Summer Bachelor: Elimination 6

Elimination 5 | Base Rules

SimNaNo Update #8

Welcome to our final update for this summer bachelor challenge! We are down to two contestants and by the end of this update we will find out who Nelson will choose. We have Cooper, who was one of the first sims in this house to seek out and befriend Nelson, and then we have Maddison, whom the game made Nelson’s fated mate. Let’s see how this challenge ends!

Day 21: Hang-out

We start the day with Nelson back in fury werewolf mode. He scratches up furniture and gets the zoomies. He isn’t technically chasing this sim, but she runs from him anyway. I can’t say I blame her, I probably would run if I saw that running towards me too.

Nelson gets back home and seeks out Maddison to give her a kiss. This is one of the first times Nelson has done anything romantic on his own with one of the contestants. Maddison is also happy about the kiss.

Most of the rest of that day is spent with Nelson hanging out with Cooper. Cooper is flirty as well and flirts some with Nelson. We are going to start getting jealousy happening soon I believe.

As the evening starts to fall Nelson goes back to Maddison for another kiss on the cheek. They are really quite cute together and I wouldn’t hate to have them together.

Now I know it wasn’t time for a group outing, but I couldn’t resist the fact it was the romance festival again this night, so we take everyone. Both get petals thrown at them by Nelson, and they do some romantic interactions together. It does cause some fluctuations in the romance levels as each gets a bit jealous.

Day 22: Group Outing

Nelson wakes up super early the next day and does some yoga (or maybe it’s very late, not 100% sure.) It might be getting ready to be a full moon, which would mean Nelson hadn’t really slept. Cooper is clearly transforming in the background.

Confirmation that it was a full moon. All 3 of our werewolves are transformed and running all over town again. So this is all super late or super early on the next day. Hard to determine for sure.

Once everyone is back to themselves we take our group outing officially. This time we head to a karaoke bar and have Nelson do a duet with both of our contestants. It goes all right and then we bring everyone home.

Once back home Nelson instantly gives Maddison another quick kiss on the cheek. I am leaning more and more toward Maddison being the winner here, but there is still a couple of days left.

Nelson spends a good portion of the rest of the day with Cooper. They play a video game, some ping pong, and then just relax by the pool. Even if Cooper doesn’t win the challenge he has made some good friends here, and I really like Cooper.

The evening wraps up with Nelson and Maddison hanging out by the fire. They are certainly close and are sweet together. Who do you think is going to win? Is that who you WANT to win?

Day 23: Individual Dates

Nelon starts off the next day going on a date with Maddison. I believe she has the lowest friendship relationship with Nelson. Just like the last elimination, my goal is to direct them through all the date goals. Maddison and Nelson have no issues reaching all of them this time around.

Cooper and Nelson are next and they also have no issues getting through their date. It was more fun for me to play through their date as their goals were more varied in things to do. They chatted, looked deeply into each other’s eyes, gave each other massages, and had a wonderful time.

Once they got home the two spent a bit more time together as well, since they were both hungry and flirted some more. They really did have a great date. Was it enough to overtake the fated mate status though?

Day 24: Final Elimination

Our final day is going to start much like many of our others, with Nelson doing some more yoga. I will have to remember how much he likes yoga if I ever use him for anything in the future.

No one is up yet, and so after yoga, Nelson keeps himself busy by practicing some foosball. They have used this a bit, but not normally without direction. The ping pong table is much more exciting.

Shortly after Nelson has reached his fury limit and transforms. He zooms around the neighborhood for a bit, and then comes home and plays ping pong with Cooper. See that ping pong table is the favorite.

Evening comes and Nelson chats with the final two contestants. It will be hard for him to choose between them. Luckily he won’t really have to choose himself, it’s all about the relationship.

One last set of interactions with each of the contestants brings us to our 7 PM cutoff. Cooper started out as the first friend and the sim we got flirted with first and flirted back (if I remember correctly.) Maddison was randomly given the fated mate which helped her to build the relationship much faster. So who did it?

Who is the winner of this challenge?

It’s time to find out…



The winner is:

It’s Maddison! That fated mate really boosted her relationship a lot. Cooper made a really good run at it, but in the end, Maddison had both bars full, but Cooper will forever be a friend to Nelson.

So as we say goodbye to Cooper, Nelson goes and proposes by the pool to Maddison, who says yes eagerly and with that the challenge is over. As a couple final thoughts, I liked the way I set this up to be played much better than my original try. It feels like there is still plenty of random things, but also things I control. I’m not sure I would have the ping pong table again, although it was used a lot. Either way, it was an interesting experiment using werewolves and I hope you enjoyed it!

SimNaNo Totals:

Words: +1,030 | 6,556 / 6,500 (11,809 / 13,650)
Pictures: +44 | 206 / 200 (384 / 450)

So like normal I will not be counting the title, links, or this box of information in my word totals so I do not ‘pad’ my numbers unfairly. (There are 65 words in all of those)

Elimination 5 | Base Rules

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I have been playing sims since TS1 and even played a little bit of the PS2 version and the mobile versions over time. Once I discovered challenges for TS2 I never looked back. I love the sims, the families I've been able to make, and play through the years, and connecting with people about them. I work from home as a QTC Admin for my company, have a cat I adore and have a million hobbies I feel like I will never have time to completely explore.

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