Latte Game – Generation 3.09

Generation 3.08 | Rules | Family Tree | Generation 3.10

Holy cow it has been so long since I’ve been able to welcome you back to the Latte’s! With my summer challenge over and my work project getting a little bit easier to juggle it’s time to get back to my sims. I have missed my families, and I hope you are excited to have some new updates.

Since it has been so very long since we were last with the family, here is a quick recap: The kids all worked on their aspirations, Ijtiba grow into a fussy toddler, Zorah passed away, Hjordis grew into a teen, Halix got pregnant for the final time, and that was about it, so let’s hop in!

I’m going to start with this look at the way the family is right this moment, Lowitja, Easton, Ijtiba, Halix, Zophi, Hjorid, and Amarja. We are ready t see what the final baby is. If we keep with family tradition it should be another boy, although Zophi didn’t fully follow that, we’ll see.

We will actually start out with some family updates first. Ixael (Halix’s younger brother) is now an adult, and Xander, Oxkar’s son, is a child, while Yenifer’s little boy, Youssef, is also a child now.

Zophi and Halix both go in and sit on one of the kids beds where Amarja is trying too get her homework done for the day.

Zophi: Halix, do you really need to eat in here?

Halix: mmm ttrwwing to holp

Amarja: I’m good guys, thanks for the help, see all done.

I secretly think Amarja said that just to get out of there, but she does just breeze through homework at this point.

What is it with all of you wanting to eat in the bedroom today?

Easton: Leave me out of this, I was just leaving.

Hjordis: It’s where everyone else is!

Ijtiba: Bunny, I go to school soon. I learn maf like daddy.

Easton: *thinking* My boy is so smart…he’s going to be a bit of a nerd probably…wait, am I a nerd? I do like chess, and I am an astronaut…

Relax Easton, there is no problem with being smart and attractive here, and Ijtiba will be successful I’m sure, and well like.

Easton: Oh good, wait, you can hear my thoughts???!!!

Well, I can see your thought bubbles, so kind of….sometimes it’s hard to interpret though.

As in nearly ANY sim household dancing is a big past time. Father and son dance together and Easton has to be getting close to that body builder aspiration. It takes a secure man, or maybe just a sim man, to be comfortable in his boxers with his mother-in-law in the room.

Zophi: I could probably handle him being less secure.

Zophi is, I think, starting to feel her age. She is spending a lot of time with her granddaughters lately, and with her grandson too.

We get a quick update to let us know that Pixey is pregnant with her second child, although first with her husband.

Then it’s time to say, Happy Winterfest, again and much of the family is invited over for dinner and presents, and you get your first look at the very pregnant Halix this update. She is becoming very uncomfortable and would very much like to be done being pregnant.

Amarja manages to finish up her second aspiration, Whiz Kid, and starts on another, Artistic Prodigy. She isn’t likely to get super close since she will be a teen soon, but she is close to maxing creativity already.

Hjordis steps up as a big sister and starts to take care of her youngest sibling by reading him to sleep. There was a bit of a “fight” for who would end up putting him to bed and Hjordis “won.”

This might still be Winterfest, or I could be New Years, not completely sure here, but Harvey is out haunting, which makes Zophi happy. All of her boys are here as well, Zax, Ixael, and Oxkar.

Halix: Hmmmm….I’m feeling a bit of cramping…..and I think my water just broke. Hey mom, can you go with me to the hospital since Easton is at work?

You are rather calm about this birth.

Halix: Well, at this point, why panic? I’ve been through it before.

A quick check in at the front desk and Halix just lay calmly in the birthing machine ready to welcome her final child. It’s a little boy and he is name Xjavier. Welcome to the family little Xjavier Latte!

Once Halix and the new baby come home Zophi heads out to visit Ember. Her son Ethan is now a young adult and it’s time to flag him. We also meat his brother, Mikel, who is currently a teen.

It’s time for yet another birthday.

Christie: Welcome to the party, how do you know Amarja? I’m her…sort of cousin.

Yes, Christine, I know who you are, I’ve watched over this family since before you were born..

Pixie: Yeah, that’s just the watcher.

Since you all might have guessed who this birthday is for by now, let’s get to the cake. Happy Birthday Amarja, and after a make-over she really is quite beautiful, and very different from her older sister. I do love this families genetics.

While I feel like this update is a little shorter than they sometimes are this also feels like a terrific place to end this update. Let’s have a quick family “mug shot” collection first!

It’s a pretty small update collage this time around, but since we had missed Mikel’s grow up notice, I think, here he is. He is Ember’s youngest boy and we saw him a little earlier. Next up is Oxkar’s boy, Xander, whom we saw the grow up message for at the beginning of the update. He’s a cute boy. Finally, we have the “ooops” baby for Yennifer. She is Yuri’s daughter, and Youssef is his grandson. He’s a super skinny little boy, but while he was an angelic toddler, he’s now mean.

That’s it for the family this time, but thank you so much for joining me again and I hope to get more updates out soon, and we are inching closer to a new heir poll as well, so watch for that too!

Generation 3.08 | Rules | Family Tree | Generation 3.10

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I have been playing sims since TS1 and even played a little bit of the PS2 version and the mobile versions over time. Once I discovered challenges for TS2 I never looked back. I love the sims, the families I've been able to make, and play through the years, and connecting with people about them. I work from home as a QTC Admin for my company, have a cat I adore and have a million hobbies I feel like I will never have time to completely explore.

4 thoughts on “Latte Game – Generation 3.09”

  1. It is nice when there is a bit of variety in the generation genetics. Although I have to admit in the wider world it’s nice for them to look similar to their parents/grandparents to make it easier to tell which family they are in. Although hair can really help with that.
    It’s good to read the Latte’s again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I agree, having some family traits can really help with that, but I really like a little difference at least. šŸ™‚ I need to get some more written up, I have played some, but RL has been a bit crazy. Thanks for reading!


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