EPIC Tripp: It’s Just Business – 6.12

Post 6.11 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 6.13

Welcome back to the Tripp’s! This update we will get closer to Corie taking over as heir, and we will continue to work on collections since Bonnie has completed all her goals for the generation. Last update Corie worked on her aspiration, all the kids got up to A’s in school, we tried to find some of the new plants in Henford, and a visitor died at our home. Let’s dig in!

We start our update with Bonnie in the garden. She doesn’t need to spend time in the garden, but it still seems to occasionally be a place she loves to go spend time. We will be working on getting Corie fully leveled up in the garden soon. I am also thinking of moving the family again, but I want to finish the beach collections first.

I love the fact that Patchy sometimes joins the family for dinner, or at least a part of the family for dinner. Rene spends some time with two of his kids. I’m not sure where Bonnie or Bill are.

Steve manages to get himself promoted to a teammate on the football team. I don’t remember what he was before, but funny that he’s finally a teammate. Is the first level maybe bench warmer? They are still teammates though.

In the middle of the night nearly everyone is up and hanging out in Bonnie and Rene’s room, except for Steve, and in their PJs, except for Bill. Gotta love Sims.

Super early in the morning, Bonnie is up and bonding with the bees. They seem to have calmed and been fixed to not get as angry so quickly, but we will still do what we can to keep them happy. I need to have Corie doing this too.

The gnome coalition is back in session, holding their yearly living room meeting. I find it very funny they seem to collect here. Regardless of where they hold their coalition, the fact they are meeting means it’s once again HarvestFest!

Rene heads out to work in the garden, which is an event we added to HarvestFest in this save, and Bonnie heads out into the deep ocean to work on finding some treasures. I’m surprised we haven’t yet found all the collections for Sulani. I realized later I should have had her take the boat out, but oh well.

Corie was sent to repair some plumbing and decides she does NOT like Handiness. She might have to do some handiness once in a while, but we will try and have others handle that in the future.

Corie goes and checks in with the gnome coalition and hands one of the gnomes a snack, which the gnome was very happy with. I’m not going to try and appease all of these gnomes, we’d have seed packets coming out of our ears!

While Bonnie was out diving for treasures she manages to max out her fitness. This is pretty cool since she has always been pretty physically minded and enjoys her workouts.

The gnome coalition moves to the kitchen, which does present a challenge for preparing the grand feast, but Steve doesn’t even notice. He’s busy working on some homework to catch up on his day off.

Corie manages to complete the grand breakfast and calls the family to eat. Bonnie is making her way back, but the rest of the family doesn’t wait for her. They were all very hungry. Corie did a great job on her first grand meal alone.

Once the kitchen was properly checked the gnome coalition heads outside to check on the garden. This is really the bread and butter of the coalition and the family keeps a large, well-maintained, garden. Steve and Bill head out and take the gnomes some more snacks as they do whatever they do in the garden.

Corie and Steve sit down at the computers and chat for a bit. Corie is also looking for some penpals to see if we can get some more postcards. We have added so many collections lately.

However, Corie and Steve now have a difficult relationship. These two are not the closest, but with Corie being mean I am not surprised.

Bonnie headed out into the sailboat and started fishing in the deeper water. She does catch a few fish, but not really anything new. Most of the fish we need require other fish for bait though, so this is useful.

The gnome coalition is back inside to finish up their meetings for the season. I didn’t try and appease all of them of course, but they seem happy to continue to meet here.

As the gnomes warp up their Harvestfest activities Kiana is out haunting and cleaning up.

Kiana: There is always so much to clean here

I know Kiana, they are a set of messy sims, but they are doing well.

Kiana: Indeed, our strong traditions continue.

Everyone is really off on their sleep schedules right now, and struggling with things like fun on a frequent basis, but hunger is not normally a problem. You would think they would all talk as they sit and eat, but sometimes they just sit together.

We are still working on finding the last emotion seed to complete the tree Rene has been working towards. Meanwhile Cori gets to know the bees better, trying to get them to not attack her anytime she comes near the garden. Steve takes care of the cowplant….Ferdinand?

All Tripps: CORNELIUS!

Oh right right!! Sorry guys, I can never remember what we named this one.

With the bees and Cornelius tended to Corie heads out for a jog to recover from her mood swing and Steve heads up to punch the punching bag. I “updated” our collection area so it wasn’t just a bunch of stuff sitting on the ground thanks to the new cubbies from Crystal Creations.

After a jog Corie makes some food that is apparently a bit too spicy for her. She burps out actual fire and smoke before she is able to finish.

Cornelious apparently had eaten someone again, not really a surprise, so Corie heads out to milk him. I did not write down who or what essense it was. I’ll try and remember to look next time.

Bill hasn’t shown up much is this update but he is still here and tonight he’s hanging out with ghosts. Looks like his grandma Miranda is out haunting and spends time chatting with him while he shaves. I believe that is also Lindsay out as well.

I’m trying to get Corie more adept at cooking so she mixes up from fruit salad for breakfast, or could be lunch or dinner really. Anyone in the family can grab this at any point once she puts it in the fridge.

While Corie cooks, Rene is busy fixing the plumbing the ghosts broke the night before and Bonnie has discovered a love of gardening she never had before. I guess a life in business caused her to miss and fall back in love with nature.

Corie heads out to try and bond with the bees again, and as you can see it isn’t going the best it could be. They still frequently attack her, but it’s slowly getting better.

I decided to send Bonnie and Corie out to Oasis Springs to see if we could bring home any new fish and crystals. Sadly, the cave had no dig spots active, which I thought was a bit weird, but regardless, Bonnie did get some fishing done, both in and outside the cave. I don’t believe we caught anything new though.

A family update pops up and lets us know that Ruth is now a Young Adult. I should go make sure she is flagged. I like Ruth, but we still don’t need a bunch of Tripps running around.

The boys are super close to aging up, which also means they will be headed out on their own soon. I think I will miss having them. I keep debating moving the family after the beach collections are done, but without the boys we’d have to have fewer rooms again. Anyway, Steve and Bill are pretty close, and play around with the football and video games (probably also sports related.)

Bonnie heads back out to try and do some more fishing and catches an endangered fish, but we have already kept one of these, so we throw it back. Finding the last of these fish is proving rather difficult.

While Bonnie is out on the water the rest of the family is inside hanging out in the living room. I’m not entirely sure if there was a season premier they were watching, or if it was just a family gathering all on their own.

Realizing we are likely at the point where this little guy would be allowed, and since I want those last postcards, Corie gets this cutie. I do not remember what I named him at all.

Our sweet Remington, whom you might remember was Abby and Miranda’s cat when Bonnie was little, is out haunting and Rene takes time to play and pamper him. I want him back in this family. Remington also seems interested in the newest, and smallest, new member of the family.

I cannot for the life of be remember exactly why I took this picture, other than to say Bill still goes to his father for nearly all requests. Probably because Rene is usually around, while Bonnie was often at work.

I had Steve make a quick sugar skull offering and got a sugar skull from the celebrator, but sadly it’s one we already have. Collections have not been my friend this round.

Bonnie continues to fish the deeper parts of the ocean hoping for either bait fish or fish we don’t already have, but she also spends time with the family. Bill is once again engaging with Rene, and Steve apparently was not feeling family time, but also didn’t want to fully be alone dancing in the background.

As hard as it is for me to beleive, Rene’s birthday is here so someone, cannot remember who, whips up a honeycake and Rene blows out his candles and is officially an elder.

Corie and Bill get themselves a difficult dynamic, much like Corie and Steve have already. Bonnie also decided that she is now family-oriented. I guess all this time as a business workaholic has really made Bonnie evaluate her life.

After a quick dinner it’s party time! All the extended family and many family friends are invited over to celebrate yet ANOTHER set of birthdays!

Bill and Steve both blow out their candles and become young adults. It’s crazy to believe they are ready to move out. Corie isn’t too far behind and that means we are almost at the next generation!

Bill graduated with honors, but Steve is actually Valedictorian!!!! Way to go Steve! This does really make me wish graduations worked better in Sims. I might try to send them anyway on Sunday, we’ll see.

This update is already getting long, but before we head out, it looks like I named him Thimble, and he is working on getting out to space already! Way to go Thimble, get me some postcards, please!!! With that, it feels like a good place to leave this update. Next time we will play through until Corie graduates and we can start the next generation! Hope to see you then!!

Post 6.11 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 6.13

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I have been playing sims since TS1 and even played a little bit of the PS2 version and the mobile versions over time. Once I discovered challenges for TS2 I never looked back. I love the sims, the families I've been able to make, and play through the years, and connecting with people about them. I work from home as a QTC Admin for my company, have a cat I adore and have a million hobbies I feel like I will never have time to completely explore.

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