EPIC Tripp: It’s Just Business – 6.06

Post 6.05 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 6.07

Hello there, and welcome back to the Epic Tripp. We are getting this update out before SimNaNo begins in July when we are focusing on our Latte Name Game challenge. I had, however, played this update and wanted to get it out before I get busy with that. So here we are, and as a reminder these were our goals for the current generation.

Generation 6b – It’s Just Business

  • Heir(ess) must join Business or Political career. Spouse may enter the job the heir does not choose, or any previously unlocked position.
  • Once heir reaches level 10 of chosen career, computers, tablets, and video game consoles are able to be purchased and used.

So with the last update Bonnie gave birth to the twins, Bill and Steve, and we lost Abby to the grim reaper. Bonnie was doing well in her job, and we should see the boys grow up. Since Bonnie had twin boys we will be going for a girl. Now let’s see how this round goes.

Bonnie, even with her evil trait, is a very good mom and takes good care of her boys. The twins keep her very very busy however, and she is always pretty tired. Rene, being Lazy, is also usually very tired by the end of a day taking care of the twins and the garden.

Speaking of Rene, he is now a full adult. His birthday was held without a lot of fanfare, everyone was super tired from all that had been going on, but he got a cake at least. Happy Birthday Rene!

Bonnie comes home with a new promotion. She is doing great in the business track and she is now the Vice President. So she has 3 more promotions to go in order to complete our tasks for this generation and finally unlock computers.

Frank, his wife, and other members of the family came by to visit, and see the twins. It’s kind of fun to have some extended family now, since we had just the immediate family for so long.

I think this might have been Firework Day, since we appear to have more than just family over today. We are also playing with the water, which I’m pretty sure is one of the things I had set to do for that day.

However, a very ominous black smoke showed up by the pool and we realized it was time to say goodbye to Miranda. I knew it was getting close, but didn’t expect it to happen in the pool. Everyone was very sad, and Miranda will be missed. She was an interesting sim to play.

Miranda gets the special headstone from being a magic user and is laid next to Abby in the garden. We have quite a few headstone in the garden now from the various generations. The ones right behind Abby and Miranda I believe are Belle and Francis, our generation 2 couple.

This picture actually doesn’t mean anything at all, other than the fact we still have the Winterfest Tree, but I caught this action shot of Remington jumping on the counter, and thought it was kind of fun. I know I had the game paused for some reason when I noticed this and just had to take a picture.

With Abby and Miranda gone that leaves the house quiet for Rene and Bonnie, so they decide to get started on the next baby. Hopefully pregnancy will be easier on Bonnie this time.

Rene then gets himself a promotion in the gardening career. I believe I have taken him, or will be taking him, down the Botanist career since we had Kiana do the Flower Arranging branch.

Rene checks on the twins and then gives a little love to Remington. He’s been slightly more neglected since the twins were born and we lost Abby. Miranda helped some, but it’s getting tougher. We are ready for the twins to grow up though, they are making Bonnie and Rene very tired.

Then we find out that Bonnie really is pregnant, which is probably a part of why she has been a little more miserable than normal. Rene is happy about the news, and while Bonnie is excited about maybe getting a little girl, I’m not sure she’s ready for pregnancy again.

Bonnie is still working on her aspiration as well, it takes up some of her time and gives her something to do beside take care of the twins when she is at home. I believe she has gotten all the skills she needs for the next promotion, now it will just take time.

Then the twins grow up. Here they are after a little bit of a make-over. Bill is on the left in green and he is silly. Steve is on the right in red and he is independent. They are both so cute I think, Rene and Bonnie make some pretty cute kids.

The boys get going on their skills with Rene helping Bill with his movement, and then they play together with the dollhouse. Mr. Independent, Steve, can work on his potty skill all on his own, and we have Bill watch to gain a little for himself. Remington looks a little unsure of the attention he’s being given from Bill, but so far the cat is handling the toddlers well.

Rene does end up helping little Bill with his potty skill, and Bonnie reads the boys to bed that first night. They are doing pretty well so far, although Bill likes to wander, so I doubt he’ll have any trouble getting his movement skill up. This house is big enough that toddlers will practically gain a skill just walking from one end to the other.

Pregnancy has not been any easier on Bonnie this time around, and I’m crossing my fingers that we don’t have twins again. It won’t be much longer, however, and because Bonnie is really not a sim that would want to be pregnant any more than she has to be, we feed her a bunch of strawberries.

Rene gets himself another promotion at work, and then we get the notice that Frank’s daughter, Ruth, is now a child. She was an adorable little toddler and we might have to invite the family back over to hang out soon.

Poor Remington got sick, so Rene takes time off work to get him to the vet. They get him all healed up and Rene is happy to have Remington healthy again. He is also getting older and isn’t going to be around that much longer, which will make us sad, but he’s been a great pet.

Finally it’s time for Bonnie to give birth to our next baby. She has the little girl we wanted/needed, and her name is Corie. That means we have 3 kids this gen and that is where we are going to end with the kids.

Corie is named for Corie Barry, the CEO of Best Buy and listed a couple of times on lists of Most Powerful Women.

Now that little Corie is born Bill goes to check out the new sibling and is very unhappy to have a new baby sister. I don’t think Steve really cared about Corie. Hopefully Bill will grow to like Corie eventually.

With all of that done I think that leaves us in a good place to stop this update. Next time we should see what little Corie looks like when she grows up and the boys should get through more of their toddler skills. I hope to see you over at the Latte Name Game during the month of July for SimNaNo!

Post 6.05 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 6.07

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I have been playing sims since TS1 and even played a little bit of the PS2 version and the mobile versions over time. Once I discovered challenges for TS2 I never looked back. I love the sims, the families I've been able to make, and play through the years, and connecting with people about them. I work from home as a QTC Admin for my company, have a cat I adore and have a million hobbies I feel like I will never have time to completely explore.

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