Comic Summer: Post 2.16

Post 2.15 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 3.01

SimNaNo Entry #14

We are back, and counting down the last few updates for this years SimNaNo. Thank you for spending it with me and the Comic’s and I hope you have had some fun. We are wrapping up this generation probably this update, which mean we are moving onto the last generation of this challenge. Here’s a look at where we are so far.

Generation One Requirements

  • IL: Complete a Nature aspiration
  • JA: Go to Selvadorada to find a spouse
  • JA: Build a relic and use it on someone outside of the family
  • RoM: Become a spellcaster
  • FS: Write a Non-Fiction novel

  • IL: Keep Sulani clean (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Buried Treasure collection (ongoing)
  • IL: Complete Seashell collection (ongoing)
  • JA: Complete Ancient Artifact collection (ongoing)
  • RoM: Win a duel against all 3 sages (ongoing)

  • Have 3 pregnancies each generation (6 of 9)
  • Workaholics (5 of 10 careers topped)
  • Tricks of the Trade (27 of 39 skills mastered)
  • Aspiration Family (18 of 27 base game aspirations completed)
  • Aspirational Family (goal) (19 of 30 aspirations competed)

So we have been making some great progress and we should hopefully complete a few more things before the end of this update. For now, though, let’s hope right in and check out how it’s going for the family.

We are going to start off right away with Oceana completing the Mixology aspiration. This also means she has maxed out the mixology skill. Oceana has been a super successful sim for us. She takes Public Enemy next.

Olive finally finishes up the bodybuilder aspiration and boy am I glad. Still no word of any of the kids getting married so far, but we are still hopeful we can complete these family ones soon enough. She goes back to Successful Lineage I believe.

This is a special day for the family, and Lily throws a big party at a lounge in another area of town. As you can see friends and family of all sorts showed up to celebrate with the family. What is the special occasion you might ask? I’m glad you did, because it’s Olive’s birthday today. Now, the lounge doesn’t have a stove, so the cake has to be done later, but the party was a huge success.

After the party has wound down for the night and everyone had left the lounge, Orca stayed and ordered another drink. I guess she wasn’t ready to return home to the 4 kids waiting for her there.

Back at home, Olive makes herself a cake and blow out the candles. We didn’t forget her birthday, of course, having just thrown her a big party, but we didn’t want her to feel sad. She is still a lovely elder.

Olive’s first move as an elder is to head upstairs and finish her research and debate skill. She also just needs a small sliver of work performance to max her current career. Way to go Olive!

Rye continues to work on robotics, but he still isn’t very good. He hits himself in the head more often than not, and finishes up dazed after plenty of his sessions.

Oceana is back to the DJ booth, and with her party outfit on she is grooving and having a grand time behind the deck. I’m hoping she’ll be able to help her niece with some future parties.

Lily helps Olive with the next batch of potion, and she finally learns it for herself as well. That means there is another sim who can make the potion that has gotten us through all of these skills.

Olive spends New Skill day working on cooking. She got to level 9 and then quickly to level 10 in gourmet cooking. Then she prepares to start on baking as well.

Lily has to gain some painting skill for her job, so she heads up to the easel and gets the skill in no time. She has maxed all the skills I needed her for, so I’m debating what to do with her now.

So I send her bowling. We might as well get this skill out of the way. She gets up to level 4 before heading back home to start the next day. It was a successful new skill day for everyone.

I missed the initial picture, but Fabiana finished up the skills I needed her too. This was very thrilling as I really wasn’t sure she’s make it. So now, unless one of the girls who moved out, gets married, she will mostly get to do what she wants. I start shrinking down the garden.

Oceana has made enemies with the girl at the table and they are now sworn enemies. It’s interesting to have to do this aspiration, but Oceana feels like the woman to do it. I just hope she last’s long enough!

It’s another night and another big party. This time held at a bar that was outfitted with an oven. A caterer was higher to make a cake, and she put the cake in an area where candles couldn’t be added. However, Reed uses this opportunity to gain lots of friends with much of his family and extended family members. Who were we celebrating this time??

It’s Oceana! She also had to go home, bake a quick cake and blow out the candles, but she had a good birthday all the same. It’s crazy to see her as an elder now. I will miss her so much!

Then she heads upstairs, and much like Olive, finishes up a skill. This time the DJ mixing skill. She is currently in the criminal career, and we hope she will have time to get her aspiration completed.

This update is just full of accomplishments today. Olive comes home with her career maxed out in Education. She quickly switches over to the culinary career and we need to start working the Master Chef aspiration, so I go ahead and switch her to that for now.

We got the stuff to get Reed started on the veterinarian skill, and he gets started while Rye continues to slowly move up the robotics skill. These skills aren’t super fast to build when the boys are still having to do school.

Lily heads back to the bowling alley and quickly levels up the bowling skill to it’s maximum level. I need Lily to gain her career levels a little faster, and I’m not doing that so well at the moment. I’ll have to make better efforts on this.

It’s WinterFest again and the whole family, at least the ones we know, are invited over again The tree is decorated, presents are placed and everyone enjoys food and opening up the gifts It’s a full day for everyone.

It’s yet another party, but this time at a restaurant. It’s Lily’s birthday, but sadly it’s going to be a far from happy occasion for her. While everyone is eating the phone calls start coming in.

First it’s Blossom, then it’s Orca. The whole family is going to be sad for a while at this point. Then the night gets worse. Oceana had to leave dinner early to head to work as as everyone is heading out of the restaurant this happens.

Fabiana has moved onto the great beyond, and luckily Lily wasn’t completely home yet, so she came back in and gathered the urn to bring home and place on the spot created for her.

Lily bakes a quick cake to blow out candles on, it’s been a rough birthday for her.

Sadly, the day had one more surprise in store, when all the phone began ringing again and we hear that Brook has passed now as well. Olive and Oceana lost all of their sisters is essentially under 12 sim hours.

Rye left the house to go collection gathering, since it was still the weekend and we needed to get out of the house. He manages to collect enough crystals to complete a milestone, and once he gets home he sends them off to the geo counsel to get the elements he needs.

It’s a fairly somber New Years, everyone watches the count down, but there is no big party. Everyone misses Fabiana and are thinking of the rest of the family members they lost suddenly right here at the end of the year.

Life, however, moves on, and beach clean up with the club is still a thing. We just need to find the last 2 buried treasures to complete that collection, but the game doesn’t seem interested in giving them to us yet.

There is one more party to be had in this update, that has been so full of accomplishments and sorrow. It’s the R-twins birthday finally, and they get a small party and a Winter Cake. The party is a success, and both blow out their candles.

Rye adds Outgoing to Good and Childish for her final trait, but he also earned Good Manners, Compassionate, and Responsible as well. He is almost through the Nature aspiration he needs. Reed gains Non-Committal, which goes with Outgoing and Bookworm for his traits. He also gained character traits, Mediator, Good Manners, and Responsible.

That is going to be our wrap up for the night, but on top of all the deaths we experienced there were some fun updates from the extended family as well. I will put them below so you can see them. Two more updates I hope, so SimNaNo, and thanks for joining me.

SimNaNo Totals:

Words: +1,558 | 24,152 / 25,000
Pictures: +72 | 562 / 500

Post 2.15 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 3.01

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I have been playing sims since TS1 and even played a little bit of the PS2 version and the mobile versions over time. Once I discovered challenges for TS2 I never looked back. I love the sims, the families I've been able to make, and play through the years, and connecting with people about them. I work from home as a QTC Admin for my company, have a cat I adore and have a million hobbies I feel like I will never have time to completely explore.

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