Latte Game – Generation 1.06

Generation 1.05 | Rules | Generation 1.07

Let’s start off this chapter by showing that Ukupanipo is actually still alive and really is a good dad. He has been working a lot, and needs to go to the ocean frequently to get his fun and hygiene up. The family is still very low on money because of all the additions to the house and the kids things.

Then Kynzie goes and shows us good news for the continuation of this family. She is, in fact, pregnant again. It’s only been a day since Nick was born but baby ‘Z’ is on it’s way.

Kynize: Please let this one be a girl.

If you had strawberries I’ve make you eat them to help assure you got a girl, but sadly you don’t have any.

Kynzie: I guess I could go buy some.

Maybe, but you guys are busy with all the kids as is. We’ll just hope for the best.

Little Yuri is getting further with this skills, but I’m not 100% sure he’ll make it. We only have a few days before he grows up, but first we will meet the new baby and Nick will become a toddler.

Yuri loves his oldest brother and starts watching him all the time, not only to get his thinking skills up, but also because he loves him so much. Kevin needs to draw some pictures while inspired so we have him cloud watch for a bit to get the moodlet.

After the first day of school Kevin came home with his first school project. Kynzie sat down to help him with the volcano, and it turned out good. The upstairs doesn’t really have any decorations so this adds at least something .

Kevin has joined the scouts and begun the process of gaining his badges. He also doesn’t have much in the way of empathy right now so he starts playing doctor.

Kevin: Now, let’s take a listen, this won’t hurt a bit.

You are doing a great job with Mr. Bear there.

Kevin: *quietly* I think he might have munchausen’s. He’s in ALL the time.

We get notice it is time for Nick’s birthday, and Kynzie goes in to help him with the growing up part. We will have a baby again before too long, but it will be nice to have a couple days of uninterrupted sleep.

Nick gets the independent trait, which is actually good. He probably won’t be nearly as sad as his siblings all the time as their parents try to work or don’t spend every waking moment with them.

Nick: I am king of the mountain!

Kynzie takes an afternoon to try and get some work done. She is struggling with her job and needs fame points. I’m not good at getting them yet, so we might have to give her a shot at writing later on. For now though Yuri watches and asks why. Which has to be distracting.

With two toddlers again it seems there is always work to be done. Nick gets started on his communication by babbling at the new dinosaur toy. Once baby ‘Z’ is here and grown up we will have another make-over. Yuri is playing with his blocks.

Kynzie: Ok Yuri, A is for…

Yuri: Awful

Kynzie: Very good…a little weird, but very good. How about this one, it’s a B

Yuri: B is for Bad.

I am starting to think there might be a little something off here.

Apparently I got a bit slack on the picture taking for a bit as Kynzie’s pregnancy progressed, Ukupanipo has been trying to work as much as he can, and we had a friend that came over and never left. She just stayed, slept in our beds, and broke our plumbing. So that’s where we find Kynzie, fixing the plumbing.

Kynzie: Oh come up stupid sink. Why does this thing break so easily?

I know, it’s a bit of a cheap sink, sorry you can’t afford better yet.

Kynzie: It’s all right, I just need to get this thing to stop leaking…

Kynzie: Ow! I think I pulled……oh no, not already

What was is happening?

Kynzie: *painfully* In labor…..

On the way to the hospital?

Kynzie: Are you kidding?? *ooh, ooh* With that crazy doc?

Let’s hope it’s a girl

Kynzie: Yes, a girl would be good.

Oh my gosh…..twins. Yes, Kynzie had twins.

Kynzie: Wait….why, why, why are their two bassinets?

Ummm….you had twins honey. But they are girls.

Kynzie: But but…..I gotta lay down.

Please welcome our first girls, Zophi and Zorah

Next comes a stretch of no pictures because of the exhaustion and constant needs of the family. The boys were miserable, constantly messy, the twins took turns with their needs. She would feed one, coo at them both, lay down for a few moments and then the other would have a dirty diaper. Ukupanipo started sleeping in the ocean, poor guy was miserable.

Everyone was very thankful when it became Harvest Fest and there was a day off. Toddlers had energy to skill, baths were given and gnomes were appeased. I did not know that you could get a “table” gnome that didn’t need to be appeased until this moment.

The family cannot wait for the girls to grow up, neither can I. Yuri has 2 days to grow up and needs thinking skills. Kevin is doing well, even though we haven’t seen him much. He is doing well in scouts and already has a B in school. Kynzie has lost her fame, so we can only hope she can get it back later. With that, it feels like a great place to end the chapter.

Generation 1.05 | Rules | Generation 1.07

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I have been playing sims since TS1 and even played a little bit of the PS2 version and the mobile versions over time. Once I discovered challenges for TS2 I never looked back. I love the sims, the families I've been able to make, and play through the years, and connecting with people about them. I work from home as a QTC Admin for my company, have a cat I adore and have a million hobbies I feel like I will never have time to completely explore.

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