Hope in Dumpsters: House Tour

In The End| Rules |The DITFT Starts

So last entry I showed you how Bobbie wrapped up the dumpster diver portion of this challenge and that we received 214 points total. This will serve as the house tour and wrap up to that challenge.

At this point Bobbie has had 7 days added to her young adult time to allow her a week of being a young adult to start on the Differences in the Family Tree portion of this challenge. I am starting with Generation 10 and going to pick the private investigator. I will talk more about that challenge as we get started, but here is where we ended up with Bobbie dream house.

It is a 2 story house and has not one but two decks, one if the front and one in the back. We did not garden, nor fish, as we obviously never found the things needed to begin those in the dumpsters.

+1 point for each room of at least 6 squares: Here is where I floundered and could have gotten more points. I ended up with 8 rooms, 4 on the first floor, and 4 more on the upper floor. I could have easily split the bottom level into another couple of rooms. +8 Points

I am going to apologize in advance that these pictures are going to be somewhat dark. I did not do the smart thing and make sure it was light before I took these, and since Bobbie was not home the lights were not on.

We start with a kitchen, that has a new stove, and 4 countertops with a food processor. All 4 counters, the stove, and the fridge were bought from dumpster funds, but the dishwasher, food processor, and decor were found in the dumpster, as well as the trash compactor.

Back toward the front door we have a little “fun” area with the workout machine Bobbie had found, one of the stereos that had to take the place of the nice one stolen from us, and we see the piles of clothes around.

Turning further into that room we see a lovely little area set up for the computer, and doors leading to the bedroom, bathroom, and laundry room for this house.

In this little niche corner we have a wonderful sitting area with matching couches, tables, lamps and a smaller bookcase.

Opposite the kitchen, on the far end of the room we have the more traditional living room with matching couches, a lovely tv, another bookcase, matching end tables, with plenty of light.

Back in the small laundry room, we did purchase the washing machine, but the dryer came out of the dumpster, as well as the lamp.

Now we have come to the lower floor bedroom, which is Bobbie’s room. It has the purchased bed, but everything else came out of the dumpster.

Apparently I didn’t get much of a picture of the bathroom that is right next to this bedroom, but it’s a standard bathroom with a shower, toilet, and sink (all purchased sadly.)

Now to travel upstairs where we start with the second bedroom, and this set is all from the dumpster.

The third “bedroom” isn’t really being used as such, instead it holds one of the sets of 4 matching chairs we have. I somehow never got a picture of the dining room downstairs it would appear, but it had a table with a full set of a different 4 matching chairs.

Upstairs we have a dining table with more seating as well, if we end up hosting a big party someday. This table also has a full set of matching chairs, 6 in total.

Here we have another sitting area with a TV, a stereo, and a guitar for future entertainment.

Across from this tv sitting area we have our final large sitting area with lovely matching couches, another TV, another end table and lamp.

I apparently didn’t get a shot of this upstairs bathroom either, but it is there with a shower, toilet, and sink, all purchased as well. And that brings us to the final sitting area inside, this little reading nook.

As a final spot in the house we head back downstairs to the back deck where there is yet another grill, a small table with a couple of chairs to deck seating.

+1 point for $1000 in net worth: We had 51,911 in net worth. +51 points

+1 point for each Basic (bed, fridge, counter, sink, stove, table, chair, toilet, shower/tub, bookcase, entertainment device) pulled from the dump. +35 points (I just counted dining tables and chairs) (13 basics were purchased and didn’t count, 2 showers, 2 sinks, 2 toilets, 4 counters, 1 stove, 1 fridge, 1 bed….everything else came from the dumpster)

+1 point for anything beyond basics: There were so many items that I might have missed one or two wall hangings, but my best count is 118 items that were pulled from the dumpster (not counting the washer that was purchased) +118 points

+1 points for each skill point. Bobbie didn’t study much, but she does have 1 cooking still and 3 handiness. +4 points

So our final score is 216 points.

Not bad for my first try and I think the house is wonderful, although a little eclectic. Now, you will see more of this house as Bobbie will be staying here to start her DITFT portion of the challenge, and will only have the couple hundred dollars she still has her in pockets to start. There are a few things will with the cosigner as well that might give her some extra money before she starts her career as a private investigator. I hope you will join Bobbie and I for this next challenge and thanks for reading along!

In The End| Rules |The DITFT Starts

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I have been playing sims since TS1 and even played a little bit of the PS2 version and the mobile versions over time. Once I discovered challenges for TS2 I never looked back. I love the sims, the families I've been able to make, and play through the years, and connecting with people about them. I work from home as a QTC Admin for my company, have a cat I adore and have a million hobbies I feel like I will never have time to completely explore.

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