Meeple Monopoly – Post 1.04

Post 1.03 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 1.05

The Meeple’s are back and the last time we were with them, if anyone can remember that far back, Jewel and Alvaro got married, went on their honeymoon, and then Jewel announced she was pregnant with a new addition on the way. I know it has been a long time since my last update, but appreciate any of you who are still around.

Jewel and Alvaro were settling into a routine after getting back home from their honeymoon. Jewel was getting bigger and bigger and found herself up at odd hours painting away to sell some more paintings and get the funds they would need for the new baby.

Jewel would drag Alvaro out to the art museum with her anytime she needed to look at art for inspiration in her own work. Those trips were getting harder and harder to make but Alvaro always went when she wanted.

When Jewel wasn’t working on her painting she spent a lot of time cooking. Alvaro did his fair share as well, especially since Jewel was getting more and more pregnant, and didn’t want to always be on her feet.

I was super happy to see the taxes that they had. With the small house, even on the large plot of land, their bills are reasonable. That means that Jewel really just needs to sell one painting, maybe two, to cover their expenses and should have some extra money to put into the coffers.

So after paying the bills Jewel got busy painting another painting. I do not remember where she is in her career, but I know she was close to a promotion if she hadn’t gotten it already.

One evening the couple was sitting outside on the bench across the street from their house enjoying the sunset and Jewel told Alvaro that it was time for them to head to the hospital. The newest little Meeple was on it’s way.

After checking in at the front desk and going through some pretty painful contractions, and Alvaro ran off to the back room (as sim spouses often do.) Jewel finally made it back into the birthing scene and after a bit more time, a little bundle was brought out.

We have a little alien baby now. Welcome baby Pip. Now to survive baby hood so we can see who Pip takes after more, his mom or dad. Obviously he has his dad’s alien coloring for now.

After giving birth Jewel gets flirty again, but once they get home Jewel pays the $1000 they have to pay for the birth of the baby, but as you can see, she was able to build up nearly that much since the wedding.

Alvaro loves his new little baby boy. He was initially concerned about the fact the baby was clearly green, but no one seemed to even notice when they came over to meet Pip. Alvaro had never felt pressured to hide his appearance, but he still felt more comfortable fitting in.

Giving Jewel a break Alvaro fed Pip his bottle. The new baby was growing quickly and Alvaro loved spending time with him. It wouldn’t be too much longer before before he was walking around the house. They knew they eventually they would need to make the house larger.

Jewel came home with the canvas creator promotion finally and is that much closer to the top of her career. That gives her and Alvaro a bit more money to use for stuff for Pip as he gets older.

Jewel used some of their money to buy the family a TV. Alvaro and Jewel kept it low, to keep from waking up Pip, while watching some sports while eating dinner. This might have been a holiday, but I can’t remember for sure.

Alvaro sometimes took off his human form to allow Pip to see someone more like himself, and so he got used to his dad in and out of human form. Pip’s birthday was fast approaching and so Alvaro also went around and made sure to get the house fully ready and they had worked to get toys and things for Pip to do as he got older.

When Pip’s birthday was finally here Alvaro and Jewel invited nearly everyone they knew to come celebrate with them. Some food was prepared, and while they didn’t have enough seats for everyone to always sit down, no one seemed to mind.

This was time for the birthday boy to grow up, and while, suddenly a few people seemed to take notice of the fact he was a green skinned little boy, no one seemed to concerned over all. Jewel instantly got him into his new birthday clothes.

Happy Birthday Pip! He’s got his mom’s red hair, and his dad’s coloring, of course. I think the blue eyes must be from his dad’s alien side, as neither of his parents have such blue eyes. But he’s put in all purple to represent this current generation.

The party continued and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun. Pip babbled to the guests and as the party wound down Alvaro and Jewel prepared for life with a toddler and worked to get Pip down for the night.

That is going to be where we leave this update for the Meeple’s. Next time we will see Pip’s toddler years and see how they work around being in a small house and get Pip all his skills. In looking back onto the rules at the end of this generation they will need to move, but I don’t see anything that specifies the number of kids, so we’ll see how many more the couple has.

Post 1.03 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 1.05

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I have been playing sims since TS1 and even played a little bit of the PS2 version and the mobile versions over time. Once I discovered challenges for TS2 I never looked back. I love the sims, the families I've been able to make, and play through the years, and connecting with people about them. I work from home as a QTC Admin for my company, have a cat I adore and have a million hobbies I feel like I will never have time to completely explore.

2 thoughts on “Meeple Monopoly – Post 1.04”

    1. He really is so so cute, and I agree, his coloring is the best possible combo! I’m feeling like Pip is going to be heir regardless of other kids, but I’ll give them all a chance. 🙂


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