Meeple Monopoly

Welcome to Meeple Monopoly, my attempt at a board game challenge for Sims 4. I know, I’m a total glutton for punishment, but with the new pack out I’m excited and want to start something totally new. This challenge has been on my list for quite a while so I’m excited to give it a shot.

This particular challenge is based initially on the monopoly board game, and so consists of 8 generations. Each generation has a color based on the monopoly board ses, but then also a different board game association which adds some different rules each generation. I will link to the rules I am following below. It should be fun

Board Game Challenge for Sims 4

As is typical on this blog, the latest 50 posts will be below. If you are brand new to the family you can find the first post here. As we get beyond 50 you can review the archive to find earlier posts (started in Nov 2020.) I do hope you will enjoy the updates to come.