get presents from Father Winter.

The day after Winterfest it’s back to work for Reed. He’s getting to know much of the film and camera crew members on the various projects he works on and sits down to some food before heading up to the set.

This has to be one of the prettiest sets I’ve ever seen him work on. It’s just a lovely “matte” painting for the background and the petals and stuff falling in the scene just make it all lovely.

While Reed was filming his scene’s he finally maxed out his acting skill. That means he’s about ready to go out into the world himself, all he needs to finish up his the acting career, which he’s very close to completing as well.

We end this update with the nearly forgotten birthdays for both Reed and Rye. They are now both full adults in the world and it’s hard to believe we are getting this close to the end of the challenge. Just a couple more pregnancies to go and we do need to get Rye focused on writing so he can get the book written, but that will come. That is going to be it for now, and I hope to see you again in a couple of days!

Post 3.06 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 3.08

Comic Summer: Post 3.06

Post 3.05 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 3.07

Hello and welcome back again. You have probably noticed the site looks different. I went on a hunt for a different layout/theme for the blog as the old one was older and there were some things I was not liking. Hopefully you all are ok with what I picked, I think it looks decent, so here’s hoping. Now, onto a view of our requirements here.

Generation Two Requirements

  • IL: Complete a Nature aspiration
  • JA: Go to Selvadorada to find a spouse
  • JA: Build a relic and use it on someone outside of the family
  • RoM: Become a spellcaster
  • RoM: Have a child with Ancient Bloodline
  • FS: Write a Non-Fiction novel
  • FS: Take pictures of all the kids and spouse

  • IL: Keep Sulani clean (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Buried Treasure collection (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Seashell collection (ongoing)
  • JA: Complete Ancient Artifact collection (ongoing)
  • RoM: Win a duel against all 3 sages (ongoing)

  • Have 3 pregnancies each generation (7 of 9)
  • Workaholics (7 of 10 careers topped)
  • Tricks of the Trade (36 of 40 skills mastered)
  • Aspiration Family (23 of 27 base game aspirations completed)
  • Aspirational Family (goal) (29 of 30 aspirations competed)

So we got a couple of things added or crossed off our list and we are close to a couple more. This time we should see the newest baby of the family and we’ll see what else happens. Let’s jump in.

We start with Rye working with his garden robots. We let the original ones go long enough that they disintegrated and we had to build a new one. Being this far into the challenge I don’t feel like I need to keep going on gardening, but want the potion ingredients, so we’ll use the bot to help.

Most of the family sits down to hang out together and discuss the new baby’s arrival. Lily plans to hold a baby shower so the family can get together and celebrate this new addition.

The baby shower was a huge success and Lily was able to give Analisa the new baby onesie she had knit for the baby when he or she finally arrives. Oceana has been working on toddler onesies for when the baby gets a little bit bigger and a new knit toy has been added to the toy box.

Little Lake, Petunia’s son, is now a toddler and the family tree is growing even more. He probably won’t be a toddler by the time Rye’s baby will be, so no play dates will probably happen. I really want to try that gathering some time.

Reed needed to study “flirty” socials. So before work he went to this cafe and we discover that Wade’s baby mama, Paige, works here. Reed gets his flirty studies out of the way just in time to head to work.

It is a busy day at work for Reed on set. He gets into hair and make up and his costume, but today he plays doctor. He gets to kiss a co-worker in the lobby, check out a patient and then die in the doctor’s lounge.

All of this work is paying off big time fr Reed, however, as he gets another promotion and is close to the top now. Sadly he hasn’t been nominated again yet, but I hope it happens at some point so I can try and go to the awards.

With Analisa being so pregnant now, swimming is about the only thing she can really do to try and keep healthy. The weightless feel in the water is also great for her back and legs and allows her to relax. Oceana and Reed stay close just in case.

That evening Lily throws a fundraising party and it was an enjoyable night for all. They sat at the bar or by the pool and talked and raised some money for a good cause.

Olive comes home with a promotion and is one promotion away from completing the Master Chef aspiration. She also needs Analisa to give birth to twins to finish up the Big Happy Family aspiration as well. So far the generation has always started with twins, so we’ll see if that continues.

Both Olive and Oceana head too the well, at different times to ask for promotion wishes. Olive doesn’t get a promotion right away, but Oceana does and completes the criminal career. That gives us another career down and 2 left to go.

We then get a bunch of updates from the extended family. Daisy is a young adult now, Wade an adult, and little Hawk, Lavender’s son, is a child.

The very next day Olive heads too work and gets her last promotion needed to reach Master Chef. She earns another trait, as you see, and she has completed a lot of things during her long life. I’m going to miss her.

While studying up on parenting, however, this looks graces our dear Analisa. We should all know this face by now. It’s time for the baby to make his or her appearance. I have been good and have not looked at MCCC to see what the baby will be, or if she’s having more than one, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Olive.

We send Analisa and Rye to the hospital and we actually have a human doctor again. This is fairly exciting as we have been having a lot of ghost docs lately. As Analisa lays in the machine, I watch closely and worry, but I had nothing to worry about. Rye does come down the hall and worries right outside the door. We once again have twins.

It’s a pair of boys for the family. We started with all girls, and are ending with a bunch of boys. Rye and Reed are no longer the only male Comic’s. They are now joined by (we are at BOOLPR O) Oryx and Oriole.

Back and home, it’s a good thing that Lily made 3 onesies, we have baby Oryx on the left in the light blue and yellow onesie, and Oriole in the dark blue on the right. Both parents start in on taking care of the newest members of the family right away, and hopefully Analisa will max her parenting soon.

She gazes down at her new sons, snuggling Oriole in her arms and is excited to watch these boys grow up. There are two more pregnancies needed this generation, but so far we are off to a good start.

As we prepare to leave the family fr this update I will share our updated picture walls. I moved Autumn’s generation over to the side so the generations flow from left to right a little easier. We need to get Rye’s picture up on the wall, but we already have Analisa, and will take pictures of the kids as they become teens.

Additional flamingos have been added to the flock and I rearranged the flamingos a little bit so we can more easily add the last 2 to 4 kids worth of flamingos too the flock outside. This family has grown and change in a lot of ways, and I hope you will stay with us for the final “years” of following them.

As we leave this family for this update, here is a quick look at Lake and a more grown up Glen. Glen is Wade’s youngest son. I should have the family tree updated finally, so if you looked before and didn’t see all the cousins added you should now. See you next time!

Post 3.05 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 3.07

Comic Summer: Post 3.05

Post 3.04 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 3.06

Hello my readers, and I am so sorry for the longer than normal absence. Life got a little crazy with members of my family exposed to COVID, and work projects taking up and more of my mental energy….but hopefully we will be back to normally scheduled posts for a while again. I really am looking forward to wrapping up this challenge.

So with that out of the way, since it’s been a little bit I think it’s super nice to review our goals, and talk a little bit about some ‘changes’ discussed about this challenge and what I’m likely going to do.

Generation Two Requirements

  • IL: Complete a Nature aspiration
  • JA: Go to Selvadorada to find a spouse
  • JA: Build a relic and use it on someone outside of the family
  • RoM: Become a spellcaster
  • RoM: Have a child with Ancient Bloodline
  • FS: Write a Non-Fiction novel
  • FS: Take pictures of all the kids and spouse

  • IL: Keep Sulani clean (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Buried Treasure collection (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Seashell collection (ongoing)
  • JA: Complete Ancient Artifact collection (ongoing)
  • RoM: Win a duel against all 3 sages (ongoing)

  • Have 3 pregnancies each generation (6 of 9)
  • Workaholics (7 of 10 careers topped)
  • Tricks of the Trade (36 of 40 skills mastered)
  • Aspiration Family (22 of 27 base game aspirations completed)
  • Aspirational Family (goal) (28 of 30 aspirations competed)

So obviously last time we completed the goal of having a spouse from Selvadorada by marrying Analisa. There was a single skill maximized, but that means we are only 4 away from finishing that goals, which is nuts.

So I mentioned changes before. I talking with others and reviewing some of the terminology in the rules, we realized there was a bit of confusion over what was and wasn’t “required” for the final kids (in this case Rye’s kids) and if they had should have an “heir.” While review is still going to happen, since the rules were based initially on TS2 and just adapted for the other versions, it seems that adulthood, not young adult, but actual full adult hood might be the final end. Either way, we will have one more heir poll because at the very least that final heir needs to find a Selvadoradian spouse, and write a book. If they can complete that by the time the youngest kids is YA, than great, otherwise it might be adulthood.

All right, now back to the family:

Olive needs to get more promotions and she is running out of time, so she heads up to the well. Luckily it worked and she is set to get a promotion when she next goes to work.

Petunia has delivered a baby boy and that gives Olive another grandchild. She needs two more in order to complete the final milestone of the final family aspiration we need too finish.

So I didn’t post a picture before, but this is Analisa with a bit of an make-over after being moved in. She is a hot-headed, vegetarian, child of the islands who wants to be a Super Parent. Since the rest of the base game aspirations are covered, she will keep it.

Here is a pictures too show we are still adding to our flamingo flock as required and it is getting crazy. I’m ready to have the final kids and be done with the flamingos.

Reed is busy with his acting career and I am still loving following him to work. Some of these sets are really cool and a whole lot of fun. He has a tiny bit more acting skill to go and I think I’ll probably get him maxed on his career.

Reed got a chance for an award, although I totally forgot to go to the ceremonies. Of course I did, because I always do, no matter how often I remind myself to go. I also love Reed’s little moodlet here, it’s so cute.

Lily throws another weenie roast, hoping this time it’s a little better than last time. First Oceana set herself on fire, but luckily she was fine. Then, while playing guitar, another fire starts, and this time it might have been a little bit worse. I’m not actually sure a party where someone is dying while on fire should have gotten a gold level. However, that allowed Oceana to watch someone die and she finishes the pubic enemy aspiration. This, sadly, didn’t count for Lily since I wasn’t on her when the party ended.

As grim arrived, Oceana had gotten what she needed so she, confidently, told grim he wasn’t collecting a soul today. He relented and brought her back to life.

Grim decides too hang around and chat with Olive.

Grim: You cannot keep extended your life forever

Olive: I beg to differ. I could drink this potion of immortality.

Grim: *sigh* Ok, you might be able to do it, but do you really want to?

Olive: No, but I just have a couple more things I need to do, and then I will willing join my Fabiana.

First time I’ve seen this particular achievement. I think it’s pretty funny that this family is becoming friends with Grim

Oceana: Don’t you even start with me.

Void: *hiss*

Grim: Ok ok ok….calm down. Your time is coming too you know.

Oceana: Doesn’t have to. I am as much of a spell caster as my sister is, maybe even more powerful. So don’t tempt me.

Lily is working on baby onesies knowing her brother is likely to have kids himself soon enough. So she works hard while her mom enjoys video games in the rocker.

Turns out Lily was right. Analisa is now expecting and just in time too. We are hoping it’s twins as Olive’s time is getting close and I don’t really want to give her a youth potion as her elder years have been long due to her body building ways.

Rye puts together a relic and see’s a fisher at the edge of their island. He heads out and blesses this person, who it turns out is Lavender. She is blessed with some extra money now.

While it was still possible, Analisa works out to keep herself healthy during her pregnancy and hopefully will be able to drop the baby weight easily enough. I really like Analisa and I think she will bring some adorable kids into the world soon.

Oceana and Lily both work on some knitting projects for the new baby that is coming, and any future babies as well. I want the last generation to have had something made by their aunt and great aunt.

While we anxiously await the birth of the newest baby, Analisa reads up on parenting. One of her milestones needs her to be high level parenting and I have never gotten a parenting skill maxed fast enough to have it be useful, so I want to get that done.

This feels like a good place to leave these update, but first I want to give you some looks at the extended family.

Here are all the members, some of whom you have seen others you have not. Starting with the first picture on the left, this is Paige, who is Wade’s baby mama. Next are Orca’s twin boys, Birch and Bay. They have interesting proportions. Orca’s other two children are next, Misty and then Rose. Rose is lovely. The toddler is Lavender’s son Hawk and on the next row, that’s Lavender’s husband, Maximiliano. Daily, Brook’s child, is next and then we have Petunia’s husband Valentin. You should recognize Jay, Blossom’s only child, and the final two are Wade and Paige’s sons. The red-headed toddler is Glen and the blonde is Cyprus.

Post 3.04 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 3.06

Comic Summer: Post 3.04

Post 3.03 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 3.05

Hello and welcome back once again to the Comic household. We are getting ready to really start on the 3rd and final generation (the ones born in game) and it’s exciting to be this close. I might take a tiny break from this family after this update and play another family for a bit, but we’ll see how I feel after this post. Let’s look at our goals:

Generation Two Requirements

  • IL: Complete a Nature aspiration
  • JA: Go to Selvadorada to find a spouse
  • JA: Build a relic and use it on someone outside of the family
  • RoM: Become a spellcaster
  • RoM: Have a child with Ancient Bloodline
  • FS: Write a Non-Fiction novel
  • FS: Take pictures of all the kids and spouse

  • IL: Keep Sulani clean (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Buried Treasure collection (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Seashell collection (ongoing)
  • JA: Complete Ancient Artifact collection (ongoing)
  • RoM: Win a duel against all 3 sages (ongoing)

  • Have 3 pregnancies each generation (6 of 9)
  • Workaholics (7 of 10 careers topped)
  • Tricks of the Trade (35 of 40 skills mastered)
  • Aspiration Family (22 of 27 base game aspirations completed)
  • Aspirational Family (goal) (28 of 30 aspirations competed)

We have made some great progress and I’m surprised by how far we have gotten. I also recognize that I have used a handful of things, like youth potions, and the wishing well a couple of times to help reach these goals. They are pretty tough, but I think we can do it. Let’s get back to the family.

We start with a random girl, she’s actually a neighbor, rocking out in our workroom. The metal station has a pretty significant drawn to sims apparently.

We finally get Rye a familiar, and he gets the Raven. It’s name is Nevermore. Welcome to the challenge Nevermore.

Nevermore: This one has much power but is currently weak.

Yes, he is, I haven’t worked his magic much yet.

Reed: *thinking* Man, everyone but me has a familiar now.

Olive gets a promotion finally and she is one step closer to finishing up her culinary aspiration. I’m worried she is going to run out of time first. She only has around 6 days left, and needs two levels of her job.

Lily has another party and it goes ok, but isn’t as good as some of her other parties. We are starting to have some strange things happen with Lily and her parties, and I will be very ready to have this aspiration done.

During the party through, the family is happy to see each other. Almost everyone in the family adores Reed, likely because he’s just so likable. I like Reed too. You can see a very pregnant Petunia in the background. We need 4 grandkids, and only have one currently, so I’m kind of hoping she’s carrying twins.

Rye manages to curse himself by drinking too many potions and has to spend time at the party learning to de-curse himself. He got the curse that makes him permanently stinking, and leaves stink puddles everywhere he sits or stands.

He finally is high enough in level and able to de-curse himself while Nevermore looks on.

Nevermore: Yes, that’s it, and hold that power up for a few more seconds and pull the power into yourself.

Doing some magical training?

Nevermore: Just making sure he’s not going to make the curse worse. I don’t really have a nose and he’s unbearable.

Reed is back at work and is getting to be friends with the wardrobe girl. She’s always reading a book and so Reed shares some of his favorite books. She’s also up for some good gossip about members of the crew.

Lily throws a black and white party for a very specific reason. What stinks is, she gets a gold at this party, but the party doesn’t count towards her aspiration. Stupid party glitches! Lily doesn’t know Analisa yet, so Rye invites her over himself.

Part of the party guests gather in the dining room munching on some food and talking about things like zebras and newspapers. It is a black and white party after all. All the while plans are brewing.

It’s time Rye!

Rye: Oh boy, ok, right….what did Reed say to say…..umm….oh right!

Rye: Analisa darling…..I think I was searching for treasures or stones in the clearest of pools, when your face, like the moon in a well um….appeared?? Uh…..Analisa, will you be my wife?

Analisa: Oh, of course I will!!! Wow, look at that ring!!!

Lily: All right, Rye is getting married!!!

Analisa: I’m glad you are so happy but, why???

Lily: Oh, my mom wants 4 grandkids, and I haven’t really had much interest in kids, well at least of my own. I feel like I’m kind of like Aunt O. So now you guys can have the kids

With all the love in the air, is it any reason that Desiree came out to spend some time with Olive? The two sit, chat, do a little flirting and spend some time together.

Then they have a little more fun upstairs. Just please be careful you two, I need Olive to finish a couple more things before she is gone from this world! I know you probably miss her Desiree, but not yet!

With an upcoming wedding the siblings try to get in a little better shape for the big day. Lily really wants to throw the party, but sadly, because it isn’t HER wedding she can’t make the call.

Rye works hard to lose his pudge by the time the wedding happens. He also works on his robotics skill a fair amount too. He pretty much works out, drinks potions, and works the robotics station non-stop.

Reed, on the other hand, has finished one of his required skills. All he needs to do now is to max out the Acting skill and he will be set free into the world. I think he will finish it up soon, although part of me wants to try and finish the acting career with him.

Oceana gives some quick tips to Rye on his magic. Rye has not spent a lot of time working on magic, but I do want to get him leveled up a little more. Meanwhile above them, Nevermore and Void watch.

The big day has finally arrived and a wedding venue was searched for and downloaded. I cannot, for the life of me, remember who created this. It’s nice and I edited it some to fit my needs a little better, but the guests and couple get ready to start the wedding.

Rye: ….and with this ring you are mine to have and hold.

Analisa: ….and with this ring you are mine to love and cherish.

Pronouncing the lovely new couple, Rye and Analisa Comic! May you bring at least 3 pregnancies into the world and live successful lives with each other.

This venue had a lovely reception area as well, and the lights did come on, later, as you can see, so a few of these pictures are a littler darker than I meant for them to be. The family is happy to get together for such a wonderful reason.

The cake was cut, and speeches were given. Lily sang a lovely song she prepared for the happy couple.

There was dancing and merriment through the night until the party wrapped up and everyone headed home. It was a long, but fun day of festivities. That is going to be where we end this update. Next we will see if Olive and Oceana mange to finish their aspirations before they pass, or if Lily will get through enough parties. Reed might also move out, and we should see the start of the final generation.

Post 3.03 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 3.05

Comic Summer: Post 3.03

Post 3.02 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 3.04

Hello, and welcome back to our post SimNaNo updates. We had a successful SimNaNo this year and I’m excited to get to finishing up this challenge. This is likely going to be a little shorter than they have been, back to my usual length, but I’m curious if you readers prefer the shorter or longer posts. Leave a comment and let me know!

Generation Two Requirements

  • IL: Complete a Nature aspiration
  • JA: Go to Selvadorada to find a spouse
  • JA: Build a relic and use it on someone outside of the family
  • RoM: Become a spellcaster
  • RoM: Have a child with Ancient Bloodline
  • FS: Write a Non-Fiction novel
  • FS: Take pictures of all the kids and spouse

  • IL: Keep Sulani clean (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Buried Treasure collection (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Seashell collection (ongoing)
  • JA: Complete Ancient Artifact collection (ongoing)
  • RoM: Win a duel against all 3 sages (ongoing)

  • Have 3 pregnancies each generation (6 of 9)
  • Workaholics (6 of 10 careers topped)
  • Tricks of the Trade (33 of 40 skills mastered)
  • Aspiration Family (19 of 27 base game aspirations completed)
  • Aspirational Family (goal) (25 of 30 aspirations competed)

So I have partially crossed out finding a spouse in Selvadorada because we did find her, she’s just not a spouse yet. Not much else has happened yet, but we are getting close. Now onto the update.

We start with Rye doing a lot of work on the robots, and he even made and activated a CleanBot to try out. So far it’s been pretty interesting to have around and does seem to help with the cleaning a good bit.

Still in their outfits from the most recent party these three watch some TV. Oceana was starting to run out of time and we haven’t yet been able to see someone die, so she made a wish at the wishing well and managed to get her age reset to the start of her elder years again.

Reed headed off to his new acting gig and while chatting with a costar he finished up his charisma and completed his aspiration That is great news. He is going to finish up 2 skills and then will probably be allowed to leave to find his own way.

In the meantime, Reed picked up the Master Actor aspiration and got busy doing his job. This was a comedy show and he had to flirt and kiss his costar, which went great for him.

Lily came home with her final promotion. This is great news for Olive, but since this came up while we were with Reed at work we do not have the notice yet, so I hope it counts. I do want to get Lily through her aspiration since she’s on the last level, but then she will have completed her requirements too.

When we get home we see that Olive, in fact, has completed the Successful Lineage aspiration finally. She moves back to the Big Happy Family aspiration. She is still a few promotions away from getting her needed promotions for Master Chef, so hopefully we will reach this other one first.

Rye is also getting successful in his job and came home with his own promotion. I’m hoping he will get through the rest of his promotions quickly, but he is needing to focus on his aspiration right now.

Lily wanted to throw a fun dance party out at the ruins, but sadly, when every one arrived there was a massive thunderstorm going on. So everyone was fairly uncomfortable being out in the rain and lightning.

We do, however, manage to enjoy the bonfire for a short period of time and the crowd gathers and chats, Oceana plays some music, Reed performs a scene with another girl at the party for tips and a generally good time is had despite all the rain.

Once the party is over, Lily is getting closer and closer to being done with her aspiration. She also continues to work on her knitting. Olive tries to keep up with her kids and spends some time chatting with her.

All of that knitting, however, has paid off when Lily maxes out her knitting skill. That is one more skill down and we only have a handful more to go. I’m so happy to be as far as I am through this crazy goal.

While Oceana is up here making the wish I mentioned earlier, Olive manages to finally maximize her baking skill. All Olive needs now is to finish up some aspirations, and her work as one of the heiresses is done. She has done so well.

It was time for another data for Rye as he needed one more to finish up that first milestone. So he takes Analisa out for a lunch at the small restaurant on the next island over. They talked about many things, including the food, and had a great date.

The date ended good and they had a wonderful time together. I’m excited for having these guys be our final couple and am excited to get them married and start on kids. We are very close to be ready for that.

We attempted to have a weenie roast and quickly found out the “seats” I used were too big to place the way I had them and we had a couple of fires. We removed the benches eventually so everyone could roast marshmallows and enjoy the evening sitting on the beach.

We will ends this update with the exciting news that Petunia is starting a family. She is not married yet, as far as I know, but she is pregnant and often times they will get married within the next couple of days. I’m hoping she will and that it will count for Olive’s aspiration.

This update is a little shorter than I initially planned, but after the long posts of SimNaNo, I’m hoping you will enjoy something a little shorter, and the next post should see Analisa moving in and her and Rye getting married and preparing to start a family of their own.

Post 3.02 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 3.04

Comic Summer: Post 3.02

Post 3.01 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 3.03

SimNaNo Entry #16

This is our last entry for SimNaNo, and we made it guys! We reached all our goals, have actually exceeded them, and are getting super close to being done with this summer challenge! It’s a huge accomplishment for me and I thank those of you who read along with me, or even if you are reading after the fact, for giving my crazy writing some time. Let’s get to this final update!

Generation Two Requirements

  • IL: Complete a Nature aspiration
  • JA: Go to Selvadorada to find a spouse
  • JA: Build a relic and use it on someone outside of the family
  • RoM: Become a spellcaster
  • RoM: Have a child with Ancient Bloodline
  • FS: Write a Non-Fiction novel
  • FS: Take pictures of all the kids and spouse

  • IL: Keep Sulani clean (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Buried Treasure collection (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Seashell collection (ongoing)
  • JA: Complete Ancient Artifact collection (ongoing)
  • RoM: Win a duel against all 3 sages (ongoing)

  • Have 3 pregnancies each generation (6 of 9)
  • Workaholics (6 of 10 careers topped)
  • Tricks of the Trade (33 of 40 skills mastered)
  • Aspiration Family (20 of 27 base game aspirations completed)
  • Aspirational Family (goal) (26 of 30 aspirations competed)

We have made some really great strides, so let’s see how it goes with the family this time. I’m hoping we’ll cross off a few more things, or at least increase those counts a bit.

We start with Lily throwing another party. This time we throw a costume party, which I have also never done before and it was fun. We had a lot of hotdogs, and scientists, and then we had a cheerleader, mascot, robot, pizza delivery girl, and something else I can’t remember.

Rye needs to go spouse hunting. I don’t think I mentioned it before, but his next aspiration is Soulmate, and since that requires lots of dates and a girl or boyfriend, he heads out to Selvadorada with visions of his perfect spouse in his head.

After having a quick snack so he isn’t starving and checking his plentiful needs potion count, he heads to the local pub and meets this girl, who is still, even after all this time, influenced by an outfit Brook did in her younger years. She’s ok, and they hit it off all right, but she’s not quite right, and she also might not be a native. I can’t fully remember now.

Next, we meet this guy. He’s a young adult, handsome enough, Rye thinks he could potentially be something special, and they are friends fairly quickly. Then Rye learns he Hates Children. Well, Lavender did too and I really don’t want the person who will be heavily responsible for the children to hate them.

Next up is this guy with cat ears. They get along ok, but it’s clear that Rye doesn’t favor him. Their relationship builds very slowly indeed. So Rye checks him off his list. Doesn’t mean they can’t have a conversation though.

Then we meet Fifi. She has got to be the craziest looking dog I’ve ever seen. Rye spends some time trying to get to know her and we find out she is aggressive, which is fairly obvious, but eventually, we do get a positive relationship. She is also a glutton and a couch potato, and I’d really love to bring her home, but she wanders away before we get much further.

This blonde is the next unique YA we are able to meet. I’m secretly hoping he likes her and I would love to get some genetic diversity. She is, in fact, a native, which I wasn’t fully expecting, and while they slowly become friends I’m just not sure she is right.

Then walks in Analisa. She is greeted and instantly they are Good Friends. It took a single interaction. They spent the rest of the night chatting and getting to know one another.

Yes, Analisa is most certainly the one. Of course, she reminds me a lot of Desiree actually. Desiree was a little darker skin tone, but I just have to hope some of Autumn’s coloring manages to breakthrough. It’s clear this family has a “type.”

Back at home Reed got invited over to, what turns out to be, Lavender’s home. He doesn’t get invited by her, but she comes home and looks like she might be in labor. I didn’t actually catch a birth announcement though, so I’ll have to look later and see if I missed it.

Analisa calls Rye up and asks him out on a date. She wants to go to this retail shop for some reason, so that’s where we head. They are adorable, and I think she’ll fit in nicely. I think I might actually have my first “the spouse carries the babies” couple. This will also be our first hetero couple this challenge. I did search for a guy, but only ever found two YA males that were residents, and well, Rye made a clear choice.

He clearly made a good choice too. A first, surprise, kiss right there in the store. She is too cute, and I think these two will make a great couple, and probably some cute kids.

To end of the date the two become boyfriend and girlfriend. Another date will be had soon as Rye needs another for his aspiration. This next time I’ll probably go to a park or something. There was nothing to do in the store.

Back at home Lily, who is so very close to her final promotion at work, just knits away. I believe she is up to level 6 already, and I am enjoying the plant hangers immensely. I think they are adorable.

Heading upstairs you can see I bought a cupcake machine, but it doesn’t really build baking that fast, so we get rid of it after making a couple of things. Autumn is out today, but she’s in a good mood, and Reed plugs away at his veterinarian skill.

We get a couple of family updates. The boys, Birch and Bay, are now teens, and Orca’s youngest girl, Rose, is now a YA. It’s amazing how fast they have all grown up.

Olive officially has her first grandbaby now as Lavender had a little boy named Hawk, so perhaps she wasn’t in labor in that picture before. I really do hope Petunia has a family of her own soon, but so far she seems content to be single, so it’s up to Rye and Lavender so far.

I tried to have Lily throw a Spooky party, but something caused an error. No one could interact with each other. I got no options when clicking on people. The party continued, but it was a pretty lackluster party. I guess we can’t throw those right now. They did still manage to eat and such, just wouldn’t talk, it was strange.

I’m going to call this a wrap for this update. I know it’s a shorter one and mostly about Rye and his spouse hunt to find Analisa, but I also had to run my cat to the emergency vet last night (she is going to be completely fine thankfully) but that interrupted my playtime, and I don’t want to miss a final post for SimNaNo. So thanks for reading, we will be back with another update soon. Thanks for reading!

SimNaNo Totals:

Words: +1,209 | 26,729 / 25,000
Pictures: +21 | 614 / 500

Post 3.01 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 3.03

Comic Summer: Post 3.01

Post 2.16 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 3.02

SimNaNo Entry #15

Welcome back to our next to last update for SimNaNo. It’s been a heck of a ride for me with it this year, but we should reach our goals, and I hope I have brought you some fun during this month, and during this insane year. Last time we finished up a generation, so it’s time to move onto the last generation.

Generation Two Requirements

  • IL: Complete a Nature aspiration
  • JA: Go to Selvadorada to find a spouse
  • JA: Build a relic and use it on someone outside of the family
  • RoM: Become a spellcaster
  • RoM: Have a child with Ancient Bloodline
  • FS: Write a Non-Fiction novel
  • FS: Take pictures of all the kids and spouse

  • IL: Keep Sulani clean (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Buried Treasure collection (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Seashell collection (ongoing)
  • JA: Complete Ancient Artifact collection (ongoing)
  • RoM: Win a duel against all 3 sages (ongoing)

  • Have 3 pregnancies each generation (6 of 9)
  • Workaholics (6 of 10 careers topped)
  • Tricks of the Trade (33 of 40 skills mastered)
  • Aspiration Family (19 of 27 base game aspirations completed)
  • Aspirational Family (goal) (25 of 30 aspirations competed)

So our entire first section up there has been mostly reset with a couple of things added for this final generation. That’s right, I said final. Once Rye has kids and all of those kids are YA the challenge is done. It’s been a crazy challenge, and I’m getting pretty ready to be done with it, but it has been a ton of fun to get to know this family, and don’t be surprised if you see members pop up in other places sometime.

We start with the boys upstairs, where Reed is working on his Veterinarian skill. Desiree is out haunting and not in a great mood so Rye comforts her and cheers her up before she has a chance to break everything.

Olive is getting tired of baking constantly, and I’m getting tired of having a bunch of food I don’t really want the entire family eating day in day out, so instead we have Olive read a baking book for a bit.

Another day and another party. This time we try and throw a keg party. It doesn’t go great, but having never done one before it was pretty cool. Rye attempted to tap the keg a few times before he was able to get it finally.

Lavender is finally getting started on some grand kids for Olive. That likely means she’ll get married before too long, which would be good for Olive, as she has all my hopes for completing the two family aspirations.

It feel sometimes like all this family does is study and party. While I would like to say they have more fun than that, it’s actually kind of true. If they aren’t throwing a party for Lily’s aspiration, they are skilling, and if they aren’t skilling at a skill object it’s probably from a book.

However, sometimes they do get to go have fun. This was supposed to be a dance party for Lily, but apparently I wasn’t paying enough attention to who I was on when I asked it to throw the party and it ended up being Olive’s party.

Oceana needs to watch someone die, and Aubrey here is on day zero. She follows him around the club, talks his ear off, and eventually he heads off the lot. As soon as he leaves the lot, notification that he died. *Sigh* better luck next time Oceana.

It’s not all bad, however, because this notification means we have nearly completed all of the Island Living goals for this challenge! All that is left to do is have Rye finish up his Nature aspiration.

Oceana: Why am I doing this again?

Because you need to have another declared enemy.

Oceana: But I’m not mean.

I know, but you already have mischief maxed. I promise you are almost done.

Oceana follows my lead, even though she wasn’t really into fighting this lady, but soon enough they are enemies and the only thing Oceana has left is watching someone die, and leveling up her job a little bit more.

Lily finally gets a chance to throw a new party and this time we do a black and white party since I’ve never done one of those before either. It’s a fun time, and gives Olive the chance to make 3 gourmet meals in one social event leaving her to just need to level up her job to finish up the culinary aspiration.

This is just to show you, we have indeed finished up the buried treasure collection, and boy am I glad. I was getting a little nervous about finishing this, but apparently I didn’t need to be.

Another couple updates from the family and we get the much anticipated update that Lavender has gotten married. I quickly went and switched Olive back to Big Happy Family only to learn that the marriage has to apparently take place while this aspiration is selected. Hopefully Petunia will consider getting married soon.

After the big Black and White party there was plenty to clean up and Lily started gathering up the dishes. It’s quite a pile, although I have seen worse. Those dinner parties can really take a hit on dishes.

Oceana gets a promotion which requires her to pick a path. I considered which to give her, and for Oceana I felt Oracle was the most obvious, especially since she already has maxed programming. Her first task is to do some hacking. So she sits down to take care of that, and it doesn’t take long.

Our two young spellcasters are practicing potions together. I had no idea, until now, how much you could do together at a cauldron and I love it. Lily learns a new potion out of the experimentation. I’m working on getting Rye the Plentiful Needs potion, which he learns a little while after this.

Since we have nifty knitting now we obviously have to find room for a rocking chair, and I feel it fits perfectly there in the corner. Also a knitting bag is left out just in case. I gave Lily a knitting box (sort of wish I could just give her balls of yard but oh well) and set her to work.

After that she needs some more painting and writing skills for her job. She’s at level 9 now, which means she is so very close to completing her job. She heads up to paint and gets the level without much effort. Then it’s to the computer to write.

While harvesting plants Rye completes his aspiration. That means that all of the island living requirements are completed and we can officially count the points for that bonus.

Lavender comes over to visit, but the boys are busy working at their skills. I don’t think I had mentioned it before, but both boys now have jobs. Rye got a job in Engineering, and will be working toward mechanical engineer, and Reed I decided to put into acting. He is assigned the acting skill to max, and with his jaw line I thought he might be good.

This knitting pack is just too fun already. Lily is found next, sitting on her bed knitting away at another project. She’s already up to level 4 I believe. It’s a fairly quick skill to level.

Back downstairs and while the family enjoys some TV watching Lily is still at it, and Olive spends some time reminiscing about her life. Then Autumn comes out to visit and chats with Lily for a bit.

It’s time for Reed’s first day on the job and he gets into hair and make up and then into his costume for this ad for soap suds. Apparently they are going with a bit of a pirate theme but Reed looks good, and he’s ready.

Because he’s already up to a level 8 in both acting and charisma, he takes all the risks and they pay off big. He goes home with his first promotion already and is well on his way to maxing the career. That is a great place to call this update for the time being. We have one more update coming from SimNaNo, and I hope you have enjoyed this crazy challenge.

SimNaNo Totals:

Words: +1,368 | 25,520 / 25,000
Pictures: +31 | 593 / 500

Post 2.16 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 3.02

Comic Summer: Post 2.16

Post 2.15 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 3.01

SimNaNo Entry #14

We are back, and counting down the last few updates for this years SimNaNo. Thank you for spending it with me and the Comic’s and I hope you have had some fun. We are wrapping up this generation probably this update, which mean we are moving onto the last generation of this challenge. Here’s a look at where we are so far.

Generation One Requirements

  • IL: Complete a Nature aspiration
  • JA: Go to Selvadorada to find a spouse
  • JA: Build a relic and use it on someone outside of the family
  • RoM: Become a spellcaster
  • FS: Write a Non-Fiction novel

  • IL: Keep Sulani clean (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Buried Treasure collection (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Seashell collection (ongoing)
  • JA: Complete Ancient Artifact collection (ongoing)
  • RoM: Win a duel against all 3 sages (ongoing)

  • Have 3 pregnancies each generation (6 of 9)
  • Workaholics (5 of 10 careers topped)
  • Tricks of the Trade (27 of 39 skills mastered)
  • Aspiration Family (18 of 27 base game aspirations completed)
  • Aspirational Family (goal) (19 of 30 aspirations competed)

So we have been making some great progress and we should hopefully complete a few more things before the end of this update. For now, though, let’s hope right in and check out how it’s going for the family.

We are going to start off right away with Oceana completing the Mixology aspiration. This also means she has maxed out the mixology skill. Oceana has been a super successful sim for us. She takes Public Enemy next.

Olive finally finishes up the bodybuilder aspiration and boy am I glad. Still no word of any of the kids getting married so far, but we are still hopeful we can complete these family ones soon enough. She goes back to Successful Lineage I believe.

This is a special day for the family, and Lily throws a big party at a lounge in another area of town. As you can see friends and family of all sorts showed up to celebrate with the family. What is the special occasion you might ask? I’m glad you did, because it’s Olive’s birthday today. Now, the lounge doesn’t have a stove, so the cake has to be done later, but the party was a huge success.

After the party has wound down for the night and everyone had left the lounge, Orca stayed and ordered another drink. I guess she wasn’t ready to return home to the 4 kids waiting for her there.

Back at home, Olive makes herself a cake and blow out the candles. We didn’t forget her birthday, of course, having just thrown her a big party, but we didn’t want her to feel sad. She is still a lovely elder.

Olive’s first move as an elder is to head upstairs and finish her research and debate skill. She also just needs a small sliver of work performance to max her current career. Way to go Olive!

Rye continues to work on robotics, but he still isn’t very good. He hits himself in the head more often than not, and finishes up dazed after plenty of his sessions.

Oceana is back to the DJ booth, and with her party outfit on she is grooving and having a grand time behind the deck. I’m hoping she’ll be able to help her niece with some future parties.

Lily helps Olive with the next batch of potion, and she finally learns it for herself as well. That means there is another sim who can make the potion that has gotten us through all of these skills.

Olive spends New Skill day working on cooking. She got to level 9 and then quickly to level 10 in gourmet cooking. Then she prepares to start on baking as well.

Lily has to gain some painting skill for her job, so she heads up to the easel and gets the skill in no time. She has maxed all the skills I needed her for, so I’m debating what to do with her now.

So I send her bowling. We might as well get this skill out of the way. She gets up to level 4 before heading back home to start the next day. It was a successful new skill day for everyone.

I missed the initial picture, but Fabiana finished up the skills I needed her too. This was very thrilling as I really wasn’t sure she’s make it. So now, unless one of the girls who moved out, gets married, she will mostly get to do what she wants. I start shrinking down the garden.

Oceana has made enemies with the girl at the table and they are now sworn enemies. It’s interesting to have to do this aspiration, but Oceana feels like the woman to do it. I just hope she last’s long enough!

It’s another night and another big party. This time held at a bar that was outfitted with an oven. A caterer was higher to make a cake, and she put the cake in an area where candles couldn’t be added. However, Reed uses this opportunity to gain lots of friends with much of his family and extended family members. Who were we celebrating this time??

It’s Oceana! She also had to go home, bake a quick cake and blow out the candles, but she had a good birthday all the same. It’s crazy to see her as an elder now. I will miss her so much!

Then she heads upstairs, and much like Olive, finishes up a skill. This time the DJ mixing skill. She is currently in the criminal career, and we hope she will have time to get her aspiration completed.

This update is just full of accomplishments today. Olive comes home with her career maxed out in Education. She quickly switches over to the culinary career and we need to start working the Master Chef aspiration, so I go ahead and switch her to that for now.

We got the stuff to get Reed started on the veterinarian skill, and he gets started while Rye continues to slowly move up the robotics skill. These skills aren’t super fast to build when the boys are still having to do school.

Lily heads back to the bowling alley and quickly levels up the bowling skill to it’s maximum level. I need Lily to gain her career levels a little faster, and I’m not doing that so well at the moment. I’ll have to make better efforts on this.

It’s WinterFest again and the whole family, at least the ones we know, are invited over again The tree is decorated, presents are placed and everyone enjoys food and opening up the gifts It’s a full day for everyone.

It’s yet another party, but this time at a restaurant. It’s Lily’s birthday, but sadly it’s going to be a far from happy occasion for her. While everyone is eating the phone calls start coming in.

First it’s Blossom, then it’s Orca. The whole family is going to be sad for a while at this point. Then the night gets worse. Oceana had to leave dinner early to head to work as as everyone is heading out of the restaurant this happens.

Fabiana has moved onto the great beyond, and luckily Lily wasn’t completely home yet, so she came back in and gathered the urn to bring home and place on the spot created for her.

Lily bakes a quick cake to blow out candles on, it’s been a rough birthday for her.

Sadly, the day had one more surprise in store, when all the phone began ringing again and we hear that Brook has passed now as well. Olive and Oceana lost all of their sisters is essentially under 12 sim hours.

Rye left the house to go collection gathering, since it was still the weekend and we needed to get out of the house. He manages to collect enough crystals to complete a milestone, and once he gets home he sends them off to the geo counsel to get the elements he needs.

It’s a fairly somber New Years, everyone watches the count down, but there is no big party. Everyone misses Fabiana and are thinking of the rest of the family members they lost suddenly right here at the end of the year.

Life, however, moves on, and beach clean up with the club is still a thing. We just need to find the last 2 buried treasures to complete that collection, but the game doesn’t seem interested in giving them to us yet.

There is one more party to be had in this update, that has been so full of accomplishments and sorrow. It’s the R-twins birthday finally, and they get a small party and a Winter Cake. The party is a success, and both blow out their candles.

Rye adds Outgoing to Good and Childish for her final trait, but he also earned Good Manners, Compassionate, and Responsible as well. He is almost through the Nature aspiration he needs. Reed gains Non-Committal, which goes with Outgoing and Bookworm for his traits. He also gained character traits, Mediator, Good Manners, and Responsible.

That is going to be our wrap up for the night, but on top of all the deaths we experienced there were some fun updates from the extended family as well. I will put them below so you can see them. Two more updates I hope, so SimNaNo, and thanks for joining me.

SimNaNo Totals:

Words: +1,558 | 24,152 / 25,000
Pictures: +72 | 562 / 500

Post 2.15 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 3.01

Comic Summer: Post 2.15

Post 2.14 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 2.16

SimNaNo Entry #13

Welcome back, and we are getting close to the end of SimNaNo. I wish I could finish this challenge by the end of the month, but I’ve been busy enough that just isn’t going to happen. We should, however, reach our goals without any problems! Last time the R-twins grew into teens, Fabiana became and elder and we wondered if we would be able to finish all these goals. Let’s take a look at where we are at.

Generation One Requirements

  • IL: Complete a Nature aspiration
  • JA: Go to Selvadorada to find a spouse
  • JA: Build a relic and use it on someone outside of the family
  • RoM: Become a spellcaster
  • FS: Write a Non-Fiction novel

  • IL: Keep Sulani clean (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Buried Treasure collection (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Seashell collection (ongoing)
  • JA: Complete Ancient Artifact collection (ongoing)
  • RoM: Win a duel against all 3 sages (ongoing)

  • Have 3 pregnancies each generation (6 of 9)
  • Workaholics (4 of 10 careers topped)
  • Tricks of the Trade (23 of 39 skills mastered)
  • Aspiration Family (16 of 27 base game aspirations completed)
  • Aspirational Family (goal) (17 of 30 aspirations competed)

So I apparently missed updating some skills along the way as when I counted up what we have completed so far there are 23 skills complete, but I didn’t remember maxing 3 of them last update. Still, those numbers should be correct now and you can see we are just blazing along. We might do this yet. Let’s get started.

After the boys’ birthday, I have them start working on some skills. One of the skills Rye is set to tackle is the Robotics skill. So he starts making robots and parts on the station. This skill feels a bit slow to level so far, but hopefully, it will get faster.

We are already up to 24 skills now as Lily has maxed out singing. That means she has maxed every musical skill except for the DJ Mixing, and I’m handing that to someone else. I’m not sure what she will work on now. Probably just her aspiration and job.

Rye still needs to get his Get Fit badge, so we have him head over to the treadmill to do some working out. His brother decides to have a chat with him. Reed still needs the artist badge, so I send him to go paint.

Olive is busy working on that bodybuilder aspiration. She has got to be getting close, just look at her arms already! Either way, I realized around here that Olive, especially if she completes this aspiration soon, will be around for a while, but Fabiana is going to pass away before Petunia or either boy can max a career. So I switch Olive over to Successful Lineage so she can help with homework and mentor while the boys are still teens. Fabiana switches to Big Happy Family.

Most of Fabiana’s hope’s to complete another aspiration rest on this girl. She is almost through the fishing skill, and the Angling Ace aspiration. I believe all she has left to do is to max the skill. She will then move out as it seems Lavender isn’t interested in getting married so far.

Visitor’s come by all the time from the extended family. Especially Orca and Misty, but we did give Orca a key. She has turned elder, which I apparently missed somewhere along the way. I had expected her to stay young longer than that with as many kids as she had, but she was out on her own before the others, and I gave the rest a single youth potion, so I guess it makes sense.

Reed’s outgoing trait, I think, is what causes him to randomly take selfies of himself, or maybe it’s just because he’s a teen. I clearly haven’t given enough to do. Time to get him started on something.

While updating my spreadsheets I realized, Fabiana maxed the Vampire Lore skill and I didn’t even realize it! Way to go Fabiana. That means she needs to finish parenting and can solely focus on flower arranging. She might actually make it! I also, apparently, missed the picture completely, but she got promoted to the top level of the gardening career, and then retired.

I never realized that another sim could help with the potion making. So when Oceana starts the next batch of plentiful needs potions I have Lily go over and help. I just need her to finish her career, and the aspiration would also be good and then she can move out on her own.

Since having Oceana standing at the bar all the time was getting old, and she’s almost maxed the skill already, I buy a DJ booth and have her start working that skill. Seeing her in the booth makes me realize, this is actually a really good fit for her.

I wanted to try and have Lily repair some things at the next noon repair session. Instead, she starts the speaker on fire. Then chaos ensues. First Lily couldn’t “reach” the fire to put it out, even with a spell. Then the fire brigade showed up and complained they couldn’t get in the house. While that was happening the rest of the family ran outside and then couldn’t get back in the house themselves. Apparently going into this house when it is on fire can’t be done, at least by a door. I was able to get Fabiana to teleport into the house, but she also couldn’t reach the fires either. Either on the speaker, the bench, that was still on fire, or any of the things on the other side of the wall that were also on fire. Not sure what has happened with fires, but she couldn’t even cast a spell on it, and she has ranged spells. Luckily everything ended ok, and everything got replaced.

To help Fabiana work on her parenting skill without having to sit at the computer over and over again, I decided to have her visit her sister-in-law, Orca. She lives in a house with 4 of her 5 kids, including the toddler twins, her sister-in-law and her husband, and their 2 kids, I believe. It’s a full house.

However, after many hours of talking about parenting, playing with, and taking care of the toddlers, she finally maxed the skill. That is one more down and hopefully, she can focus solely on Flower Arranging now.

Back at home, Olive is busy finishing up the mentoring of her youngest two children, and then she switches back to the Bodybuilder aspiration. Since it will be a bit before Lily maxes a career or anyone gets married (apparently), she should have time to finish. Oceana keeps working on her DJing skills, and Fabiana is working with her flowers.

It’s HarvestFest time again, which is hard to believe it’s already here. The family has many gnomes around this year, but at the end of the holiday, we’ve sold a fair amount of them. They aren’t a needed collection in this challenge. The family also sits down to a nice Tofurky meal.

Then it’s back to skill, skill, skill. Reed is asking Olive for her advice on something, and I really should take those two volunteering again soon. That really is a nice way to build up some character traits.

Since both of the boys still needed to complete the Outdoor badge for scouts, and the fishing on the island doesn’t count, we send Petunia and both boys to go fish in Oasis Springs. This has the added benefit of being a good place to find frogs and other collecables for Rye’s aspiration.

After finishing up fishing Rye spends some time collecting all the things he can dig up. He still needs some crystals, or metals….can’t remember which right the moment and while the family has plenty, I am trying to have him do it legitimately.

Oceana comes home with a promotion into the mixologist branch of the food career. This completes the milestone she was working on and now she just needs to finish up her mixology skill and make some more drinks.

Petunia is back out at her normal fishing spot, it’s very nice to have it right here on the island. She stays for most of the night fishing.

Then we finally get the notice. Not only does this mean she completed the aspiration, it also means she’s maxed the skill, because that’s all that was needed to finish the aspiration.

With that being great news for Petunia, she switches over to the Super Parent aspiration, we are crossing our fingers and hoping, and move her out to a cute little house in Brindleton Bay. I’m not sure why I see her, there, but it seems like a good place for a person who likes fishing.

With that, we show proof that this generation has finished their scrapbook requirements, Olive wrote the book a long time ago, and now all the pictures are on the wall. It’s been a successful generation!

Before we head out I figured I would share some extended family kid updates with you. These are the three oldest kids, besides Misty, whom you’ve seen a lot of as she is over often. On the far left is Wade, who used to have red hair, and apparently made it brown now. That is Orca’s oldest. Then is Blossom’s only child, Jay, now that he is all grown up, and finally Rose, Orca’s youngest girl.

These are the youngest of the extended family. The little brown-haired girl is Daisy, Brook’s only child. Then are Orca’s twins. Birch is in the blue, and Bay is in the pink. I’m a little annoyed with the game at the fact all three of these kids got Autumn’s teal eyes, but not of Olive’s kids did. Maybe Rye’s kids will, I hope. But that will come next time. We should be close to, if not fully wrapping up this generation next update, so hope to see you there.

SimNaNo Totals:

Words: +1,652 | 22,594 / 25,000
Pictures: +35 | 490 / 500

Post 2.14 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 2.16

Comic Summer: Post 2.14

Post 2.13 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 2.15

SimNaNo Entry #12

We are getting close to the end of July, which seems crazy by the way, but also is exciting as we make a final push towards our goals and see if we can complete them! They are within reach, but we might be slightly wordier over the next few entries. Let’s take a quick check on our goals:

Generation One Requirements

  • IL: Complete a Nature aspiration
  • JA: Go to Selvadorada to find a spouse
  • JA: Build a relic and use it on someone outside of the family
  • RoM: Become a spellcaster
  • FS: Write a Non-Fiction novel

  • IL: Keep Sulani clean (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Buried Treasure collection (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Seashell collection (ongoing)
  • JA: Complete Ancient Artifact collection (ongoing)
  • RoM: Win a duel against all 3 sages (ongoing)

  • Have 3 pregnancies each generation (6 of 9)
  • Workaholics (4 of 10 careers topped)
  • Tricks of the Trade (20 of 39 skills mastered)
  • Aspiration Family (14 of 27 base game aspirations completed)
  • Aspirational Family (goal) (16 of 30 aspirations competed)

So I noticed I had miscounted the skill in my current set of expansions and there are actually only 39 for me to max, not 40, so that count is adjusted. We made some good progress on the aspirations last update and hopefully we’ll finish a few more this time. So let’s dive right in.

Fabiana has been working hard to complete not only the gardening career but the Freelance Botanist aspiration as well. She has managed to grow a cow plant, which gives us that piece and she simply needed to finish up her gardening skill to wrap up the aspiration.

With just a bit more analyzing of her plants Fabiana has completed the gardening aspiration and now she only needs to finish up logic to complete her career. That will be the next thing she works on, but she also needs to finish parenting as well.

Part of Lily’s critic career requires her to visit the food stand in the Spice Market, and so later one evening that’s exactly what she does. She talks to the proprietor a little and buys a veggie burrito.

Right after that we got a notice that there is a karaoke competition going on at the bar across the street. Since Lily is working on singing, she heads over and competes. She did not win, but she’s still only at level 5.

Oceana came home after work that day with a promotion which brings us to the last level of Joke Star’s aspiration. All she needs to do is perform 3 comedy routines and it is completed. Reed also completed his aspiration. He switches over to Whiz Kid.

Fabiana is still needing some logic skills for her job and I am hoping we can get Petunia an A in school, but it’s close to her birthday so I’m not sure it’s going to happen.

Fabiana’s work task was to drink some cow plant essence. We hadn’t had anyone eaten by the cowplant, so while Olive was confident we had her go out and try to eat the cake. She turned happy right as it happened, but then she drank her emotion potion and get herself all back to normal before work.

Rye invites Rose over, and then also had the chance to bring home a new girl from school, and I believe Misty is also here. All he needs is to finish making friends with the girls and he will complete his aspiration.

He didn’t even need to make a new friend, but just get his friendship with Rose solidified again. So now he has finished and he gets the artistic prodigy aspiration next. We’ll see if he can finish it.

Since Olive is working on the bodybuilder aspiration, one of the things she needs to do is go to the gym to work out. So out she goes, and while there we see Orca, Lavender and Brook.

Part of Lily’s aspiration is to throw a bunch of parties now, and since Oceana needs to perform a comedy routine, Lily throws a party and Oceana performs her routine for the party attendees. She has completed another aspiration. So now she gets the Master Mixologist aspiration.

Petunia enjoys playing with the cowplant, and initially I was worried she was going to try and eat cake, but the cowplant wasn’t hungry at this point. I’m ready for Petunia be an adult and controllable.

Orca is over all the time, and I love how close this family is. Fabiana is working hard at researching logic, learning logic, still studying Vampires, and still trying to finish up parenting.

Additional parties are held, including one for Petunia’s birthday. She is finally a young adult. Lily is getting through her parties, and Oceana is getting better and better at her mixology skills. I have also realized that the family genes here are pretty strong. Misty, Orca’s oldest daughter looks just like the rest of the family.

I keep forgetting that Fabiana is also supposed to be working on flower arranging. She is getting better, but I’m not sure she is going to finish most of these. Still, our flower garden has grown, and once Fabiana is gone I will probably shrink the garden back down again, but until then, we’ll keep working at it.

Everyone gets ready for another party and this time Lily gets to spend some time with her dad, Olive works on her gourmet cooking, and Oceana is able to now balance bottles. The parties have been going really well, but soon Lily will have to throw parties at other lots.

Olive has now delivered twins. I never expected Orca to have many kids, if any, but she just keeps popping them out now. I guess I was wrong about her. Brook and Blossom aren’t anywhere close to having the same number of kids.

Lily is working on building up some magical abilities here and there. I haven’t been working her very hard on the magic side of things. Orca is watching, perhaps enviously, of Lily’s use of the cauldron?

Speaking of the twins. Our first set of twins, the B-twins, are now elders. It’s a little hard to believe, although it’s not crazy. We will miss them once they are gone, but they gave us a great start this generation.

Our dear Fabiana is also, now, and elder. It’s really hard to believe she is already an elder, and I’m worried she isn’t going to complete her aspiration. She needs a child to complete a career, and I don’t think she’s going to survive long enough to do that. It might end up being up to Olive.

Clearly I hadn’t taken very many pictures between the twins birth and their toddler birthday, as they are already toddlers. They appear adorable and like they got their daddies coloring.

Rye completed a second aspiration. We did attempt to complete another one for Reed, however, he needed too many levels of the mental skill to be able to get it done by the time they have a birthday. Rye is heir however, so completing two, is a great start.

Oceana is starting to work some on her body skill. It will be Olive’s birthday soon, and that means Oceana isn’t too far behind her. Fabiana is also continuing to work on her skills as well.

Finally another party is throw and this time it’s going to be a big one. There is a big storm but that doesn’t stop Father Winter, Brook, and Lavender from chatting outside. I didn’t think Father Winter was immortal, but he’s been around a LONG time now, so maybe he is?

With everything in place, and yes we are using the same flan from Fabiana’s birthday a day ago, Rye steps up to the candles and blows. He grows up in a set of sparkles. He looks quite different then he will after a make-over, but he’s an handsome boy.

Reed is looking up at his at his twins with his fancy make-up with a face that seems to say, ‘hah, doofus.’ Just you wait Reed, it’s now your turn.

Reed takes a big breath and blows our the candles on the flan and with many of the partiers looking on, our second half of the R-twins is now a teenager.

The party continues pretty late into the evening, and after make-overs, the R-twins also get in on the food and party. Needing to get an A in school, since Petunia never did, Rye gets started on his homework as the party winds down.

Here are the boys after their makeovers. Both of them have the tops you saw in the poll, but here is a second outfit look for you all. Rye is first, he is quite the handsome sim. He completed Social Butterfly and Artistic Prodigy as a child, and should be able to finish up his scouting badge soon. Reed only completed the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration, but should also be getting the scouting badges completed.

Rye got the Curator aspiration as he needs to complete a nature aspiration and that is the last one from the base game we have yet to complete. He will also be working on robotics. I apparently didn’t write down Reed’s aspiration so I’ll try and remember to let you know next update. That is where we are going to call it for this update, and I hope to see you next time.

SimNaNo Totals:

Words: +1.559 | 20,942 / 25,000
Pictures: +46 | 455 / 500

Post 2.13 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 2.15

Comic Summer: Post 2.13

Post 2.12 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 2.14

SimNaNo Entry #11

Welcome back to the OWBC. Good to see you all, especially since after the last update I’m sure about half of you were disappointed in who become heir. That was such a close race. As a quick recap of last time, Rye was announced as heir, aspirations were worked on and some skills were maxed. Let’s take a look at our goal sheet:

Generation One Requirements

  • IL: Complete a Nature aspiration
  • JA: Go to Selvadorada to find a spouse
  • JA: Build a relic and use it on someone outside of the family
  • RoM: Become a spellcaster
  • FS: Write a Non-Fiction novel

  • IL: Keep Sulani clean (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Buried Treasure collection (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Seashell collection (ongoing)
  • JA: Complete Ancient Artifact collection (ongoing)
  • RoM: Win a duel against all 3 sages (ongoing)

  • Have 3 pregnancies each generation (6 of 9)
  • Workaholics (4 of 10 careers topped)
  • Tricks of the Trade (16 of 40 skills mastered)
  • Aspiration Family (10 of 27 base game aspirations completed)
  • Aspirational Family (goal) (12 of 30 aspirations competed)

So you might see where I added another ‘Aspirational Family’ goal and this is just kind of to see if I can complete what my initial “suggestion” for that goal would be. The official goal now is to complete all the base game aspirations, which I’ve switched focus to working on at this point, which I may or may not have mentioned before. Let’s get going with the family.

Oceana has been my, try a little of everything, sim. She just needs to go pick up a voodoo doll from the Hijinks festival and finish the last bits of mischief skill in order to complete the aspiration she’s been working on. I have her working on Mixology, but I’m not sure she’ll ever get through that aspiration.

Lavender sits and works logic with Petunia. I’m not sure Petunia is going to end up with an A in high school or not. I am trying to get her to a level 3 in something, but I’m not sure it’s happened yet.

The boys work on scouting badges when they aren’t working on their aspirations. Since they need to do lots of art for the art scout badge I have Rye sit and draw some pictures. He doesn’t quite have the badge yet, but we are getting close.

This is how Lily has been spending her days. Tied to the instrument drinking potions to keep her needs up and practice practice practice. She is finishing up writing the 4th song for her aspiration.

Then she completes it and licenses all 4 songs. Swaying in the Palms is the organ song I believe, Think of You is the violin, and then I think In a Boat is guitar, leaving In the Night to be the piano, but I’m not 100% sure of any of that.

Rye met this kid by using the chat with on the computer. This is a cousin, Jay Comic, who is Blossom’s son as you may or may not remember. He is apparently, now a child, and so Rye invites him over and makes friends with him.

All of Lily’s time spent at the organ finally pays off and she completes yet another skill. Only two more instruments to get that final skill level for and then she will have maxed all instruments.

Lavender has been tied to the chess table for a while, as all she needed to complete her aspiration was to finish up logic. So she sat and played and played and played. Sometimes she played with Fabiana or Petunia, and other times she played alone.

But it’s all worth it because she has now completed Nerd Brain! Way to go Lavender. I then have a decision to make about Lavender. Do I have her stick around and complete other things, or send her on her way?

After a bit of thinking I decide to have her complete one more thing, so I give her mansion baron and the only things we need to add are columns, and windows. The value of the house is already at the levels it needs to be for this aspiration. So it is completed quickly.

With that, it is decided Lavender will be more useful to the family if she moves out and hopefully gets married fairly quickly. So Lavender takes some money and moves into a small house. She completed 2 child aspirations, 2 adult aspirations, and maxed 2 skills (although only one was new.) She ended up with 19 traits, including Compassionate and Responsible which I think I forgot to mention when she grew up.

Oceana is a great aunt to all her nieces and nephews. They were working on sociability badges as well as getting Rye some more social skill. He’s very close to finishing up his aspiration, but it will take a little more time.

I still need to get Olive and/or Fabiana to max out parenting. I’m not sure of the best ways to build parenting, especially since the boys are almost teens. It’s a difficult skill, in my opinion, to get maxed out.

Lily finishes up the guitar skill after working on it for a bit. This gives her 3 out of the 4 instruments maxed out. All that is left is the violin which she will work on after this. However, first I would like to finish up her aspiration.

Desiree was out haunting this night, and she autonomously went over and hugged Petunia. I think it’s sweet when they do this automatically. Maybe Desiree is remembering what it was like for Olive to be the ‘bad apple’ of the bunch, although I’ll admit, my bad apples are still usually fairly successful.

With Oceana being in entertainment, she needs to work on her guitar, so this gives Lily the chance to mentor her, which is needed for her aspiration, and she completes it! Another aspiration down. We debate if Lily will leave the nest as soon as she finishes her skills, but decide to first have her work on a career, so she picks to be a Critic, and changes to the Party Animal aspiration.

It is finally time again for the Hijinks festival, so Oceana heads out with her nieces and sisters to go to the festival. Well, one sister, I guess. Lavender and Lily are there as well as Orca. They all join the pranksters and have a good time at the festival. Lavender does make me wonder a bit when she decides to snuggle a voodoo doll though. The pranksters win and get their voodoo dolls and other goodies.

Oceana attaches the voodoo doll given to both herself and Lily to different people and preforms multiple voodoo actions on them to get through the 5 she needs for her aspiration.

Then the four of them stand around for a bit after the festival ends and perform mischief actions on each other until Oceana finally maxes the skill and completes the aspiration. She changes back to Joke Star and we head home for the evening.

Back at home, we get a couple of notifications. First is that Brook gave birth to a little girl named Daisy, which is adorable, and then Rose has finally grown into a child. Sadly Rye had already become friends with her before she was a child, and so she doesn’t count.

Lily had been working on the violin and has officially maxed that now as well. That gives her all 4 instrument skills maxed. She is still a young, young adult, and hopefully she will be able to get through the critic career quickly. We’ll find out though.

Since she has completed all other musical talents, I go ahead and have Lily start working on singing. You also may spy Fabiana working on her gardening some more as well. She is close to finishing up the gardening aspiration and then can head back to her parental ones.

That, however, feels like a good place to leave this. It’s a little bit shorter than the ones I have been writing, but as you can see below our numbers for SimNaNo are looking good and we covered a fair amount of ground this update. Since I didn’t make it to the boys’ birthday yet, however, we will probably have at least 2 more updates still before the generation switches. Hope to see you next time!

SimNaNo Totals:

Words: +1,375 | 19,383 / 25,000
Pictures: +30 | 409 / 500

Post 2.12 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 2.14

Comic Summer: Post 2.12

Post 2.11 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 2.13

SimNaNo Entry #10

Welcome back to the Comic’s. The heir poll’s are closed and it was a VERY close and tight race for heir. So before we get too far let’s take the time to share who is the newest heir for the challenge.

So who is it???












That’s right, your vote is Rye! That means we will have the first male heir of this challenge, and he is also the last heir since his kids will only need to turn YA. Congrats to Rye, and it was a super close race! Here is the chart for how this all turned out.

I didn’t end up voting in this poll as my vote would have likely tied it back up. It went back and forth the entire length of the poll between the two before Rye finally ended up on top by your votes right before the poll ended. My vote also went back and forth between Lily and Rye during the poll, so I’m happy with the choice, and excited to see how our first male heir does. Now that we know who is taking over let’s check in on the family.

Generation One Requirements

  • IL: Complete a Nature aspiration
  • JA: Go to Selvadorada to find a spouse
  • JA: Build a relic and use it on someone outside of the family
  • RoM: Become a spellcaster
  • FS: Write a Non-Fiction novel

  • IL: Keep Sulani clean (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Buried Treasure collection (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Seashell collection (ongoing)
  • JA: Complete Ancient Artifact collection (ongoing)
  • RoM: Win a duel against all 3 sages (ongoing)

  • Have 3 pregnancies each generation (6 of 9)
  • Workaholics (3 of 10 careers topped)
  • Tricks of the Trade (14 of 40 skills mastered)
  • Aspirational Family (12 of 30 aspirations competed)

We have at least gotten through the requirements for the generation, outside of needing to take pictures of the boys once they turn into teens. For now, however, let’s see how it’s going with the kids.

So we start with Oceana, who, now that the R-twins are at least children, is ready to go out and clog up the other two drains she needs to clog and get through the mischief aspiration. So we head over to Forgotten Hollow and she starts chatting with Caleb.

Oceana is able to get drain clogged in Caleb’s house, and then whoever was living next door allowed us in and then was gone from the house so we clogged up her sink as well. That gives Oceana another milestone.

Once Oceana got home we found Petunia working on grilling, and then she set the grill on fire. She attempted to put it out, but Oceana ended up having to rush over and finish putting it out. The grill was destroyed and had to be replaced.

Oceana then got this question at her work. I had to laugh because we already live on the private island in Sulani. So Oceana doesn’t actually buy the private island, because we don’t really need it.

We took the boys down to a park so Reed could work on his Rambunctious Scamp aspiration and we were able to get that milestone completed. The girls had a lot of fun playing the “sea monster” for the boys once in a while.

Lily has gotten to the point on guitar where she can write a guitar song and so she starts working on that. This will get us through 2 of the 4 songs needed for her milestone. I’m trying to decide for sure how much to do with her.

Then we get notice that Blossom gets married to her baby daddy, Derrick. He might not be the most handsome sim in my opinion, but good for Blossom.

Fabiana has breakfast with her youngest three, and the only 3 children who are genetically part of her. That means these are the three that need to max skills or get A’s in high school for her.

Lavender finally finished up the rocket and she starts taking it out for space missions. I love watching it take off from the roof. You would think it wouldn’t work great, but hey, #simslogic. It also makes for a cool picture, in my opinion.

Rye works on becoming best friends with Reed and once they become best friends he’s moved through that milestone. I love twins for this, it’s super easy for them to become friends.

Lily has completed writing a song for the guitar and has moved on to working on the violin. Lily is working hard on the instruments and is currently up to level 9 in both the piano and violin.

Olive finally maxes out the fitness skill while out diving for buried treasure. That gives us another skill down, but there are still so many more to go, but we have some time before Rye can become heir.

I, apparently, completely missed the picture of Oceana maxing the Tech Guru career, but she did get that final promotion and left it to head into the Entertainment career. I considered having Lily head into that career, but if I want Oceana to get through Joke Star, she needs to go into the Comedian branch.

While Lily works on writing the song she needs to do for the violin, and Oceana works on building up guitar for the entertainment job, Lavender starts upgrading things, starting with the game mat. She needs to upgrade 5 things for Nerd Brain, so after the game pad she always add Bidet’s to all the toilets in the house.

Rye is needing to make friends with 2 adults. Luckily Aunt Orca came by, as did some of the neighbors this night, and so with pictures building, Rye becomes friends with both his aunt, and this neighbor.

Book is hoping on the baby train and starting to grow her family with husband Aubrey Call. It will be fun to see what the baby is when it’s finally born.

After finishing up with the song on the violin it’s basically time to move onto the pipe organ, however, I don’t have all the room in the world to put instruments, so I decide to have Lily sit down at the piano again. She was finally allowed to sleep after the violin song was done.

Finally Lily maxed out the piano. That is another skill down, which is great, and Lily is at level 9 on both guitar and violin right now after writing the songs for.

We go ahead and sell the piano and buy a little pipe organ which Lily gets up from a nap and heads up to play. She has been tied to instruments for days, but is moving her way quickly up the skill thanks too plenty of potions of plentiful needs, which we keep a cauldron for of all the time.

Because Rye still needs to make friends with 2 other children. Since Orca has a couple of kids we decide to head over to her house with her husband so Rye can start to make friends. When we arrive Rose, Orca’s youngest daughter, is outside, and so Rye starts to make friends with her.

Inside Rye find Misty, Orca’s daughter with Rosa Pancakes, and he makes quick friends with her. The picture taking really is the only way to go for this making friends piece I think.

Orca and her sister-in-law are in the house now and Rye finalizing friendships with both of them so he has locked in the adult friendships. Now he needs to finish up friends with kids. He’s got two right now.

With this picture I announce that Lavender has completed the Rocket Science skill. She worked on updating the rocket and took multiple trips to space, although she has not finished upgrading the rocket.

That, however, is where we are going to call this update completed. With Rye being our heir we have at least two more updates before he is able to take over for this challenge, and hopefully we have more skills maxed, aspirations completed, and careers finished. This has been a successful generation so far and I’m excited to see how Rye does when he takes over.

SimNaNo Totals:

Words: +1,353 | 18,008 / 25,000
Pictures: +31 | 379 / 500

Post 2.11 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 2.13

Comic Summer: Post 2.11

Post 2.10 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 2.12

SimNaNo Entry #9

Hello and welcome back for another day of the Comic Summer. As a quick reminder there is one day left on the heir poll for this current generation. If you wanted to wait until you got to know the R-twins a little better today might be your day! So let’s take a look at our goals.

Generation One Requirements

  • IL: Complete a Nature aspiration
  • JA: Go to Selvadorada to find a spouse
  • JA: Build a relic and use it on someone outside of the family
  • RoM: Become a spellcaster
  • FS: Write a Non-Fiction novel

  • IL: Keep Sulani clean (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Buried Treasure collection (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Seashell collection (ongoing)
  • JA: Complete Ancient Artifact collection (ongoing)
  • RoM: Win a duel against all 3 sages (ongoing)

  • Have 3 pregnancies each generation (6 of 9)
  • Workaholics (3 of 10 careers topped)
  • Tricks of the Trade (14 of 40 skills mastered)
  • Aspirational Family (12 of 30 aspirations competed)

So last update was a little short, not word wise, but in terms of what we covered so we could get the heir poll in and that means the only thing that really happened of note was the birth of the R-Twins, Rye and Reed. So let’s hop in and join the family.

We start with a super sweet moment between Petunia and Rye. This is before the make-overs so there might be some different clothes. Lavender Hates Children and she is already annoyed by having 3 young siblings. She’s going to have to deal and get over it though because she’s got goals to complete.

Blossom adds another boy to our growing extended family by having a little boy named Jay. I’ll have to see what he looks like later after he’s grown up a bit more.

I do have to admit, I LOVE twins. They skill up together so much easier, and even though I don’t usually have quite the ability to micromanage twins as easily, they usually build up skills pretty quickly by doing it together.

Olive sits down to write her memories down into a book to fulfill that requirement of the Family Scrapbook. Now she just needs pictures of all the kids to hang on the wall to complete her part of this challenge. Hard to believe we are getting so close to being with the final generation.

Petunia watches her mom cook and Olive is getting as good at Autumn used to be with the cooking. She mostly makes salads but today is a special day so she is making a special meal.

It’s WinterFest today and while the boys watch, all the girls in the family work to decorate the Winterfest Tree. I do love watching all of them “throw” the decorations on the tree.

Then everyone sits down to enjoy the meal Olive worked to prepare that morning. You can’t really tell for sure, but we are about 4 treasures away from completing the buried treasure collection, and I’m very excited for that.

After dinner Olive gets a call on the phone, and it her former lover, and still friend Father Winter. Yet, what is this? So now we know the TRUTH about Father Winter He’s a spy in disguise, a secret agent! I really did find this too funny that he called on WinterFest and everything. Are you busy today Clement?

Even though Olive said no to the job, Clement comes by to visit later that evening. It would appear having a good relationship with Father Winter gives you better gifts. Olive, Lily and Lavender all get super nice gifts, although I don’t remember who got what, they got stoves, fridges, reindeer decorations, coffee pots, and a computer.

Have an ADORABLE look at the twins eating their breakfast. They need bathes pretty bad, but I’ve been keeping the adults busy so I need to take some time for the twins again.

We got a sweet notice that night. Brook got herself a husband. I really do hope they have kids, because Brook was very pretty. We’ll see what happens with them though.

We also get notification that Orca gave birth to a little girl, and Blossom’s son Jay is a toddler. The family is growing rather quickly!

Seriously, I LOVE twins. Are they not the cutest??? These two boys are pretty cute and they are super friendly with each other. At this stage they do nearly everything together, directed by me or not.

Fabiana is a good mom, although we need to get her working more on her parenting if we hope to get that skill maxed and her aspiration maxed as well. We did go ahead and move her to the gardening aspiration for now and will put her back into the family aspiration as soon as it’s done.

It’s time for little Petunia to grow up. This is another of her outfits that you will see on her, as well as the one she is wearing in the heir poll. I think she is quite a pretty sim and a good mix of her mom’s. I think she has Fabiana’s eyes and nose, but just about everything else is Olive. She adds the Dance Machine trait and while she didn’t get any other childhood traits, I think she’s going to be just fine.

The toddlers are busy watching, watching, watching. They both are working on all of the skills, but while there are so many people in the house it’s the perfect time to use watching to quickly build up the thinking skill.

Brook invites us over to her house, where we meet her husband and a few other people who apparently live in this one bedroom hut with a twin bed. Not sure how that works, but if they are happy then that is great. Oceana does use this moment to clog their sink though. Gotta max that mischief somehow.

A quick trip to the magical realm see Olive training Lavender in magic. This was initially supposed to be a duel, but they never actually got to the dueling. I had Olive do some magically shopping after the training was over. Sadly, when we went home, I discovered that though everyone was fine when we left, the toddlers were not “cared for” while I was gone and were getting taken by the social worker. Now, this was NOT my fault, everyone was in great shape (just tired) when I left, and there were others left at home. There is a bug about this, so came back to right as I got home and had the toddlers each veggies a bunch to save them. This worked, thankfully.

Fabiana reads the boys to sleep whenever she can. She still needs more gardening and logic skills to get her next promotion, so we work on that as we can too. It’s tough being the stay at home parent, even with all the other sims around.

Lily has been zooming along with her piano, and wrote a song on the piano, so now it’s time to tackle another instrument. My idea is to have her write a song for each instrument and that will be what she gets the royalties from. She is gaining singing and guitar fairly quickly already.

Reed has maxed his potty skill. Right after this Rye did as well. They are both on track to get themselves up to Top-Notch toddlers and so we will strive for that. The goal is to get them skilled and ready to grow up with the L-twins.

It’s New Years and that means there is lots of hanging out together, toasting and everyone but the toddlers watch the countdown. We even had some guests join us as well. Does everyone want to share their resolutions?

Fabiana, Lavender & Lily: Gain a skill! Jinx. *laughter*

Olive and Oceana: A promotion!

Wow, ok, so everyone wants similar things.

Petunia: I don’t have a resolution.

…I know, and the toddlers are too young, so I guess that’s everyone. Happy New Years!

Lavender works on repairing something at noon the next day (Sunday) so she can reach a milestone. She is up to building a rocket, which was bought and placed on the roof.

The twins are almost through all of their skills, but Reed needs communication and so he talks with Petunia about Penguins. Petunia is a really good older sister and listens and watches over the boys while they play.

It’s almost birthday time, and while Oceana needs to go clog up a couple more sinks, I’m not about to leave while the twins are still little again. It can wait. Instead, she starts working the mixology skill. I didn’t get a picture of it, but the 3 girls all head out fishing as well. We are trying to find those last buried treasures however we can.

Lavender starts going through a Distant phase, so we send her up to the roof to work on the rocket. She will be growing up later tonight, but she might as well get a head start on the rocket in the meantime. If she is heir I want her through this aspiration so she can get to the nature one she will need to complete.

We got the family a new ice cream machine, and that is a fancy cake. That can all only mean one thing. It’s time for a quadruple birthday! All kind of birthday fun coming at you, and we are throwing a party as well!

Fabiana is the first to grab a cone of ice cream, and then with guest everywhere, including the L-twins birth father, we have four people blow out candles. Lavender first, then Lily, Olive brings Rye over, and finally Fabiana brings Reed and everyone is grown up.

The party manages to be a silver level, and one of the boys rolled to get the social butterfly aspiration, and there is no better start to that aspiration than a grand party so he’s already reach the milestone!

Here are the boys after their make-overs. Both managed to get Top-Notch Toddler. Reed is in the brown and he gets the Outgoing trait, but he wants to be a Rambunctious Scamp. Rye, in the yellow, gets the Good trait, and he wants to be a social butterfly.

We have taken pictures of the oldest 3 and started the current generations wall. Once the boys are teens we will add their pictures, and whoever wins the heir poll will get a vertical picture like Olive did last generation. I can’t believe we are over 1/2 way through this challenge already!

That is where we are going to end this update, but next time we will see who wins the heir poll and hopefully complete a few more goals. Right before I leave, here are a couple of family update pictures.

In the purple is Blossom’s son Jay, who is part Landgraab. Next to him is Orca’s youngest, and her daughter with her current husband, Rose.

These two are Orca’s other kids. In the purple is her daughter with Rosa, Misty. Next to Misty is Orca’s only son, Wade. He still lives with Jayme and not with Orca, but the other two live with Orca.

SimNaNo Totals:

Words: +1,852 | 16,655 / 25,000
Pictures: +43 | 348 / 500

Post 2.10 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 2.12

Comic Summer: Post 2.10

Post 2.09 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 2.11

SimNaNo Entry #8

Welcome back for another day! Things are going well in our challenge so far! Last time we had Blossom and Brook both finally reach the tops of their careers and maxed out a handful of skills and aspirations and we are ready to welcome the final baby of the generation. We will be ending this update with an heir poll too! The poll is going to be short this time, probably only a few days, so make sure to get your votes in quickly.

Generation One Requirements

  • IL: Complete a Nature aspiration
  • JA: Go to Selvadorada to find a spouse
  • JA: Build a relic and use it on someone outside of the family
  • RoM: Become a spellcaster
  • FS: Write a Non-Fiction novel

  • IL: Keep Sulani clean (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Buried Treasure collection (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Seashell collection (ongoing)
  • JA: Complete Ancient Artifact collection (ongoing)
  • RoM: Win a duel against all 3 sages (ongoing)

  • Have 3 pregnancies each generation (5 of 9)
  • Workaholics (3 of 10 careers topped)
  • Tricks of the Trade (14 of 40 skills mastered)
  • Aspirational Family (12 of 30 aspirations competed)

So last time we got a lot accomplished. Still need Olive to finish up her novel about the family, but we are close to finishing the Buried Treasure collection, we have the last pregnancy of the generation started, and we added 2 careers, 4 skills, and 2 aspirations to our completed list. Let’s get to checking how it’s going now.

This update is liable to be a little shorter than they have been recently just because I want to have time to hold the heir poll as well. But we start off with Lily playing the keyboard. She is going to be my musical person and I’m going to see if I can get her through all the different instruments. She’s starting with the piano, which means she could also work singing later as well.

I had been working Joke Star with Oceana as she was building up comedy, as you might remember. However, the rules have adjusted a bit and it’s now the “base game” aspirations I have to complete for the goal. This will be a lot easier, but since Joke Star requires she change careers I switched Oceana to working on Chief of Mischief. She feels like a sim that might be a bit of a prankster, especially with her programing skills. I think of her like a bit of a hacker.

Happy HarvestFest from the Comic’s! It’s a full day of skilling and doing HarvestFest things. I didn’t get a full set of pictures, but you can see most of the family decided to hang out in the living room to eat their meal. The gnomes made sure to join them, maybe the TV was playing something interesting. They all certainly seem enthralled by whatever brought them into the room. It was a good day for everyone.

I believe this is still Harvestfest, and Lavender gives the guitar spin. She is not slated to work on the musical instruments, that is her sister, so she is sent off to do other things that are more in line with her nerd brain aspiration and earning other skills. She might end up having to help her sister with at least one instrument, but we’ll see how it goes. Oceana is still working on her jokes, and is better much better.

I was quite surprised to see Blossom has wasted no time. She even landed herself a Landgraab. I never gave her much of a preference relationship-wise as she was a spare, and I mostly worked her to death, but I hope the kid takes after her more than him. She is pretty accomplished, so it will be nice to see her raise a baby. I have never gotten a marriage notification for her, however, so nothing solid there, and she is still living with Brook.

So because I had never done it, and we have plenty of these Forbidden Fruit from the garden I decide to go ahead and have Fabiana become a plantsim for a bit. It isn’t permanent in TS4, but I’m hoping she’ll get a bit of a boost to her gardening as we are getting SUPER close to leveling it up and even fairly close to maxing it, and I would like very much to get that done.

Here is Fabiana in her PlantSimness. She is a lovely plantsim if I do say so myself. She gets to work on gardening and I’m tempted to move her into the Freelance Botanist aspiration for a bit to get that one completed since she’s having to wait for her kids to grow up a bit more before she can do more with her current aspiration. I haven’t decided yet, however, so I will just keep waiting for now.

The eldest girls have gotten their A’s in school, and Lily is almost through the Musical Genius already. It’s been a good challenge for these girls so far, although I haven’t spent a ton of time getting them magically prepared however, and that will have to start soon. They need to gain magic skill, especially for the repair spell, cleaning spell, and potion of plentiful needs, which are used frequently in this challenge house.

It was Night On The Town today and so I decided to take most of the family out for a nice dinner. The only one who couldn’t be invited was Brook. We have too big of a family, and since Brook has the highest relationship with Olive, she was the one left at home….sorry Brook! The restaurant was one build by Wyldhawke, which is awesome! It’s one of the experimental food restaurants and so I had all those I can direct take pictures of their food, because why not? The family had a good time, and enjoyed the $0 bill even more….not that they can’t afford it!

Oceana got invited over to Brook and Blossom’s house the next day and so she took the opportunity to work on her mischief skills. Getting sims to dislike you is actually a little bit difficult but we finally achieved it. Oceana has 3 people that pretty much hate her now, but luckily they don’t live near Sulani, so hopefully we won’t see them much. If I can get Oceana through this aspiration, and then get through her job I will probably consider her complete in her tasks and might release her into the world, although her help has been so nice!

This face can only mean one thing, and that is that it is time for Olive to visit the hospital and have the final baby of this generation. Will it continue to be girls for this family, or will they have their first boy. Will it be twins, or just a single birth….or triplets. It was time to send her to find out. I’m excited to see what the baby will be.

I have to give Fabiana some credit. She stayed with Olive as she got checked in and didn’t instantly run off. She is the first spouse I’ve had do this. Now, she did end up running to the computer almost as soon as Olive started to walk back to the room, but still. She also did come down the hall and stand right outside the doors for most of the birth, so her plantsim version seems to be very interested in the baby.

I once again watch the birth closely, especially since we have a ghost doc this time. It’s very funny to me that apparently they can’t have other “alive” sims become doctors, since they always end up ghosts pretty quickly. Luckily the ghost doc did a good job. No major mishaps with the machine, but both Olive and myself are very happy she will never have to experience this machine again.

Would you look at that, it’s twins again. You can’t REALLY tell from this picture, but the twins are both baby boys! That’s right, this family of all girls thus far (besides Orca’s son Wade of course) finally has a boy. These are Reed and Rye Comic.

The L-twins decided, with the new babies in the house to get out of the house for a bit and work on finishing up their scouting badges, that I have been lax in getting them. First they head to the gym to work out for a bit and finish up the get fix badge. Lavender is already pretty fit, but neither of them mind a good workout.

After finishing up the fitness badge they both need to go fishing to complete the Outdoor Adventure badge. Multiple hours of fishing later, and a few skill points, which I’m hoping will help them catch a few more of the buried treasures, they can head home and claim their last two badges. Both are now Llamacorn scouts, and have the scouting aptitude trait.

Orca is a bit of a baby making-machine as I get a notification that she is now going to have a baby with her current husband. This will give her 3 kids, with 3 different people. All of her kids are super cute though, and I’ll be interested to seem them as teens to see who they take after more.

I, somehow, missed a picture of the babies growing up entirely. I know I positioned the camera to take it, and I THOUGHT I took it, but it is not in my screen shots, so I must not have. Still, here are the boys all grown into toddlers with Fabiana reading to them, and their older sister Petunia.

Here they are after a bit of a make-over. You will see some pictures next update where they are in their previous clothes as I did the make-over a little bit later as the house was hectic, but in order to let you see them before I hold the heir poll I wanted to share it first

Little Rye is on the left, his color is Yellow. He rolled the Silly toddler trait, and is a spellcaster. Reed is beside him and his color is Brown. He is not a spellcaster, but he rolled the Angelic trait. I discovered these two will turn to children one day after the L-twins reach YA, unless I hold them off a tiny bit, and grow everyone at once, which I might. But that will be the next update. Let’s get to the heir poll, which will have choices below, but also be over on if that is where you usually vote!

Here are your choices for this generation:

First are our three girls. Lily and Lavender are both spellcasters already and that makes them early top picks, but Lavender’s Hate’s Children I’ve already seen come out with her siblings and not sure I want to deal with that if I don’t have too. Petunia was a our bad apple this generation, but she has done great.

  • Lily (White): Art Lover, Vegetarian, *Outgoing, Father Winter’s Baby, Top-Notch Toddler, Scouting Aptitude, Mentally and Physically Gifted
  • Lavender (Purple): Geek, Hates Children, *Music Lover, Father Winter’s Baby, Top-Notch Toddler, Scouting Aptitude, Socially and Creatively Gifted
  • Petunia (Green): Glutton, *Dance Machine, *Loves Outdoors, Happy Toddler.

For our final two, these are the R-Twins, and the only boys. Rye (in the yellow tank), as I mentioned before, is a spellcaster, where as Reed is not. If you want to see a boy as the heir I would prefer Rye so I don’t have to deal with making Reed a spellcaster, but it isn’t that hard to do, so it’s ok. There is no way to know for sure what aspirations these two will complete as they are toddlers right now.

  • Reed (Brown): *Outgoing, *Bookworm, *Non-Committal
  • Rye (Yellow): *Childish, *Good, *Outgoing

So my top choices would be Lily or Rye as they both have good traits, and are already spellcasters. Lavender I love the look of and she is a spellcaster as well, but her Hates Children drops her some. Petunia and Reed are my lowest picks as they would need to be turned. However, whatever the choice is I will abide it. I know you haven’t had a chance to get to know the boys much yet, but I hope you will give them a look anyway. The poll will be open until Saturday so get your votes in!

SimNaNo Totals:

Words: +2,035 | 14,803 / 25,000
Pictures: +26 | 305 / 500

Post 2.09 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 2.11

Comic Summer: Post 2.09

Post 2.08 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 2.10

SimNaNo Entry #7

Welcome back to post 7 for SimNaNo. This is going to be a pretty long update, so let’s waste no time and get right to the goals:

Generation One Requirements

  • IL: Complete a Nature aspiration
  • JA: Go to Selvadorada to find a spouse
  • JA: Build a relic and use it on someone outside of the family
  • RoM: Become a spellcaster
  • FS: Write a Non-Fiction novel

  • IL: Keep Sulani clean (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Buried Treasure collection (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Seashell collection (ongoing)
  • JA: Complete Ancient Artifact collection (ongoing)
  • RoM: Win a duel against all 3 sages (ongoing)

  • Have 3 pregnancies each generation (5 of 9)
  • Workaholics (1 of 10 careers topped)
  • Tricks of the Trade (10 of 40 skills mastered)
  • Aspirational Family (10 of 30 aspirations competed)

We made great progress last time and Olive really just needs that last pregnancy and go write the novel. Well that and keep the island clean, but that hasn’t seemed too difficult.

So you got to see at the end of the last update the new area for the graves, but I didn’t show you the actual addition to the house. So here it is. I plan to put the rocket ship on the roof. We have a lot of the skilling items we are actually using up there and will move things in and out as needed

Void: She is not that funny

She’s working on it…shhhh.

Void: I can’t listen to this.

Yes Oceana is working on her comedy. Her first comedy routine is called Hairstyles Mishaps. You can see Olive working in the back and you can just see Blossom’s plumbob as she working Media Editing.

This towel-clad Brook picture is to say Brook maxed the dancing skill!

Brook: That’s right, I’ve got moooves.

Uh huh, you do, go paint.

Brook: Hey, that was my spotlight.

Yes, but if you want to be out on your own and released from this house before you are an elder you need to get your….done.

Well she ran off quickly. I will note I have given every one of the girls, and Fabiana a potion of youth. I want them to have time out in the world, and with it taking so long for the last baby/babies to have space in the home, I gave them one each, staggered out.

Oceana and Blossom head out for a little time away from the house. Blossom is working on the celebrity aspiration, but I don’t know that she is going to get there. She does hand out some autographs. I love how jealous the girl in blue looks that someone else is getting an autograph. She gets one a few moments later and faints.

Back at home we have an almost full family pictures….well, ok, a little over 1/2 a full family picture. While Olive works on grading papers everyone else eats some food and chats with Petunia.

This time I remember a birthday and Fabiana grows up into an adult like Olive is. They are still very cute together, but then it’s back to work. Feels like it’s never ending around here.

Blossom works more on the media production skill. I had never used this before, but it’s kind of fun. She does some inspirational blogs, and records some yoga videos that she edits and uploads.

I think I missed the picture of Lily coming home with an A and completing her aspiration. She gets Rambunctious Scamp next so we head to the playground, where we find a very pregnant Orca. Lily loves her aunt Orca. I have apparently been asleep at the wheel as this is Orca’s second child.

Back at home, without me even realizing it was time, little Petunia grows up to a child. Sorry Petunia. She doesn’t look very happy with me for forgetting her birthday.

This is Petunia after a bit of a make-over and with a smile on her face. She’s cute, and I actually can see a lot of her grandpa Desiree in her, although she looks a lot like her mom’s too. Even as a bad apple she managed to get Happy Toddler and she gets the Artistic Prodigy aspiration, and she is a Glutton.

I guess when we saw her Orca was about ready to pop and gave birth to Misty.

I send all the girls out to swim, which will work their fitness (or in Petunia, Lily, and Lavender’s case motor) while also upping everyone’s fun. They sometimes need it and in the clear water with turtles swimming around frequently it’s a lot of fun.

So I really like the paintings Brook was painting here and had never seen them before. It even helped put her over her milestone. Way to go Brook! She just needs to paint some masterpieces now and she will be finished.

This feels like a common sight in this house. Someone back there brewing a potion, the potion of plentiful needs of course, that potion is a life saver in this family, and multiple conversations going. It’s a fun kind of chaos.

Oceana finished up her second aspiration! This computer whiz one takes some time, but was a lot of fun, and Oceana hacked her work so she should be getting a promotion.

It’s time for the L-twins’ birthday and they both grew up with a…..hijab, is that what it’s called? Yeah, or at least similar. I wonder if they are trying to tell me something. They only have it as a bedtime head attire, so they do not keep it.

Here they are after their make-overs. I think both girls are absolutely beautiful, and with both being spellcasters, at this moment I’m secretly hoping one of them in heiress. Lily, in white of course, adds Vegetarian to Art Lover. She apparently heard stories of her grandma Desiree. She gets Master Actress as her aspiration as well. Lavender, on the other hand, gets the Hates Children trait. Sigh She gets the Nerd Brain aspiration and they each competed 2 aspirations each.

Both Blossom and Oceana complete skills. That’s 2 more out the way. These girls are on a roll!

I decided it was time to get the girls started on their magical training and Lily starts first and works with the cauldron. With mom being a potion expert they will hopefully learn quickly and maybe get some mentoring out of the deal.

Blossom has also been working on the Wellness skill. Before I had the mat out on the beach, but then the stormy season hit and Blossom is so close to maxing it, so I bring it inside and have her work. She is up to level 9. I admit, I wanted Blossom to get the promotion she needed so she could move out with Brook, but she wasn’t gaining it quickly, so we bought a wishing well and wished for a promotion, which the well granted.

One of the girls Lavender befriended as a girl came home with her after school and we chatted for a bit. I’m not completely sure why her fists are clenched, I guess the convo turned awkward.

The next day, thanks to careful watching over Brook’s performance and Blossom’s wish they both come home with the final promotion, level 10 Stylist and Writer. Blossom is not going to finish that other aspiration, but that’s ok. I just have one small thing left for reach of them.

Since I hadn’t used the board at all I have Brook fill it up with some impressions and she makes a style, because why not? She then takes some money and moves into a little two bedroom where she and Blossom will both live. Brook ends up with 17 traits, 1 career competed, 5 skills maxed (only 4 are new though) and 2 aspirations competed (not including the one childhood one.) She did great and deserves to have a good life.

Blossom comes home and gets back on the yoga mat. You can see she’s gotten good and before the end of the night she has maxed wellness. She moves out with Brook. Blossom managed to have 14 traits, maxed 3 skills (all new), and completed 1 adult, and 1 child aspiration. She might not have gotten as far as Brook, but she was only a couple things away from completing the World-Famous Celebrity aspiration, but I need room for kids.

After Brook and Blossom are settled in their new home These two head out to the waterfall and have some fun. I’m hoping for a successful woohoo as I believe, as long as she does the youngest can turn into kids before the eldest are YA, so we can have our heir poll. I’m hoping.

Teleporting back home and we discover SUCCESS!!! We have the final pregnancy of this generation and I’m not sure if it will be twins or not, but we have room for it to be. We’ll find out soon enough.

Olive heads back to Fabiana, who can’t teleport here and there like Olive and is still at the waterfall, and she shares the news. It’s like Fabiana is saying, but how can you know so fast???? So our final baby or babies are on the way. However that is where we will end this update. There was a lot going on this time and I know this had a lot more pictures, but hopefully you don’t mind.

As just a quick aside, these are Orca’s two kids. Wade she had with Jayme Jayme Kahananui, who was one of her girlfriends before, and he lives with Jayme. He is Clingy, but since Jayme doesn’t have red hair, that must have come from grandma Autumn. Misty, on the other hand, still lives with Orca and her other mama is Rosa Pancakes, who was Orca’s main squeeze for a long time. She is an Inquisitive toddler.

Orca is now married to this man, Juan Esteban Sandoval, and they are living with Misty and Juan sister. This family tree is going to get crazy quick at this rate. For now, however, that is all the time we have Next update we will see the new baby, and MIGHT get to an heir poll. That is my goal at least. We will see what happens, but thanks for joining us!

SimNaNo Totals:

Words: +1,689 | 12,768 / 25,000
Pictures: +44 | 279 / 500

Post 2.08 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 2.10