Comic Summer: Post 2.06

Post 2.05 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 2.07

SimNaNo Entry #4

We are up to entry number four for SimNaNo and I think I’m on track to meet my goals, but we will see how it goes. So far so good though. You aren’t here for my talks about that though, you are here for the Comic’s. So let’s do a quick recap. Last time Orca got her aspiration complete and moved out. Twins Lily and Lavender were born and grew up to toddlers on the same day that Autumn passed on. Olive and Fabiana got engaged and then married. Here is a look at our other goals:

Generation One Requirements

  • IL: Complete a Nature aspiration
  • JA: Go to Selvadorada to find a spouse
  • JA: Build a relic and use it on someone outside of the family
  • RoM: Become a spellcaster
  • FS: Write a Non-Fiction novel

  • IL: Keep Sulani clean (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Buried Treasure collection (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Seashell collection (ongoing)
  • JA: Complete Ancient Artifact collection (ongoing)
  • RoM: Win a duel against all 3 sages (ongoing)

  • Have 3 pregnancies each generation (4 of 9)
  • Workaholics (1 of 10 careers topped)
  • Tricks of the Trade (7 of 40 skills mastered)
  • Aspirational Family (7 of 30 aspirations competed)

None of this has really changed although we are working harder on Olive’s aspiration. I did add the requirements for the 3 super mini-challenges I am kind of working on. I used my suggested number of aspirations as my number to reach, I think it’s still going to be tough, but we’ll do our best.

We start where we left off last time, with Olive at the magical realm. She is working on her potions and her magical skills. She still needs to be up to the top level of magic in order to complete her aspiration, and I need her to get a job soon. I’m not sure we are going to get through all the aspirations and I’m pretty sure we aren’t going to get all the skills, but we’ll keep trying.

Oceana came and joined Olive in the magical realm and started getting to be friends with the sages as well. I believe she is likely going to be the one to challenge them to duels. I could be one of Olive’s kids as well, so we will see how it goes.

I really do like this current sage. She’s rather pretty, but of course, our spouses have to come from Selvadorada, and I think we’ve had good luck so far. With these sages being friends Oceana was able to get some additional magical training.

Then the sisters had a couple of friendly duels. Oceana lost both times to her older sister. That makes sense, Olive is higher in her magical training than Oceana is, but they both need to max it. I should start having them duel more often and that might help boost up their magic levels.

Today is a special day for the family. Why you might ask, well you’ll see in a moment. Blossom hasn’t been seen much, but she is speeding through her aspiration. She just needs to finish another bestseller and then she is at level 7 in her career and should start progressing quickly, I hope.

So why is it a special day? Because it’s WinterFest of course! This is the first holiday with the twins being old enough to participate. They have a lot of fun decorating the tree, and opening presents together. Every one got something good I believe, but the toddlers had to go to bed before Father Winter arrived.

Olive and Brook took each of the twins to teach them some things with flash cards. The twins haven’t had a lot of devoted attention to gaining skills with traveling to the magical realm so much, so we need to focus on getting them through their skills once the holiday is over.

Once Brook is done with flash cards, it’s time for her to take more pictures. This photography skill is not an easy one to master at all. Luckily Lavender is a great photo subject, and that look on the bottom one is just too priceless. These two are going to be trouble I think. At least they are adorable.

I discovered that Fabiana could read magical tomes to the twins. I have no idea if this does anything or not. I find it fun though and so had her read to them one of the potion tomes. This, luckily, also gets her started on the Successful Lineage aspiration as well. Luckily the read to a Child doesn’t require it to be an actual child, toddlers also count.

Olive got a phone call about someone wanting to have a duel at the dueling grounds. We go ahead and say yes, even though the twins were needing things. Olive won the duel easily and felt very confident after wards. Then she headed home

Desiree came out and haunted that night though, and Brook was up and active so she, of course, got out the camera. Desiree might have been sad when she first showed up but Brook got her cheered up right away. We miss Desiree but the girls are doing really well. I do need to have more room before too much longer, but we’ll see how it goes, and I’m hoping Brook can get through her career.

The girls get pretty messy some days, and with as much as we have been away the girls haven’t gotten as potty trained as I would normally try and have them at this point. So while Olive was at home she made sure to get the girls a bath. I love the splash I caught in this picture of Lavender. They are both so cute.

The family was struggling with fun. I have been pushing them all pretty hard, and so everyone was pretty unhappy at their social and fun needs so decided to hold a movie night for them. Dinner was eaten in the living room and a movie was watched with most of the family. It helped everyone have a lot more fun and the whole family went to bed much happier that night.

Autumn came out that night and started haunting. The house is back into a pretty bad state again. With being done there is a toilet that I haven’t been home around noon to fix it, or I keep missing the noon time slot. With Autumn out however, a sink, another toilet, and now as you can see, a shower are broken as well. There is also a computer broken now, so we need to fix some things.

Another story time, or rather potion reading happens the next day. We did manage to remember to have Olive finally fix everything in the house at noon that next day. There was a lot, but with her magical skill she was able to get it all done before the hour was up. Brook has been working on upgrading beds as well.

Brook got called out by Orca to come hang out with her and one of her friends at the cliffs. I know the picture is dark, but of course it was close to dark, so Brook played around with the picture taking a bit as well. They never did light the bon fire however.

She wasn’t the closest with Orca, so Brook took the chance to also take pictures of and with Orca She is up to level 4 in photography and this pushes her close to the top. I think she might manage to max it before too much longer, but it’s taken a while. After this the sisters were much closer of course.

The girls headed over to the pool that is up there and went swimming until it get cold. About the time Brook felt like she was going to freeze to death they all got out and put on their cold weather clothing. They didn’t stay much longer after this as Brook was starting to get tired and I wanted to get her back home.

The Christmas Tree s still up but we are up to New Years now. Olive has worked on collecting more buried treasure and manged to find a new piece. We are down to needing 8 pieces, and I will probably send Olive out a little bit more soon. With her collector’s trait she is good at finding things. The twins were feeling neglected so they were played with.

Brook: I want to get a promotion, so I’m going to work on it.

Blossom: I am too, and I’m close, so I think I can make it.

Fabiana: Count me in on that as well. I want to get a promotion too.

Olive: I want to get back into shape, so I’m going to try and lose weight.

Oceana: I just want to finish my aspiration.

Oceana and Blossom take advantage of the time at home with the twins to read them stories, talking to them, and teaching them more things. The twins are excited to have so much undivided attention by their aunts. Shortly after this I send both Brook and Blossom to work to try and get promotions, but sadly neither got on.

Right before Brook left for work I had to capturing shots of Oceana practicing her magics, and Lily working on her potty skill, and she finally did it. Another skill maxed. This is one of the hardest skills, in my opinion, to get completed so I’m excited. She will likely work on the painting skill as well, since that is also needed for her career. I’m debating if I have her finish her career. She seems to have stalled, but we’ll see what happens.

Before the new years countdown begins some of the girls get together to eat some dinner. Olive has been brewing potions, as you can almost make out the blue liquid with a bit of smoke still coming off of it. The others are all napping so they can enjoy the countdown.

The five adults who are still here in the house gather to watch the countdown. Blossom left about an hour before to go read one of the twins to sleep as she had gotten up. Luckily she made it back in time to finish the countdown and everyone had a great new years. Fabiana gives Olive a kiss, and Brook gets up and gives her a hug.

Right at the end of the evening, Desiree was coming out to haunt, and it was about this time that Olive realizes she is pregnant with baby number 2. At the moment there is no room for it to be more than one baby, so this might be our bad apple. I’m trying to decide if I wait for the next baby for the bad apple, but I haven’t fully decided yet.

With that we are going to call it good and next time we should see the new baby, and the twins should also be growing up. I’m hoping we will see Brook and Blossom get higher in their careers and Oceana through her aspiration. We’ll see how it goes.

SimNaNo Totals:

Words: +1,843 | 7,718 / 25,000
Pictures: +36 | 148 / 500

Post 2.05 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 2.07

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I have been playing sims since TS1 and even played a little bit of the PS2 version and the mobile versions over time. Once I discovered challenges for TS2 I never looked back. I love the sims, the families I've been able to make, and play through the years, and connecting with people about them. I work from home as a QTC Admin for my company, have a cat I adore and have a million hobbies I feel like I will never have time to completely explore.

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