Latte Game – Generation 4.16

Generation 4.15 | Rules | Family Tree | Generation 4.17

SimNaNo Entry #14

Hello and welcome to our countdown of the last 5 updates for SimNaNo. We have nearly made it! Hard to believe that we have gotten this far already. I know I say it nearly every time, but thank you to all of you readers who have come and read through the entries here and elsewhere on the site. I appreciate you all more than I can probably say. So when we left the family a couple days ago we had another baby on the way, a toddler Orquidea, and children Haquim and Jacque. I am looking forward to these last handful of updates and am interested in where we will get to. I had initially thought we might get through all the kids, but I don’t think we will get through 4 more kids in the next 5 updates, especially since Halix is still with us, and Haquim will need to move out. We’ll see though. I’ve rambled enough, so let’s get going.

A lot of the family has gathered into the toddler room, of course, to have a chat. Halix and Ijtiba are having some kind of discussion, Halix doesn’t look too happy with that finger, but I’m not really sure. Hjordis is reading our adorable little Orquid to sleep for the night.

There is a batch of family updates again, and we have some good and some sad ones this time around. Ijtiba, who we just saw above, has grown into an adult. He did get married, as we saw, but I can’t remember if he was having kids yet or not. Anyway, then we have a couple of very sad updates. Halix’s sister Pixey has passed away, and then Vince, who was Kevin’s youngest has also passed. I don’t think the family was overly close to Vince, but still, they will be sad. On a slightly more positive note though, Alvin, Amarja’s son, has grown into a child.

You are likely going to get a fair amount of toddler spam of Orquidea. She is SO CUTE! You cannot tell me that this little charmer isn’t just adorable playing with this little cat toy. Ok, I know I’m biased, but I really hope some of the other kids get her coloring and overall look. It’s such a great mixture of Hjordis and Mio. Anyway, she is busy working on her imagination right now.

It was WinterFest officially, at least I think so, and the family opens up their presents. Initially, I had planned on leaving everyone in their PJ’s and opening up gifts, but suddenly everyone wanted to change their regular clothes. Gotta love #simslogic. Anyway, everyone really liked their gifts, even the boys who had already wandered away when I went to take this picture. You can also see Hjordis is getting pretty big and will be having the new baby soon.

I want to remember this little girl just like this. I know toddlers are all pretty cute, but Orquid really has stolen my heart, so I have her mom take a picture of her and we will keep it in the family photos. Also, I love this little sleep outfit from snowy escape, it’s really cute in general. I think this is also one of the first times I’ve used hair from Batuu.

Haquim starts to clean up the floor, which reminds me I hadn’t gotten the boys into scouts yet. I quickly have them join the scouts as an after school activity and we will see if Haquim gets through his badges. I think Jacque is still early enough in childhood to have an easier time.

I set up a couple new portraits but I decided to lock them at various stages in the family. If you don’t lock them they just update like the game’s portrait will with the differnet memebers at whatever age they are currently. I will probably save a couple of these, but then set up new ones for each new generation so I have some pictures of the family through the next generations.

I haven’t had the kids do much gaming and since one of my WinterFest ‘tasks’ is to play games I go ahead and get the family my own Winterfest gift of a console and have them sit down to play some games together. They had a good time, and Mio came up and joined them shortly after this picture was taken.

This is our Father Winter currently. The funny part of having Winterfest in Sulani is, oftentimes, Father Winter comes in his bathing suit. The family didn’t end up getting extra gifts from him since most of them were super tired and had already gone to bed by the time he showed up. We had completed enough other things we didn’t really need Father Winter for a successful Winterfest.

Haquim goes out late at night and goes swimming with his grandma Halix. I’m not sure what all they might have been discussing, but maybe Halix is sharing some mermaid secrets with him. So far, even though I have heard that kids of a mermaid and non-mermaid are no longer guaranteed to be mermaids, so far all of our kids are. (Actually, I was wrong. Jacque is not an actual mermaid. I thought he was, but we were in CAS shortly after I wrote this up and realized I was wrong. Haquim and Orquid both are though.)

We got some good family updates this time around. To start Ijtiba’s wife had their baby. Which tells me they were pregnant. I forgot I was using the Latte side name’s and used Lyla’s instead and called the baby Lucas. Then Arthur, Zax’s youngest kid, has grown into an adult. Finally, Amarja’s triplets are now toddlers. All 3 little boys look pretty cute, but also unique. I’ll show pictures of them later.

Orquidea needed a bath and so Mio is happy to help, or at least she was until Orquid started splashing her like crazy. How could you be mad at that though when she looks like she is having so much fun in the bath?! Seriously I love this little girl!

Once bath time was done Hjordis takes Orquid and teaches her some manners. She looks like she is paying such close attention to her mom. I just realized how full her little lips are. I think she is going to be a bit of a heart-breaker as she gets older. Granted, I’ve always liked the genes in this family, but I think she is something special.

This look is becoming very familiar to us at this point. It is time for the newest Latte to make their arrival. What will Hjorids have this time? It’s time to head out to the hospital and find out. I’m really hoping for another girl, we’ll see what happens.

It’s apparently snowy and cold in whatever town the hospital is in. Not sure how we are getting there while Hjordis is in labor if it’s far enough to allow for snow, but hey, it’s all ok. We still have ghosts at the hospital, but they haven’t fully taken over. Eventually, they will be culled and we’ll get new people again.

This time Mio runs back to the delivery room to use the computer. We are, once again, in the room I have never seen used in another of my saves, but when the delivery actually starts Mio stands up and “freaks out” as is tradition. She is the only spouse who has come back to watch the birth of her kids, and I love her for it.

Welcome to the newest little Latte! Everyone meet Ricquel, our newest addition to the family. So the family continues to have ‘blocks’ of kids, but we’ll see what the last three are later. Hjordis and Mio head home with their newest little girl and that feels like the perfect time to end this current update. Next time we should see Ricquel grow up into a toddler, so I’m excited for that. We should also see Haquim grow into a teen.

Right before we leave the update, however, let’s take a look at some of the extended family that we got notices on this updare. First up is actually not a kid, but this is Alvin’s other mother. I realized I had never gotten a picture of Amarja’s lover, so here she is. Next up is Alvin, the son of Amarja and her lover. Then are Amarja’s triplets with her husband. They have all grown up into toddlers in different colors, which makes it nice to keep straight who is who. First up is Matthew, who is actually not a mermaid. Next is Marcus and finally we have Martin, both of whom are mermaids. All of them are cute, and I hope you enjoyed this update and see you soon for the next one.

SimNaNo Totals:

Words: +1,478 | 21,601 / 27,000
Pictures: +29 | 417 / 500

So like normal I will not be counting the title, links, or this box of information in my word totals so I do not ‘pad’ my numbers unfairly.

Generation 4.15 | Rules | Family Tree | Generation 4.17

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I have been playing sims since TS1 and even played a little bit of the PS2 version and the mobile versions over time. Once I discovered challenges for TS2 I never looked back. I love the sims, the families I've been able to make, and play through the years, and connecting with people about them. I work from home as a QTC Admin for my company, have a cat I adore and have a million hobbies I feel like I will never have time to completely explore.

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