Comic Summer: Post 2.03

Post 2.02 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 2.04

SimNaNo Entry #1

We are back with another update for the Comic’s today, and this is officially our first SimNaNo post! This is super exciting and I hope you will enjoying having the story continuing throughout the month.

Last time the O-twins became young adults final, and Orca got a good start on her aspiration. A visit to the magical realm took place where we were able to get Oceana through some of her aspiration. Autumn completed the family’s first book, which will be added to by Olive, and Desiree worked on her aspiration. Let’s take a quick glance at what is left for Olive to do, besides have the 3 pregnancies.

Generation One Requirements

  • IL: Complete a Nature aspiration
  • JA: Go to Selvadorada to find a spouse
  • JA: Build a relic and use it on someone outside of the family
  • RoM: Become a spellcaster
  • FS: Write a Non-Fiction novel

  • IL: Keep Sulani clean (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Buried Treasure collection (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Seashell collection (ongoing)
  • JA: Complete Ancient Artifact collection (ongoing)
  • RoM: Win a duel against all 3 sages (ongoing)

So as you can see, we haven’t marked anything off of the list that way, but we have gotten a good start on the Career, Aspiration, and Skills mini-challenges. So let’s get into visiting the family, which is why you are all here right?

Autumn is back in the jungle, and what is she doing? Well, she is cursing the guy at the bar. For this level of the jungle adventure aspiration she needs to activate a relic 5 times. We need another relic so I don’t need to keep cursing people.

Brook is also here in the jungle. I decided to change her from also being jungle adventure (especially since I’m testing some ideas about the aspiration portion of this challenge) to be the archeology aspiration instead. This means she needs to still be in the jungle, but doing more with artifacts and excavation sites. So while Autumn curses the guy at the bar, Brook gets started uncovering artifacts she found last time.

I saw this dog running around for a bit, and then he looked so sad. Head hung low, tail low, and just was slinking off to the side. I felt so bad for the little guy, so I had Autumn go make friends while Brook finished up work on her artifact. He seemed to perk right back up.

Autumn heads into the jungle alone, as she needs to reach the temple pretty quickly to get open another treasure chest. So what’s the fastest way across the bridge by the waterfall? Why to fly on your broom of course. Jogging all the way is for suckers.

Off on one of the side places, hoping to find an artifact (spoiler: we did) we also get a blessing of being a skeleton for awhile. This will be great for Autumn so she can get through the temple easier. At least I hope she can.

So this temple I had never seen before. It’s all decked out in decorations and has a bar and stereo system installed. Has anyone else ever seen this temple? It’s too funny to me, and Autumn did get to the bottom and got open the rare chest.

Desiree comes and joins Autumn in the jungle for a night. She hasn’t been back to Selvadorada since she left to go be with Autumn in Sulani. They enjoy their night together, away from the kids, and after one final pass to ensure the temple isn’t ready again yet, they both head home.

Back at home Desiree completes her final skill and gets through her aspiration. This is super exciting. Even though I know it’s not likely to be completed she takes on Big Happy Family in hope that maybe she’ll live long enough to see the grand kids.

So Father Winter asked Olive to hang out with him in Brindleton Bay. So she went. We still have plans here. Admittedly they are not moving super fast, but Father Winter isn’t getting any younger at all. They never do make it into the bar as Olive is talking to him one moment and then he just disappears.

However, a little later we invite him over and things move along quite well. There has been no woohoo yet, I want to see if I can get Olive a little farther through her aspiration and clear out the house a little bit first, but we have him ready. There will be Father Winter babies in our future. I’m not sure I’ve mentioned it, but Olive is bi-sexual, and Orca I would consider to be pan-sexual. The others haven’t really taken that very far yet, although I think Oceana is likely closer to asexual than anything else.

While Olive works on seducing Father Winter upstairs, downstairs, Orca invites this lady over, whom she met the other day. This will be another new girlfriend for her and add another kiss to the list. So to build up the friendship we take pictures of her and chat and flirt for a bit.

They eventually move inside and before long Orca got her kiss and another girlfriend under her belt. I believe that puts her at 4 girlfriends currently. I think she eventually needs 8, but 10 first kisses.

Orca quickly moves on to another kiss from this girl, who also becomes her girlfriend rather quickly. They had already gained a friendship before this, so it didn’t take as much effort to get her ready for a kiss.

So I noticed this later that night, a flamingo has gone missing. I’m not sure how long it was missing, I was popping back and forth from the jungle to the house there for a little bit, but this is the first time I noticed it, and I noticed it through the window, so I don’t think its been missing long. I check everyone’s inventory, the family inventory to make sure I didn’t accidentally move it in there somehow, and no where. I cannot find the flamingo, so I buy a new one and move on. They had all been there.

Brook must give an archeology lecture to someone, so once she completes authenticating the artifact you can just see on the table, she brings both of her mom’s over to listen to her findings and her talk. Autumn is very proud of her daughter, as she too is quite versed in archeology. Desiree listens patiently as she might not know much about archeology, but she does know about Selvadorada.

Orca hosts another party, although it was her mom that invited all the guests as Orca needed new lips to kiss. She now has this super funny, and very fun introduction: Enchanting Introduction. She throws rose petals up in the air and gets both friendship and romance started right away. She does this with multiple people at the part until the camera drags me away.

No no no no!!! I’m not ready for Desiree to go! I’m sad about this, but at the same time we are going to need more room soon, and she managed to complete the Renaissance Sim aspiration, which is great. Desiree didn’t max any of her skills, but she worked hard to raise her girls, and has done well.

After that, the party ended pretty quickly of course, and Autumn was a wreck. She tried to brew herself a potion and it went horribly wrong. She was able to do it again and concentrate a little better the next time, but she is super sad to have lost Desiree.

She does, however, need to head back to the jungle to wrap up her aspiration. So we take a couple of side paths and eventually get through the temple. Autumn’s a pro at this by now. She finally reaches the last place, picks up a gold relic, which is nice, and a few other treasures.

When she opens the temples final treasure chest she completes her aspiration. I am not sure if she will survive long enough to see another completed or not, but we look through the list and decide to start her off on a fortune aspiration. She goes with Fabulously Wealthy.

I then watch in shock and I get quick screen after quick screen showing she’s completing milestone after milestone, and then it’s done. She finishes the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration without ever even moving. Well that puts her at 3 aspirations finished. This time she picks Leader of the Pack, as we already have a club at home.

Even though we haven’t seen her yet, Olive was brought along on this trip as well. She needs to go spouse hunting. We first spy this guy in the black shirt, and wonder, hmmm….do we pick him. Then the girl in the green dress walks in and I like her a lot too.

Isn’t she adorable? I think her name is Fabina. However, then this other girl, in the while blouse walks in. All of them can discuss the jungle and other Selvadorada items, and are clearly residents.

Olive and Autumn talk to all of them for quite a while, and Fabina hits it off better with Olive than about anyone else. So pictures were taken, even if it looks like we were taking the picture of this guy in white, we were not. Olive has found her future spouse. This was a successful trip to the jungle.

Before heading home Olive seals the deal with her. They are not officially a couple yet, but they have reached a level of romance that should allow Olive to invite her over and out on a date to finalize their relationship.

That however, will happen next time with the family. Autumn and Olive head home to be back with the rest of the girls, who are all still very sad about Deisree. I need to get another floor added to the house to serve as a mausoleum for our dearly departed sims. But all of that will wait. I feel like we are making great progress this generation now.

We do still need to focus on getting more buried treasures, and we have a lot more aspirations to try and get through, but Brook is close to completing her’s, and Orca is well on her way. I need to spend some time on both Olive and Oceana’s soon, and Olive will need to eventually get a job, but all of that will come next time.

SimNaNo Totals:

Words: +1,743 | 1,743 / 25,000
Pictures: +36 | 36 / 500

I’m not counting titles, or the links, or this box of data in the word count, just so you know. I’m not trying to “pad” the numbers.

Post 2.02 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 2.04

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I have been playing sims since TS1 and even played a little bit of the PS2 version and the mobile versions over time. Once I discovered challenges for TS2 I never looked back. I love the sims, the families I've been able to make, and play through the years, and connecting with people about them. I work from home as a QTC Admin for my company, have a cat I adore and have a million hobbies I feel like I will never have time to completely explore.

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