Latte Game – Generation 1.14

Generation 1.13 | Rules | Generation 1.15

Hi all, and welcome back to the Latte’s and the Name Game we are doing here. This family has been crazy, and the last time you got an heir poll to see who would end up being the next name we used. The results are in and who is next on our list?

Baby K?

Baby Y?

Baby N?

Baby Z-1?

Baby Z-2?

Baby I?

Baby E?




Zophie! You are our next heir!

Zophie: Huh? What’s going on?

I said you are our next heir for the Name Game.

Zophie: Oh, cool.

So the point break down made it pretty clear Zophie was the favorite by a long shot, but here is the breakdown of the votes:

Zophie: 6 votes
Zorah: 2 votes
Kevin: 1 vote
Yuri: 1 vote
Isla: 1 vote
Nick: 0 votes
Ember: 0 votes

I’m excited for Zophie to be the hair as her looks are very striking and I’m excited to see what he kids look like and see what names I can come up with. Now that the heir poll is complete, Yuri heads off to live his own life. Both Yuri and Kevin have been uploaded to the gallery and you can find them searching #ciyrosesims.

The family with miss Yuri and his painting skill, but it’s time for him to be on his own. We came back to the house and found a fun little glitch. Ukupanipo is standing on the table and couldn’t get down.

Zorah was doing a workout with the TV.

Zophi was upstairs with little Ember. She has started watching and trying to get started on her thinking skills. She just became a toddler and has plenty of time.

Zophi, of her own accord, took Ember into their parents room and started reading her a story. She is going to be a good mom, I’m glad she won the poll.

Kynzie is still trying to build up her followers, so when she hears the flea market is in town she invites many of the kids, include Yuri and Kevin to meet her there, and that way she can shout out to the location.

Isla got to come along and seems super happy to see her oldest two brothers again. She has always been pretty close with her brothers. I was rooting a little for Isla, she’s just adorable.

Back at home, the oldest three kids still left in the house have a meal together. This family has had their ups and downs, and while they are still struggling with money things are generally looking up.

Kynzie is still around, of course, and gets started with potty training Ember. I haven’t worked her probably as hard as the other kids, so we will see how she does from here.

Isla is our little social butterfly. She is always wanting to chat with people, and takes to chatting on the computer when Kynzie doesn’t need it for work.

I should have had Isla join the drama club like her sisters, but oh well. Zorah and Zophi haven’t really dedicated themselves, but I have Zorah work her lines a bit.

Ukupanipo is a good day, and this entry we have pictures to prove it. Here he is reading Ember to sleep. He does love his youngest and has probably been able to spend more time with her than most of the other kids. At least individually.

We received our notice that it was Isla’s birthday. She had reached an A in school a while ago and is ready to grow up, so a cake was baked and Isla came to blow out the candles.

As you can see, even Kevin came by, which made Isla very happy. Here is a look of her after her make-over. She got the cat lover trait and got the Master Actress aspiration.

She gets started on learning some acting skills early. It was about here that I realized my slip in not having her in drama club, but it’s ok. She can learn it on her own.

The kids came home with their school projects and some of them get started on them that evening,m and others get them done the next day. Zorah started hers a little early.

A bit of a collage of Kynzie being a good mom, helping with skills or projects and trying to spend time with her kids.

Almost all of the members of the family sit down for a meal together for the first time in a while. It is almost winterfest and the family is looking forward to celebrating.

Happy Winterfest from the Latte’s! It’s present time!

A grand meal is created and enjoyed by everyone in the family. This is actually one of the few pictures of all of the family together.

Ember finally tracks down Santa to ask for a gift, which he gladly gives her. She is a cutie pie, and I’m interested to see what she looks like as a child.

Zophie, in a rage, and during a mood swing I believe, decides to destroy the dollhouse. She will have to fix that soon since Ember still needs that to learn her skills.

I know this is a bit of a shorter update, but I’m going to call it good there, for now, and we will say goodbye to the Latte’s. The next update will likely be the last for Kynzie’s generation as Zophi will likely be a young adult and ready to take on the next set of letters.

Generation 1.13 | Rules | Generation 1.15

Latte Game – Heir Poll

Generation 1.13 | Rules | Generation 1.14

Well, we have made it. Hopefully you are fully caught up on the craziness that is the Latte Family Name Game challenge. If not, I would encourage you check out at least the last couple of updates.

Just like with the ISBI heir poll that is also currently happening I will set up an poll here as well as over at and you can vote in either, or both if you are feeling extra strongly about your choice. I will leave it up for about the same amount of time as well, so get to voting.

Here are the options for this generation.

Kevin was our first baby born to Kynzie and Ukupanipo. He did well in school, getting straight A’s. He has gotten a couple of gardening skills already, and while he has moved out currently, I can move him back as he is marked as playable still. He didn’t end up with any of the character value traits, but he is creatively gifted.

We just watched Yuri grow up into a YA during the last update. He has been a fun sim to write for, being Evil. He has a pretty easy aspiration/job request that will get the family some much needed money if chosen, but hating children might put a damper on his desire to have kids. He did end up with responsible as a character value. He also got straight A’s in school.

Nick is on of my favorite kids. He has a more unique genetic look then some of his other siblings, and he is an interesting mix of things. I love the fact he rolled to be erratic with being an investor and mansion barron. It feels fitting someone like that would be erratic. He is a teen for a few more days, and we are trying to get him up to an A in high school, so he gets A’s as well. I know he’s close to getting some character traits (positive) but cannot remember which ones specifically.

Zorah is next, she is one of the twins Kynzie had for the ‘z’ baby. She is an interesting combo of things, and I don’t know how much I want to do Beach Life again, but it was fairly easy and I have never done the comedian job before, so that could be fun. I also think she is an interesting mix of her parents. She did manage an A in elementary school, he is at a B in high school currently.

Zophi is the other twin had by Kynzie. She is probably one of my favorite sims. I have never done her aspiration, and she is at least family oriented and would be happy to have many kids. She also would take out some nice letters. She only managed a B in elementary school (she kind of got lost in the crazy) so is sitting with a C in high school currently.

The next to last girl, and child in this family is Isla. She is also one of my favorites for this family. I think she is adorable, has a fun aspiration I haven’t tried before, an interesting mix of traits, and would bring some pretty babies into the mix I think. She has an A in elementary school and will be growing up soon into a teen. She managed to finish her childhood aspiration. She should have 1 or 2 character traits by the time she is through teenage hood.

Finally we have the newest member of the family, Ember. We do not know much about Ember yet, as she hasn’t been a toddler for ever a full day yet, but her traits are interesting. I’m not sure I want to deal with an unflirty sim being the heir to a name game, but her aspiration and job would make her interesting to play, but also give the family money.

Really I wouldn’t hate any of these kids, but I have at least let you know my favorites and the rest is up to you. Enjoy voting!!!

Generation 1.13 | Rules | Generation 1.14

Latte Game – Generation 1.13

Generation 1.12 | Rules | Heir Poll | Generation 1.14

So very exciting news for this update. You will have an heir poll by the end. WOOHOO!!! That means we will actually get to mark off some letters for our name game!

So as we remember, or maybe you don’t, but this house is full, poor, and a little crazy. The kids are all super fun though and I’m excited to jump in and see how they are all doing. Hopefully they will start getting some money saved up so we can move into a larger house, or at the very least one with more bathrooms.

Zorah: …and you just have to picture a big forest stretching out behind us.

Oh hi Zorah, didn’t mean to interrupt. Talking about your drama club sets?

Zorah: Yes, how come you never come watch?

Oh, um….well, as a watcher I can’t actually watch EVERYTHING.

Zorah: You would think a watcher could watch what they want.

I mean, sure, but I don’t actually make the rules.

Zophi reaches the next level of her aspiration. It’s not going to happen. I’m not good at social things yet, but Zophi is best friends with her mom at least.

This poor family has been so broke for so long. Neither Kynzie or Ukupanipo has been able to get very far in their careers and the kids need so many things, bills are always a struggle to pay, so we get Yuri (who is going to want to be a painter extraordinaire) to start painting.

This family gathers at random times and only in small groups. Granted, there is never enough room at the table for everyone to eat together or anything like that. It is nearly Kevin’s birthday however.

Isla is still working diligently on her aspiration. I think she can reach it. I find the creative one the easiest one to reach, mental probably next, with motor after it, but I haven’t done the motor one much. Social has to be the hardest.

Yuri, dear?

Yuri: Yes?

What are you attempting to do?

Yuri: Wash these dishes of course? Didn’t you just see me scrap them off into the trash

Yes, I did, but I think you might have just dumped the entire dishes into….you know what, continue on.

Isla adores her older brothers. She is going to be sad as they start leaving the house. She spends time chatting with Kevin and Nick as Yuri “washes” up.

I have no idea what….Zophi, said that made Yuri just about use it, but they appear to be teasing their mom. She is trying to livestream….maybe she’s doing poorly and let off some choice words.

The siblings have move from the strange dark corner to sit on the couches. This feels like a much better option. I did have to change the stairs because people kept getting stuck behind them somehow. Zophi has now joined them…so that must have been Zorah above.

These guys are starting to get closer and closer as a family. More and more conversations just start to happen and their social and fun meters are doing much better regularly. Now if I could only keep them hydrated easier. We need to be closer to the ocean, but that takes money.

Ukupanipo, even though we haven’t seen much of him, is still here and even maxing out some skills. This is great as he is gaining us some extra points! I will add them all up at the end of this generation.

Then, a day we have been waiting for is here. It’s Kevin’s birthday and his age bar is bubbling, so we have Uku mix up a cake and some of the family gathers around to celebrate!

He doesn’t really look any different as a young adult of course, but he get his final trait, which I believe was Ambitious. He will be moving out to a place on his own but remain “playable” until the heir poll is done, and then will move into unplayable if he isn’t chosen.

It was then I happened to notice Zophi and Zorah’s lifelines were bubbling. It was apparently a night for birthdays. Neither of this girls reach their childhood aspirations, had the house been less crazy we might have made it, but they grow up anyway. First Zorah blows out the candles…

….and then Zophi managed to make it back from the ocean swim in time to blow out hers as well.

The twins grew up into teenagers and got their next traits. Zorah added Unflirty to her current Slob trait, and Zophi is now also Hot-Headed. These two should be ball of fun.

Both needed and got make-overs, although I left Zophi’s hair alone. It felt like it suited her well. You will see their makeovers in the heir poll.

A good-bye dinner for Kevin is had….

Guys, he might be back and it’s not like he’s gone forever!

Family: We know, but we’ll miss you Kevin!!!

Zophi: Well you know what you moving out means right Kevin?

Kevin: Do I want to know?

Zophi: Mom and dad are going to go for that last kid!

Ukupanipo: *just stares into space*

Kevin needs money to move out, so….

Yuri, you need to get to painting some more.

Yuri: Yeah yeah, and you call me evil.

Yuri: Here, have something pink!

I don’t care, it sells.

Oh my gosh, look guys. It’s a VERY rare site. All the siblings (besides Kevin) are in the same room! Kynzie is even here, the only one still living here who is missing is Ukupanipo.

Kynzie gets invited to the Geek Festival, and so in order to get some more fame and followers she goes ahead and goes. She isn’t feeling great, but it’s worth it for the fame points.

One of the boys, I want to say Nick but I could be wrong, starts a fire on the grill. It has to be replaced, which brings us back to about $50 in the bank after it was replaced.

Yuri!!! We need more paintings to sell!!

Yuri: Leave me alone!!!!

No, you want to be a painter, it’s great practice and your family needs money!

Yuri: If I paint some more, will you leave me alone???!!!

I might.

The boys are getting closer and closer to being YA’s and either being forced to move out like Kevin, or become the next heir. Kynzie and Ukupanipo discuss the “journey” they might be on.

We then get exciting news. It took a couple of tries but baby E is on the way!!!

Kynzie: This is the last one right??!!!

Yes Kynzie, this will be your last baby.

Kynzie: Oh thank the watch it’s almost over. I don’t want diapers and questions again, but so be it.

Think of it this way, you will only have 1, and like 6 other people capable of helping this time!

I believe this is Zohpi, who is sent to sleep in the ocean one rough night. Her tail is beautiful.

While she is sleep hydrating the rest of the older kids are playing some cards. Isla joins them later, but is trying to get through the last of her drawings.

The next day is HarvestFest!

Hey everyone it’s HarvestFest!!!

Family: Doesn’t that mean we get to sleep in??!!!

Oh, right, sorry guys.

Gnomes are all appeased quicky, and then Ukupanipo cooks up a wonderful feast! You can also see that Isla is going through a bear phase.

Nick and Zophi sit and work on their homework together. Nick is at the level he should get an A quickly, but so far he has not.

Meanwhile, Yuri is being a good boy and doing some more painting which Zorah talks with him.

Zorah: But wouldn’t it look better if you did that line over there?

Yuri: Do you want to be a painter?

Zorah: *scoffs* no, but Isla does, and I bet she would say the same thing!

Ok you two, knock it off. You usually get along….we don’t need to start bickering!

Isla is down to just needing to play the violin for a bit longer and she will have reached her aspiration! Go Isla!

Ukupanipo had finished his first aspiration of beach life a little bit ago and has been working on Nerd Brain ever since. He finally got through reading books, and there is always something to repair, so all that was left was to work on the wordworking station. Luckily both Kynzie and Ukupanipo had gotten a promotion so there was some money in again.

Yuri: What???!!! What have I been doing all this painting for then?

We still need money Yuri, plus, you are getting a head start on your aspiration. You shouldn’t have any problems finishing it up.

Yuri: *grumble grumble*

Many, he has been in a bad mood lately.

Kynzie: Oh my gosh, it’s happening!!!!!!

Kynzie: Why, why did I sign up for this????!!!!

Just remember it’s the last one!

And we have another girl! So for the family who started out with only boys we ended up with 4 girls by the end. Welcome the E baby, baby Ember Latte. (I know, there are 2 e’s, but I liked the name)

In a family this size there is almost always some birthday, and while I know this is getting long I just want to get Ember grown into a toddler. But, that isn’t who we are celebrating this time.

Yuri is now a YA. That means we can mark of K and Y from our letters. Yuri always looks so surprised to be growing up, I love it. He adds Kleptomaniac as his last trait…of course he does. He did, however, get the Responsible trait as well.

Not a whole lot happened over the next day or so, but Kynzie is now a level 10 parent and able to efficiently take care of a baby again. Then I saw it was time. We could age up baby Ember.

Squeee!!! She’s another cutie and probably looks more like her mom than the rest of them! With her aged up, she becomes Independent and I used a randomizer to get the rest of her traits so we can do the heir poll!!!

So, this generation it isn’t going to make much of a difference who we choose, since most of the letters will be new anyway. My favorite option is Isla, not only do I get a few new letters, but she has a fairly easy aspiration to reach that will also provide money to move, but it will be up to you all! I will get it set up soon! Thanks for sticking with me through this long update!

Generation 1.12 | Rules | Heir Poll | Generation 1.14

Latte Game – Generation 1.12

Generation 1.11 | Rules | Generation 1.13

Welcome back to the Latte Family and the crazy Name Game we are currently playing. We are still in Generation 1, and Kynize can’t even have the last baby she needs because the house is full.

This update is going to see a lot going on, so let’s get started. When we ended last time Yuri had just grown into a teen. He is ready to take on the world, but still has to finish high school.

We are starting to struggle with a house this small with this many sims. Only 2 bathrooms between the 8 sims is just too little, especially as things break all the time. We invested in an outdoor camping showing just to provide additional options. Otherwise, below is what we tend to get.

Kevin has expanded his garden, and then has had a LOT of trouble keeping up with it. The plants are starting to die off again. There are just too many sims with too many needs to keep up with some days.

Yuri may be evil, but ever the good older brothers, Kevin and Yuri both helped their sisters with their school projects Monday evening.

Yuri: Mom told me I had to help.

Well at least you still listen to your mom.

Yuri: She isn’t knee deep in toddlers anymore, she actually pays attention, so I have to play the part. The day will come….

We’ll see.

Regardless, the projects are finished in no time.

With hours, likely, to spare, Isla finishes up her final skill points and a cake is made. Poor Ukupanipo is sick, and the family, in general are as miserable as ever, but they come together to celebrate anyway.

It once again takes way too much effort to get anyone to bring her to the cake, but eventually it happens, and Isla is growing from a toddler to a child.

Isla managed to get Top-Notch toddler and become a bookworm. She is interested in getting through the creatively gifted child aspiration. So to get her started she heads out to get inspired by the clouds.

This feels like a great place to show the make overs both Isla and Yuri went through. Let’s start with Isla, whom you can sort of see above. She is absolutely adorable to me, and I love her. Of all the kids, she might, at the moment, have my favorite look so far.

Yuri is going for the hiding in plain sight, or fake it till you make it, status mentality. He is a very handsome sim, however.

Now, let’s get back to the action. Since Isla has a day before she has to go to school, she focuses on trying to get some creativity going and draws at the desk while she is still inspired.

After school her siblings all need to sit down and do some homework. We are still trying to find the right balance of objects that provide fun for the kids. If anyone has suggestions on what provides the most fun, especially for a group, I’m all for it!

Since Yuri is now a teen and also acquired his mermaid tail he also find school to be very dehydrating and typically needs a trip to the ocean before starting on anything else. So now the boys head down together.

After a trip to the beach they work on a school project together. Kevin may not always agree with Yuri, but Kevin has been around Yuri’s whole life and there is a connection there, evil or not.

Kynzie is trying to get out more before the final baby has to come and also to gain some followers and fame. She takes a break and eats out at a food stand and shares her thoughts with her followers.

She then comes back home and livestreams a game she has been playing. It’s slow going, but she is almost at the 100,000 follower mark needed for her next promotion.

We then have yet another birthday party. Is it any wonder that Kynzie has put on a little weight with all these birthday cakes around all the time, and the fact she was home 24/7 for a while there? Still, Nick had managed to reach his aspiration awhile ago and was part way to another, although he didn’t quite make it. Still, he was happy to come up to the cake and become a teen.

Apparently I caught his eyes closed, but that’s ok, you’ll see them. He became Mentally Gifted and Loves the Outdoors. His ultimate goal is to amass a fortune (much like his brother, but in legal ways) and become a Mansion Barron.

Ukupanipo needs to read books for his newest aspiration, and so he sits down with the girls to read while they work on homework. The look on Isla’s face her is precious to me.

With no toddlers left in the house, and being a family of mermaids (besides Kynzie) the whole family takes a fun day at the beach.

There were a ton of mermaids out this day, but here is a look of Yuri’s tail. I know Nick is one of the ones out there too, I believe he is the other blue tail, but I could be wrong. I wish the tail automatically showed up

The twins enjoyed the water as well and keep working on their social skills in attempting to reach that social butterfly aspiration. I have never completed this one, so we will see how it goes.

As the day got later, the girls worked on a sandcastle together, and Kevin and Nick shared some meme’s on their phones.

Finally, the whole family, after a day of a lot of fun, sat down for some food and homework. Everyone worked together to get everything done, although that did basically destroy all the fun they had had, but it was a good day.

I think this is a slightly shorter entry, but I think that is a good place to end this for now. The girls will be growing up to teens before too much longer, and Kevin will be a young adult in less than a game week I think. He already has an A in high school and I just want to give him the chance to skill up a little bit more.

I am so happy this family has been as successful as they have been. We’ve had our ups and downs, and there are still struggles, they still have very little money and the house is so small for this many sims, but they all get along well, and are an overall happy family, even if they always look sad in pictures!

Generation 1.11 | Rules | Generation 1.13

Latte Game – Generation 1.11

Generation 1.10 | Rules | Generation 1.12

Welcome back to the Latte Name Game. We are getting closer and closer to having some letters we can actually mark off of our letter list. Hard to believe it’s not even one full generation done, but this is what happens when I like to give slower updates. 😀

Let’s start with a quick family portrait of who all is here. I will also give you a look at the makeovers I gave the twins after they grew up last time.

I love this family! So we have Zophi standing next to Nick. Then there is Kevin (still the only teen so far) and next to him are his parents Kynzie and Ukupanipo. Kynzie is holding the youngest member so far, Isla. Then there is Yuri (who will be a teen soon) and Zorah.

Here is a close up of the girls after their make overs. First is Zorah and then Zophi. They are both super cute and look a lot like their mom I think.

Now, let’s see what is actually happening with the family shall we? First off the boys are working on a school project. There was some weirdness that happened in the game where one of the boys didn’t have the option to go to school with the rest of the kids. There was a button, but even if I pressed it, nothing happened. This started a handful of weird glitches that I eventually was able to resolve, but it made for some frustration for a bit.

Nick: Those are some good painted planets.

Yuri: All right, it says here… are a dweeb.

Yuri! You shouldn’t say things like that to your brother!

Yuri: Whatever, he’s only helping me because he likes school…..dweeb

I’m sorry Nick, you are a good brother to help Yuri.

Nick: That’s ok, I enjoy stimulating my brain with different experiences and someday I will take all of that to become successful in life and in business.

Yuri: *laughing* you are even nerdier than I thought. NERD!

*sigh* You are going to be a handful Yuri…you really are.

Little Isla had gotten herself all kinds of muddy somehow, but that wasn’t going to stop her from working on her movement. I think it was about this time I realized she was about 4 days from growing up and still had about 10 skill points to get. (Luckily many were part of the way to the next level, but still)

Kevin needed hydration and fun, and the girls needed social skills, so Kevin took the twins with him to the beach.

Everyone enjoyed the water, and the girls got some conversation in. They need someone to be best friends with now, and while I THOUGHT they could be each others best friends, they are actually not that close.

After playing in the water we see an event taking place near home with the bonfire and the 3 head over there to mingle, play with the fire, and try to finish up having a good time.

Poor Kynzie looks so sad in this picture. Some day her needs will be met better and she might even progress in her career. For now, she is the closest thing to a best friend her daughters have and so they try and socialize with her more.

She does, however, still work, and occasionally takes to going into the office at times now that the kids are getting older and there are people around to watch Isla.

Kynzie: Will I ever get to be more famous like I want?

I’m trying Kynzie. Followers are kind of hard to built, and fame isn’t easy.

Kynzie: *sigh* I know, but I just really want to do more than have kids.

I know you do, and I’m working on it. You’ve gotten a fame point and you are getting promotions here and there.

Ukupanipo is very close to having a new promotion. The only thing currently holding him back is his lack of a logic skill point. Luckily there is a chess table that he can spend time building up.

Yuri: RWAR, I come to cause destruction to your toys! *stomp stomp stomp*

Zorah: You look like you fell in the mud!

Zophi: Our siblings are CRAZY I tell you!

Nick: *pondering thoughts* Well it is possible that due to the number of us mom and dad had all at the same time, that the lack of oversight or attention has caused some of our siblings to act in ways that appear to be crazy.

Zophi: Nick! Yuri is ALWAYS a bear, and Zorah is sitting over there caked in mud in her swimsuit!

Isla spends a day spamming the potty and dinosaur to build up potty and communication skills. I believe this day she maxed her potty skill, YAY, and got about 1/2 way through level 4 in communication. Thank you dinosaur (that I cannot remember the name of).

The rest of the siblings might start getting jealous as Isla gets a bedtime story. The others did occasionally too, but this is one way Kynzie can help Isla with her imagination skills while helping her met other needs as well.

The twins watch some tv after school as we are desperate to get everyone their A’s in school. Kevin finally reached his in high school, Yuri has reached an A and Nick has had an A for a while. I believe Zophi has an A and Zorah has a B, but I could have those switched. Still, with everyone in red run ALL THE TIME, they need something fun before they can do homework.

Nick is VERY close to finishing up his aspiration, so he sits down with his dad to work that mental skill up just a bit more. We also realize that Ukupanipo is getting close on his aspiration, just simply needs to travel a couple of times, and it will be a fun family outing.

Isla’s imagination is getting worked from any angle we can think of. She is very close to growing up (I think we were down to a day at this point) and so Kevin reads her to sleep.

Sunday morning it’s time to see if we can finish up Ukupanipo’s aspiration. It’s also Yuri’s birthday, but we start with Uku needing to explore the beach cave, so the whole family travels to the beach.

The next thing that is needed is for Uku to drift off on one of the water rafts. Since those exist at this beach were we come. The boys left for scouts, but all of the girls are here. (The twins joined the drama club also.)

Lots of fun was had on the beach, games were played, conversations were had, and Isla got her thinking skill maxed I believe. She only needed to finish some imagination. Ukupanipo also drifted off and reached his aspiration! He now wishes for Knowledge and to be a Nerd Brain. Maybe Nick rubbed off on him.

Back at home Ukupanipo quickly mixes up and bakes a cake for Yuri’s birthday. Hold on to your butts……evil Yuri is going to be a teen.

Yuri: Yes, it has happened!! I am old enough to start on my evil plans!

And what are those plans Yuri?

Yuri: Like I would tell you all of them, but eventually I want to be best villain the world has seen. I shall study art and become a master forger!

Yuri: *laughs* I also will take candy from babies, and tell kids to “get off my lawn!”

So Yuri received the aspiration to be a Painter Extraordinaire. He also received the traits ‘Hates Children’ and became Creatively Gifted. I LOVE how sweet Ukupanipo’s look is as he sees his son growing up. Yuri looks almost surprised by it, but it will be interesting to see how he does. That is going to wrap it up for this update, and I will get a picture of Yuri’s makeover next entry!

Generation 1.10 | Rules | Generation 1.12

Latte Game – Generation 1.10

Generation 1.09 | Rules | Generation 1.11

Hello and welcome back to our name game with the Latte family. I got brave enough to try and play them again after some of the updates done for the game, and getting myself a mod that fixed a couple of things, like quick meals for kids. To start and to help us all remember what the crazy is like around here, here is a fun family picture:

So you have Zophi being held by Kevin. Beside them is Nick, and then Kynzie, who is holding Isla. Yuri is next and then finally Zorah is being held by her dad Ukapanipo. Zophi and Zorah are twins, and will be growing up to kids soon. Yuri is very close to becoming a teen.

Now, I will give fair warning. Most of these pictures are accurate, but I had an inidencent when playing where I was absolutely sure I saved, but I ended up having to play a couple of days again. For the most part, all major events happened basically the same, but if you see some contradictory photos, that would be why.

We start our update with little Isla. The youngest, so far, daughter of Kynzie and Uku, she is working on her skills. Life hasn’t been the easiest for Isla. She’s been relatively ignored in terms of learning her skills because we’ve been chasing around the twins, but she plays quietly on her own with her blocks.

Yuri decided to start going through a stage…

Yuri: I’m a bear! Fear me!

Yuri, you are a rather cute bear with grapes on your belly

Yuri: So? No one will know it’s me as I wreak havoc on the world!

Don’t you think it’s possible they might know it’s you, since you are the only one wearing a purple bear outfit?

Yuri: You will learn to question me….haha!

We’re just going to head back to your sister now.

Isla is so close to have a level of her creativity skill done, so to get some fun in her life she plays with a toy. I need to figure out good ways to have kids and teens have fun. There are very few things that offer fun in the house currently.

Yuri: Hey! I did a thing!

I’m sorry, what was that Yuri? I was just about to go check on your other siblings.

Yuri: I said, I did a thing. Don’t you like to know when we accomplish things?

Oh, well yes….very good Yuri!

Yuri: Whatever, I just figured you’d want to know I’m another step closer to taking over the world.

Isla takes a break from playing with the toys inside and heads out to play with the dollhouse with Zorah. The twins only have a couple more skills needed and imagination and thinking I believe are the ones Zorah needs.

Since it has been the Isla show, with some Yuri thrown in this update, let’s check on some of the other kids. Nick if our first non-creativity aspiration minded child. He is going for the Mental skill.

Nick: Ok, and if I put this over here, and mix this…..

Hi Nick!

Nick: *JUMPS* Oh, hi. I’m mixing potions, so please don’t startle me!

I see that! Very sorry to have possibly ruined your potions. Discover anything interesting?

Nick: Well I have health potions and emotion potions, so I guess?

Nick! Nick! Are you ok?

Nick: Ugh…..I think so…..not sure that was the best result.

Please be careful! I don’t want to lose any of you kids.

Nick: You sure I couldn’t feed that to Yuri?


Ukupanipo has been able to spend more and more time at home lately. We are managing him better and he’s doing decently well at work. He needs some more logic skills, but this night he’s spending time talking with Kevin and Yuri, while Zophi watches them, and Zorah busies herself with a book.

To help little Zophi with her imagination skill Kynzie comes out and plays toys with her. The interactions with the dollhouse are adorable to me.

I realized I have still technically never shown you Kevin’s tail. He gets set out to the ocean most days after school to gain some fun and hydration before heading back to do homework. Although occasionally he will take out a small boat and get stuck.

Realizing that I don’t have to wait to get started on Kevin’s aspiration and desire to be a freelance botanist, even though he’s still a teen I have him plant some new plants. He wants to water or weed them, but it keeps raining for a few days after.

Zorah is still working on skills I believe, or maybe at this point she has reached her skills and is simply doing something fun in reading a book.

Kevin, of course, brings home the first high school project. This is one I have never seen before. He had to build a bridge. I THINK at some point Nick came out and actually helped him with this, but I could be wrong.

It was then, the highly anticipated, exciting day. The twins had gotten all of their skills. Finishing up the last little bits right before their birthday. Now, however, it’s time!

First up is Zorah, and she grows up into a very cute little girl with the Top-Notch Toddler trait and decides to try for the Social Butterfly aspiration. You can see Zophi looking on in the background

It takes a bit of trying to get someone to bring Zophi to the cake but eventually she makes it and the candles are blown out. It’s about this time we will start to see this family get a little less healthy with all the cake they will be eating

I’m not sure why everyone looks so sad in this family. They are all very happy the twins grew up, they are doing well, but I think it’s because they hadn’t had much “fun” as of late, are tired, and most of them want a bath.

There is only 1 toddler left in this house, but there is also one more baby to go. Kynzie and Ukupanipo have both received and drank a potion of youth so they have plenty of time for the new baby to grow up. This feels like a great place to end this update we will get a look at the twins makeover night time.

Generation 1.09 | Rules | Generation 1.11

Latte Game – Generation 1.09

Generation 1.08 | Rules | Generation 1.10

Welcome back to the insanity that is the Latte family. This poor family has been through the wringer with these kids, having twins and filling up the house almost completely. Still I love them. Let’s see how things are going.

We start with fun news. At some point (I played this a while ago and just realized I had pictures ready and had never written this) Ukapaniko and Kynzie were in the same room long enough to have another nooboo on the way.

Kynzie doesn’t look overly thrilled to have yet another child to be caring for and who may, for all I know, turn out evil like Yuri, but for better or worse we are getting through generation 1, and this will be baby I.

Kynzie: *sigh* another baby.

Yep and you still need one more to finish spelling your name.

Kynzie: Ugh, why did we put an e at the end of my name??!!! It could just be Kynzi, that’s it, I’m officially changing my name. So this can be the last baby right?

Sorry honey, I set your name up this way for a reason, one more after this and you will be done. Your kids are doing really well!

Kynzie: But Yuri is EVIL!!!!!

Kynzie is working really hard to try and reach her aspiration at some point, but she needs so many followers and fans that I’m not sure the fastest way to get her there. Hopefully we will still have time after all these kids.

Ukupaniko makes a surprise appearance at home (at least in pictures) and has a meal with many of the kids. He is, actually, a good dad, just doesn’t show up in pictures most of the time.

Apparently it was WinterFest here at the Latte house and while this family has very little money to speak of they do manage a small pile of presents and the kids enjoy opening them.

During WinterFest it’s also time for the next toddler to grow into a child. Amazingly enough Nick gets himself Top-Notch Toddler and grows up with the ‘Good’ trait. Now, keep in mind, I roll these when they are born (jobs, aspirations, everything) so that I can hold an heir poll if I want to.

He looks very much like his brothers, and I can already tell it is going to be a chore the older they get to tell them all apart. Still, he is yet another cutie and it will be fun to see how he does. He gets the Whiz Kid aspiration for a child aspiration and we will see how he does.

Later that evening, we see Father Winter sneaking around outside the house and head out to great him. It takes a while to get everyone out to say hi and ask for their present, but eventually everyone gets their gifts.

I cannot for the life of me remember which brother this is, and since they have very similar hair styles I just cannot say for sure. I’m pretty sure it was Kevin, however, as we were trying to get his aspiration met.

As seems to be a constant occurrence in a house this size with this many sims living in it, the sink is broken and it is up to Kynzie to fix it. She is quite handy now, having fixed sinks and tubs over and over again.

The twins are still working on their skills, and do nearly everything together. They are constantly dirty and hungry it seems, but at least food wise they can typically get something on their own. They are both down to needing 2 skills in order to be top-notch toddlers themselves.

How I have managed to survive all of these toddlers and get them all, so far, to top-notch toddler is amazing to me. I am not sure how I would get through it if I didn’t know some of the tricks. Poor Kynzie, however, is not fairing as well and I have not taken as good of care of her as I should have.

I would have sworn to you that this was Yuri at the drawing table working on finishing up his drawings, and I think it still might be. However, the next picture makes me wonder if my notes are off.

Here is a notice that Kevin has met his goals. From the picture though, Kevin should still have glasses, so that has to be Yuri above. Kevin chooses Whiz Kid as a second aspiration, but he won’t ever get a chance to meet it at this rate.

We are very excited when I focus the camera on Kynzie and see this face. That means the newest little nooboo is on the way. Hold on Kynzie, and pray for one.

Kynzie: I thought we could only have 8 people in a house!!!

Oh you can, that is true, but still, it doesn’t hurt to hope and pray right?

Kynzie: I guess not. I still say my name is now Kynzi!

Kynzie heads upstairs as this time she is giving birth at home too. She got tired of the doctor trying to rip her heart out every time she gave birth, so these last babies will be at home like the twins. After a short period of time that felt like an eternity, welcome the newest Latte, Isla.

We have another baby girl, so now Kynzie has 3 of each, 3 boys first, and then 3 girls next. One final baby to go, I wonder if it will be a boy or girl? Hopefully it isn’t twins and one of each, although at that point it wouldn’t be as hard.

Kynzie spends some time talking with…..Zorah…I think. Darn my notes for not having which color each was wearing. Still, I think this is Zorah and we see Kevin (I think) playing the violin a little more in the background.

The poor dirty, very messy, twins head out to the dollhouse to work on their skills a little longer. They are so close and I want to get them fully skilled up if at all possible. I really wish there was a faster way to get kids clean.

I cannot remember if someone had a wish, if it was important for an aspiration, or if there was maybe a skill involved, but during a rare break for Kynzie, she read many of her kids a story.

That night was a very exciting one, or perhaps it was the next day after scouts, but either way, a celebration was in order. Our oldest, Kevin, was growing into a teenager!

Of course, someone grabbed a piece before Kevin could blow out the candles the first time, so Ukupaniko baked another cake. Not sure where he is, but he did make the cakes. That could be either Yuri or Nick (or maybe both, Kevin may be on his way.) It’s very hard to tell with the scouting uniforms on. Either way, Kevin blew out his candles, and spun.

This isn’t the only reason to celebrate either as Isla was growing into a toddler today too. Kynzie went and helped her grow up into a toddler that looks very much like her sisters.

I wasn’t a HUGE fan of what Isla or Kevin grew up into clothes and hair wise, so we sent Kevin over to a mirror and gave them both a bit of a makeover. First we will look at Kevin, here is a before and after of him since the “flames” sort of kept you from getting a good look at first.

His eyebrows look a lot more like Yuri’s now, and I do not believe I actually changed them. I do not remember what his tail looks like, but I will be sure to show you next time. I do believe he grew up without a tail, but that has been fixed.

Finally, here is a quick look at Isla’s makeover in CAS. I think she is adorable and I gave her orange clothing I believe to help tell her apart from her sisters. She also rolled Wild for her trait so orange makes sense for her.

With that I think enough happened we are going to call it the end of this update. I will hopefully have more for you before too long, but I hope you enjoyed this, and I now have university, so I’m tempted to send Kevin there possibly, maybe let the story progression play him there. Time will tell.

Generation 1.08 | Rules | Generation 1.10

Latte Game – Generation 1.08

Generation 1.07 | Rules | Generation 1.09

Kynzie’s friend came over again and is not going to back home…again. Instead she decides to try and talk with Yuri while he is busy doing his homework, standing up.

Yuri: What, you expect me to take this sitting down?!

Relax kid, it’s homework, not plans to take over the world.

Yuri: Not yet maybe.

Yuri also received the child aspiration of artistic prodigy. I’m imagining maybe he will want to go into art forgery maybe? If he had been an ‘N’ name I could have named him Neil. Anyway, I digress. That means he must spend time, like his brother did, playing the instrument.

Yuri: Yes, screech for me!

Yuri, you do realize you can make “evil” sounding music that also sounds really good and cool and might get some people on your side….like a henchman.

Yuri: Oooh…

Minor keys at appropriate times is a good start, certain keys always give off that eerie vibe. Just keep practicing kid.

Yuri: Kev, you know it’s neglect that has us eating applesauce at like 5 AM right?

Kevin: What’s wrong with applesauce!?

Yuri: Our parents don’t give us real food!

Kevin: But it’s applesauce! It’s fruit, and that’s real food. They love us, they just have a lot of kids to watch over.

Nick got busy watching everyone. He will grow up into a child soon. That also means we should really get a head start on the last two babies. Sometime in here Ukupanipo had his adult birthday. It wasn’t forgotten specifically, but just wasn’t celebrated.

Potty training for the girls also begun in earnest. I’m not 100% sure these last 3 toddlers will max their skills, but we are going to try our best. Poor Kynzie is just stuck in her career too, not nearly enough time in the day.

The kids were all getting pretty grungy again, so Kynzie and Ukupanipo decided to give all 3 of them baths over time. Luckily we have 2 tubs so it didn’t take too long before the kids were happy and clean again.

Kynzie needed to head out to the Hijinks festival for work. She never gets to leave the house, and Ukupanipo was home for one of the few nights he’s been able to stay and so we pack Kynzie off to go take care of her job. She had to get focused and do mischief with 5 people. It wasn’t too hard.

Kynzie should be ready for another promotion soon, although she needs a few more followers first, but she is feeling a little more fulfilled again. I had never gone to a festival before this, and it was fun.

Meanwhile, back at home, Ukupanipo had made up some grilled potatoes and most of the kids sat down together to eat them. Nick was off working on watching I think.

Yuri’s evil-ness comes out in unexpected ways. Like how he takes a bath. Seriously, this wasn’t a one time thing. I caught him like this 2 or 3 times.

Yuri, that’s not how you take a bath. You’ll get water everywhere.

Yuri: So?

Your mom is neat freak, and it’s been hard enough on her with the mess you kids always make.

Yuri: Yeah, so?

Everyone else seems to handle bathing fine, it’s just Yuri. So not sure exactly what is happening here.

Meanwhile, one of the twins managed to actually get a bedtime story from her dad. This is fairly rare, most of the kids don’t get a lot of bedtime stories, but they do get read to at other times.

It was, of course, Monday, so school projects were brought home. Both boys set them up in the front yard to work on them, and worked carefully to finish them. I think Kevin needs to wrap his up, but Yuri completed his.

Because Kynzie had lost her fame status I decided to have her try and live stream playing a game. Never tried this before, didn’t know if it would work or if she would gain fans or what. I went through but I don’t think she got much out of it. I’ll have to figure out what to have her start doing to reach her goals.

It’s time to start working on the next nooboo, who will be baby “I” and we are going to cross our fingers that this baby will be only a single. At the moment, I’m pretty sure it will have to be as we have 7 sims in this house right now. I was really hoping to get all the kids under the same roof for the heir poll, but I guess Kevin will have to move out first. I’m concerned about Kynzie having time to have the last baby if we are waiting for that, but we’ll see what happens.

Generation 1.07 | Rules | Generation 1.09

Latte Game – Generation 1.07

Generation 1.06 | Rules | Generation 1.08

Surviving twins has been no joke for the couple. Ukupanipo barely spent time at home, getting off work, making food then running to the ocean to sleep and get hydrated. I feel like I might need to move the family, but they are still broke. I see on the notice that Yuri and the twins are scheduled to grow up on the same day, and Yuri isn’t ready yet. So very very close. Nick is getting closer but I don’t know if he will make it.

After the twins were born I’m afraid I don’t have a ton of pictures for the family, all my time was spent managing and trying to get the toddlers ready to go. I have even greater respect for ISBI players to manage to get toddlers leveled up without controlling them. This was crazy. Anyway, the girls grew up, jumping out of their bassinets after another night of poor Kynzie being woken up by their constant back and forth needs.

Kynzie: Is it day or night, what year is it?

I have no idea what year it is, but I think….day maybe?

Kynzie: Where is Uku?

Sleeping in the ocean again. I sent him off after the 3rd time he was woken up by the twins. He still needs to work, we need money.

Kynzie: Where am I?

You are at home Kynzie….go lay back down.

I felt so bad for Nick and Yuri, they spent the last, let’s say 3 or 4 days of Yuri’s toddlerhood in the red and sad. No hygiene, didn’t have a free moment to bathe them, they were usually near starving, and attention deprived. But they are ALIVE!

Yuri needed two last thinking points at this point I think. Luckily his brother needed to play an instrument for a bunch of hours, so Kevin played and Yuri watched, for about 4 hours.

And then right before the end of Yuri’s birthday I got this notice….it must have only been the one.

Bless you Yuri, you are a wonderful child.

Yuri: You will rue the day I learned to think.


Yuri: I have been neglected for days. Dirty, Hungry, Loney….

I know, but they love you, they’ve just been busy, we are doing our best here!

Yuri: I had ONE book read to me, one bedtime story!

Yuri: This family will rue the day I grew up! *evil laugh*

Oh boy…let’s just move onto the twins shall we? They grew up, I am thrilled everyone is alive and still here, and the twins are now toddlers. Here is Zorah and Zophi, whom look almost identical.

We popped over to give Nick, Zophi, and Zorah make-overs and here are each of them.

Let’s start with Nick and in all his glorious independence. Still looks a lot like his brothers, but has his dad’s eyes. He’s such a little cutie

Then, I apparently didn’t note it down specifically, but I’m about 98% sure this is Zorah. Her clothes are almost all red (or have red in them) and she rolled the Charmer trait.

Zophi on the other hand is all in blues. I’m trying to give the kids more of a ‘color’ to wear so that I can help keep them seperate in my head. She is another Clingy child.

Next time, when they start to grow up, I’ll get better pictures. I didn’t realize I was still so far out. 😀

Ukupanipo puts in a rare appearance. I do promise he is around a whole lot more than it looks like he is. 🙂 He is getting Zophi started on her movement. I do love the slide and at least the kids can go up and down stairs if they have to after a couple of movement points.

Yuri: I love you brother, you are the only member of this family to not neglect me.

Hey…..your siblings all have suffered at times.

Yuri: *thinking face* you are right, but your my favorite Kevin!

Kevin: I love you too Yuri….

The twins “play” with the dollhouse for some imagination and Zorah decides to practice a different way.

Zophi: *thinking* no no no, must get away, mom will yell at us.

Zorah: *thinking* lalala, no one ever watches us, lalala, I can do whatever I want

The end of this day, and yes, just like me in real life, the family has left their decorations on the house since harvest fest. It’s almost winterfest now. We finally get Yuri to grow up from a toddler, and he is a top-notch toddler.

Yuri, if you hadn’t guessed already, rolled the Evil trait. He’s such a cutie, but I have rolled their traits as they are born so I can better hold an heir poll when I get there. Still two more babies to be born, but this feels like a good place to stop.

Yuri: Yeah, because I’m on fire!

That isn’t fire, it’s grow up sparkles.

Generation 1.06 | Rules | Generation 1.08

Latte Game – Generation 1.06

Generation 1.05 | Rules | Generation 1.07

Let’s start off this chapter by showing that Ukupanipo is actually still alive and really is a good dad. He has been working a lot, and needs to go to the ocean frequently to get his fun and hygiene up. The family is still very low on money because of all the additions to the house and the kids things.

Then Kynzie goes and shows us good news for the continuation of this family. She is, in fact, pregnant again. It’s only been a day since Nick was born but baby ‘Z’ is on it’s way.

Kynize: Please let this one be a girl.

If you had strawberries I’ve make you eat them to help assure you got a girl, but sadly you don’t have any.

Kynzie: I guess I could go buy some.

Maybe, but you guys are busy with all the kids as is. We’ll just hope for the best.

Little Yuri is getting further with this skills, but I’m not 100% sure he’ll make it. We only have a few days before he grows up, but first we will meet the new baby and Nick will become a toddler.

Yuri loves his oldest brother and starts watching him all the time, not only to get his thinking skills up, but also because he loves him so much. Kevin needs to draw some pictures while inspired so we have him cloud watch for a bit to get the moodlet.

After the first day of school Kevin came home with his first school project. Kynzie sat down to help him with the volcano, and it turned out good. The upstairs doesn’t really have any decorations so this adds at least something .

Kevin has joined the scouts and begun the process of gaining his badges. He also doesn’t have much in the way of empathy right now so he starts playing doctor.

Kevin: Now, let’s take a listen, this won’t hurt a bit.

You are doing a great job with Mr. Bear there.

Kevin: *quietly* I think he might have munchausen’s. He’s in ALL the time.

We get notice it is time for Nick’s birthday, and Kynzie goes in to help him with the growing up part. We will have a baby again before too long, but it will be nice to have a couple days of uninterrupted sleep.

Nick gets the independent trait, which is actually good. He probably won’t be nearly as sad as his siblings all the time as their parents try to work or don’t spend every waking moment with them.

Nick: I am king of the mountain!

Kynzie takes an afternoon to try and get some work done. She is struggling with her job and needs fame points. I’m not good at getting them yet, so we might have to give her a shot at writing later on. For now though Yuri watches and asks why. Which has to be distracting.

With two toddlers again it seems there is always work to be done. Nick gets started on his communication by babbling at the new dinosaur toy. Once baby ‘Z’ is here and grown up we will have another make-over. Yuri is playing with his blocks.

Kynzie: Ok Yuri, A is for…

Yuri: Awful

Kynzie: Very good…a little weird, but very good. How about this one, it’s a B

Yuri: B is for Bad.

I am starting to think there might be a little something off here.

Apparently I got a bit slack on the picture taking for a bit as Kynzie’s pregnancy progressed, Ukupanipo has been trying to work as much as he can, and we had a friend that came over and never left. She just stayed, slept in our beds, and broke our plumbing. So that’s where we find Kynzie, fixing the plumbing.

Kynzie: Oh come up stupid sink. Why does this thing break so easily?

I know, it’s a bit of a cheap sink, sorry you can’t afford better yet.

Kynzie: It’s all right, I just need to get this thing to stop leaking…

Kynzie: Ow! I think I pulled……oh no, not already

What was is happening?

Kynzie: *painfully* In labor…..

On the way to the hospital?

Kynzie: Are you kidding?? *ooh, ooh* With that crazy doc?

Let’s hope it’s a girl

Kynzie: Yes, a girl would be good.

Oh my gosh…..twins. Yes, Kynzie had twins.

Kynzie: Wait….why, why, why are their two bassinets?

Ummm….you had twins honey. But they are girls.

Kynzie: But but…..I gotta lay down.

Please welcome our first girls, Zophi and Zorah

Next comes a stretch of no pictures because of the exhaustion and constant needs of the family. The boys were miserable, constantly messy, the twins took turns with their needs. She would feed one, coo at them both, lay down for a few moments and then the other would have a dirty diaper. Ukupanipo started sleeping in the ocean, poor guy was miserable.

Everyone was very thankful when it became Harvest Fest and there was a day off. Toddlers had energy to skill, baths were given and gnomes were appeased. I did not know that you could get a “table” gnome that didn’t need to be appeased until this moment.

The family cannot wait for the girls to grow up, neither can I. Yuri has 2 days to grow up and needs thinking skills. Kevin is doing well, even though we haven’t seen him much. He is doing well in scouts and already has a B in school. Kynzie has lost her fame, so we can only hope she can get it back later. With that, it feels like a great place to end the chapter.

Generation 1.05 | Rules | Generation 1.07

Latte Game – Generation 1.05

Generation 1.04 | Rules | Generation 1.06

When we were last with the family we had just had Yuri and found out baby ‘N’ was on the way. Ukupanipo panicked a bit about having a third baby this quickly and we saw a lot of Kevin.

Let’s start of this chapter by checking in on the family. The whole family is sitting down to a meal, on of the last quiet moments they will have for a while.

Ukupanipo was right last chapter, this house is not big enough for the entire growing family. We are going to have at least 6 kids so we will need more space. It would be great if we could have all 6 here together so we can “easily” pick out the heir.

To that end, we added a second story to the house, moved the master bedroom and bathroom up there, added a second bathroom up there and a child’s room for as the boys get older. We then expanded out the kitchen some, made the master bedroom slightly bigger and is now the toddlers room

Kynize, as a neat sim, can occasionally go into cleaning frenzies. She runs all over the house cleaning up everything. It can be very useful, but she is also very pregnant. Kevin was then in a need of a bath, so he was popped into the new tub upstairs and cleaned away. I do love toddler baths.

We then received notice that it was time for little Yuri to grow up. We will see how life goes with two toddlers in the house, although Kevin is almost through all his skills.

Another little brown haired boy, who looks an awful lot like Kevin. I think these genetics might be very similar this season for some reason. That’s ok, he’s still a cutie. We decide to get him started on movement right away so Kynzie goes down to start helping him with climbing the slide.

Yuri: *internally* I will climb this mountain! I will crest this hill!

As he gets better, and she gets tired, he’s left to his own devices and continues to play on the slide. I believe he is a level 4 movement before he stops. Oh, I also forgot to mention Yuri gets the ‘Clingy’ trait.

The next day everyone is in need of a break and poor Ukupanipo is so desperate for time in the ocean and needs to get going on his beach life aspiration as well. So we pack up the family and head to the beach. They have a lot of time playing in the ocean.

I apparently skip a little time in picture taking, but Ukupanipo has gotten a couple of promotions, which was good because the family was broke after the renovations. Late one night Kynzie is out with one of the boys when she goes into labor.

After the disasters that have been the hospital on the last two births Kynzie decides to have this baby at home.

Kynzie: Be a girl, be a girl, be a girl

Really hoping for a girl huh?

Kynzie: Yes. I love my boys, but it’s time for a girl.

I agree, I would also like a girl, but I also am chanting, be only one, be only one, be only one.

Kynzie: I could have more than one??!!!!

Yes, actually it could be 3 babies.

Kynzie: Oh, no no no no. There better only be one baby, our house is not big enough for this.

*Cross your fingers*

IT’S ONE BABY!!! Thank goodness….but it’s also a boy. Baby boy is the third baby bord, third pregnancy and that means he’s gets the ‘N’ name. We name him Nick. Welcome to the world Nick Latte.

Kynzie: I better get a girl in these last 3 pregnancies. I don’t want to be the only female in this whole family.

I know, I really want you to have a girl as well. You know what you have to do though.

Kynzie: Survive toddlerhood with the kids I’ve got?

Haha, good one. No, you need to get pregnant again.

For the moment though, Kynzie is not pregnant and has done well enough to have gotten a celebrity level. She does need to focus a bit on the boys she has, and on her career, at least a little bit.

We get notice that is is almost Kevin’s birthday. He needs 1 more thinking point and spends the day watching his mother, his brother, his dad when he comes home from work and gets the point without any problems. That means he has maxed out all his points, he will be a Top-Notch Toddler.

Since it’s his birthday that means he can do what he wants, right?

Kevin: What? I’m playing with my duck.

They decide to throw him a birthday party, although it’s really just family. Ukupanipo bakes up a chocolate cake for him and Kynzie puts on the candles and brings her oldest son to the cake.

Kevin grows up into a handsome little boy. He rolls a Cat Lover trait, makes sense since his big stuffed toy all growing up was Big Puds the cat. He gets the Artistic Prodigy aspiration and we buy him a new bed to put up in the “big boys” room upstairs. Big Puds comes too, of course. New stuffed toys will be bought for the new toddlers.

Kevin: I’m moving upstairs??

Yep, that’s where your new room is.

Kevin: Wait when did we get an upstairs

Days ago kid. I guess you probably haven’t crawled up there yet. Didn’t you wonder where your parents slept?

Kevin: Not really.

I went into CAS and gave the kids a bit of a make over. So here is Kevin after his make-over. He lost his glasses upon growing up and so I decided to give them back to him. He is a handsome little boy and I see a lot of his dad in him.

Here is little Yuri after his make-over. I didn’t change much about him, but it did give me a chance to get a better look at him. He is also a little cutie, but looks a lot like his brother.

For now I feel like that is a good place to stop this update. Next time we will find out if Kynzie gets pregnant with baby ‘Z’ and if so, will she ever get her girl?

Generation 1.04 | Rules | Generation 1.06

Latte Game – Generation 1.04

Generation 1.03 | Rules | Generation 1.05

Last time we discovered that baby Y in on their way and Kevin was working on getting his skills up. He is getting closer and should read top-notch toddler without any major problems.

He does manage to make out his movement, which was helped by his wild trait. Kynzie helped him on the slide a few times since it was still a scary slide for a while, but soon he was doing it all on his own.

Kevin is often angry when he wakes up, usually from still being hungry, but the kid doesn’t seem to like to finish his food, so that makes sense. So far I have kept him from breaking his dollhouse and beating up the cat too badly. I cannot remember the cat’s name, something like Big Pudge or something, but he gets lots of hugs.

Kevin: Big Puds (that’s it!) do you have food? No one feeds me around here.

Big Puds: ….

There is food out in the kitchen, just so grab some.

Kevin: Hmmpf

With living in Sulani a lot of time is spent outdoors, and Kevin gets ‘Grungy’ pretty easily. He is also, we see from the little indicator, a merman just like his dad. This isn’t surprising as it seemed, unless the latest update changed this, that any baby of a merman/mermaid (even just one parent) resulted in a merman/mermaid baby. He does seem to love bathtime.

Since Kynzie is able to work from home easier than Ukupanipo she has been spending her mornings with Kevin and then after he goes down for a nap she will do work, or take a nap herself. Still, they work on his imagination and communication together. I believe he maxed communication and only needs one more level of imagination.

A minor celebrity shows up at the house and knocks on the door. They invite him in and while Ukupanipo doesn’t have much luck in introducing himself, Kynzie doesn’t have this problem and she makes them a meal. Kevin talks his ear off though.

Kevin: And then then mom went “whoosh” right up in the air!

Kynzie: *under breath* ok Kev…we don’t have to tell the stranger everything about our family

Well to be fair Kynzie, you are wearing your nighty down here.

I’m not sure who wanted to do it, but Kynzie autonomously works with Kevin on flash cards. He was so happy they worked it for longer than I remember seeing any toddle willing to do it.

Kynzie then helps Kevin with his imagination by reading a book to him. I do love this interaction, watching them grab a book and crawl up on the couch together.

Kynzie: …and the boy grabbed onto the space ship and it carried him home.

Kevin: *gasps*

We can see that Kynzie is getting super pregnant with baby Y. Ukupanipo is still around and doing well. He holds a couple of Kava parties and finally reaches the gold party that he was looking for. He has ready his next milestone on his aspiration, I just missed pictures of it.

Over breakfast a day or two later we get the notice that Kynzie is, indeed ready to have baby Y. She wants to give the hospital another go, but Ukupanipo doesn’t come with her, staying home to watch over Kevin.

At the hospital she changes into a gown and heads into the delivery machine. We get the same doctor, only in a pink jacket this time, and we hope it will go better. The first thing she does is take out Kynzie’s heart again. Poor Kynzie doesn’t have luck with this doc.

Kynzie: Hey doc, is this supposed to be spraying me in the face?

Doctor: Hmmm…..oh yes yes, I’m sure that’s normal.

Kynzie: You’re sure, meaning you don’t know? Oh my gosh, just delivery the baby already!

Luckily a new baby soon arrive and Kynzie was able to go home with a new bouncing baby boy. He is given the name Yuri. Ukupanipo is very smitten with his new baby boy.

There are still 4 more pregnancies to go, so they get started again pretty quickly. While Kevin is about 2 days from growing into a toddler, he only needs to finish up imagination and thinking. He’s close to both and shouldn’t have any problems reaching this goal. Baby Yuri still has a day or two before growing up, but Kynize has baby N on the way

She heads out to give Ukupanipo the news.

Kynzie: Uku, I have news.

Ukupanipo: ….ok

Kynzie: I’m pregnant again!!

Ukupanipo: What??? How can this be? We JUST had a baby???!!!

Kynzie: Well we did, you know…

Ukupanipo: But….the house isn’t big enough for another baby yet!!! What are we going to do???

Kynzie: Darling, it will be fine. I wanted 6 pregnancies remember and I don’t want our kids to be so far apart in age. Kevin will be a child soon.

Don’t worry Ukupanipo, if you keep bringing in money I will help get the house ready for a larger family.

Ukupanipo: Trying to steady his breathing, ok….ok….I need to get some more promotions. 3 babies….I guess we’re half way there.

There you go! Just keep thinking about being 1/2 way through, it will be ok.

This update was a little Kevin heavy I know, but I think that is a good place to end. Next time Yuri will grow into a toddler, and Kevin will be turning into a child, and we will see if Kynzie will ever have a girl. Baby ‘n’ is on their way, and we are praying there are no multiples.

Generation 1.03 | Rules | Generation 1.05