Comic Summer: Prologue

Rules | Family Tree | Post 1.01

Welcome to yet another challenge. 😀 I know, I’m a glutton for punishment. Over at there is a summer challenge challenge. This year, instead of specifying a challenge for us to do, we got to pick one to start and finish before September. So, while I already have multiple challenges going we picked out a semi-short challenge to try. So enter Comic Summer. This is going to be an OWBPC (The “Officially”Wacky Boolprop Challenge.) I did start one of these for TS2 a while back and would like to complete that one at some point as well, but this one will be for TS2.

Meet our founder, Autumn Comic. The name theme will be nature here, and part of that goes into my selected mini challenges, but we’ll get to those in a second.

Autumn is a Foodie who is also Good and Ambitious. She has the Beach Life aspiration to start off with and that gives her the Home Turf bonus trait. She will be starting off life in Sulani, but let’s take a look at the bonuses and mini challenges I have selected. Let’s start with the bonuses:

Island Living (9 points total)

  • Have your founder choose a lot in Mua Pel’am, restore the island, and keep it clean for the remainder of the challenge. (3 points)
  • Your founder needs to compete the beach life aspiration. Your subsequent heirs should complete at least one nature aspiration each. (3 points)
  • By the end of the challenge, both the buried treasure and seashell collections should be complete. (3 points)

Jungle Adventures (9 points total)

  • Founder/ALL heirs must go to Selvadorada to find their spouse…they must be a local. No going to Selvadorada and coming back with a townie who also happened to be on vacation! (3 Points)
  • By end of challenge, one of the Ancient artifact collections need to be complete. (3 Points)
  • Founder/heir must build a relic and use it on someone outside the family. (3 Points)

Realm of Magic (9 points total)

  • Have your founder and all following heirs become a spellcaster. They will need to be turned in game, or born to a previous heir, they can not be made in CAS. (3 points)
  • At the end of the challenge, your final heir should have the ancient bloodline trait. (3 points)
  • Win a duel with each of the three sages. (3 points)

So we are going to try for these three packs. So we will start on Mua Pel’am to get the first step of Island Living, and work on restoring the island. She is already going to have Beach Life, so the kids will get nature of some kind, and the seashells and buried treasure can be worked on throughout.

The spouses will be fun to go find on Selvadorada and working on the artifacts will be a lot of fun. Once we get going on the archeology items, getting the relic shouldn’t be too hard.

Finally, making Autumn into a spell caster should be a lot of fun. I’m hopeful I will get the bloodline trait without too much effort and winning the duel will take some work, but it will be interesting to work on. So now a look at the mini challenges.

BoolProp Naming Scheme (10 Points)
Naming the first generation’s three children names that start with B, O and O. The second generation’s children would be given names that start with L, P and R. The third generation’s children would be given names that start with O, P and N (for .net, of course!). If twins are born they count as one letter, tough bananas! Name them both with the letter the one child would have been assigned and then you must have another child. So if I had my first generation heir have a boy that I named Larry, then a set of twins I would name them Peter and Paula, because they only count for one letter, I would then have to have them try for another baby to get a Rachel. Additional children born/adopted whether intentionally or accidentally are considered outside the naming scheme and can be named whatever you want.

One Bad Apple (10 Points)
Every generation one of your children will just plain be a bad apple. You get to choose which child it is at birth. Once chosen you cannot change it. A bad apple cannot be controlled until they become a young adult. You can not select your bad apple until they are a teen. You may not view their needs or skills, you may not view anything that you cannot already see with all of the interface fully collapsed. As a child and teen you cannot control them at all. At this point you may also just move them out so they can be controlled by story progression. Having the Bad Apple be taken by a social worker or die before reaching young adult causes you to lose this mini-challenge. You may purchase aspiration rewards that your Bad Apple has rightfully earned. Bonus bonus points if your bad apple earns negative character traits!

Matriarch (10 Points)
You must have your female founder and each of the heiress’ get her three pregnancies from someone outside of the family. You may not marry the father (or mother) or move them in. The heir must be female so strawberries are your friend.

Family Scrapbook (10 Points)
Every member of the family must have either their picture taken, portrait painted (paint from reference) and hung somewhere about the house. You can choose the age or do multiple ages, take group shots or individual pictures, it’s up to you. Your house must contain a picture of everyone that has ever lived in the house by the end of the challenge. Also, each generation, starting with the founder, must write one novel, to keep track of the family’s memories. In total four novels must be written: one by the founder and one by each of the three heirs (first gen, second gen, third gen).

On Ley, Not the Lonely (10 Points)
At the beginning of the challenge you must enable the On Ley Line lot trait, and leave it on for the entire challenge. You must woohoo and give birth on your home lot for the entirety of the challenge. Multiple children will only count as one pregnancy and each generation must still have three pregnancies. Each pregnancy will count as one letter if you are doing the Boolprop Naming Theme mini-challenge. Each child born during the challenge will also need to have at least one character trait (positive or negative) upon finishing their teen years.

So the naming theme is usually pretty easy, and as I said before, we are also going to go with nature for another naming theme. The One Bad Apple will be a little tough, but I think it should be fun also. With heir polls the Matriarch might be tough if we get a lot of boys, so we will probably use strawberries a lot, but hopefully we can keep it up. Family Scrapbook shouldn’t be difficult, since it didn’t say they needed a certain level of picture, and Ley Lines will be turned on.

In fact, here you go. Ley Lines on already for her lot. Autumn will be having the babies for the spellcaster traits, and as an added challenge, due to this also being Pride, Autumn and the heirs will all be some version of an LGTBQ+ orientation or representation

I’m super excited to get started on this, so let me leave you with a quick preview, Autumn in her little hut on the beach:

Rules | Family Tree | Post 1.01

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I have been playing sims since TS1 and even played a little bit of the PS2 version and the mobile versions over time. Once I discovered challenges for TS2 I never looked back. I love the sims, the families I've been able to make, and play through the years, and connecting with people about them. I work from home as a QTC Admin for my company, have a cat I adore and have a million hobbies I feel like I will never have time to completely explore.

3 thoughts on “Comic Summer: Prologue”

    1. It wasn’t so much how to do an heir poll, but this challenge requires all kids to be a part of the poll, so I can’t just pick the girls. If it was that type of challenge it would be easy, but if the game threw me a lot of boys I would have to include them, no choice. 😀 I’m also not actually doing that challenge anymore since I had Autumn get married. lol

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