Hope in Dumpsters: A Look Around

Digging In | Rules | People Watching

So first a quick little admin note. I have updated and given a better name to this challenge blog. With Bobbie Hope being our characters name and she is making her whole life out of dumpster diving, I thought this was fun. At the end of the challenge I am going to have Bobbie start a DITFT challenge to continue on with her.

As we join Bobbie for day six of this challenge we find her in her unfinished home in bed sound asleep. Bobbie sleeps well on the bed she bought, even though it’s a cheep bed. We continue to hope and pray that Bobbie will dig up a bed at some point.

Day six and seven go essentially the same way as every other day before. I tried to look around town a bit and see if I saw anything interesting and I could not find a thing. So imagine Bobbie’s legs sticking out of a dumpster for 2 straight days and she was able to dig out the following.

Day 6 Haul

Day 7 Haul

Bobbie is collecting a ton of bugs, which I have since learned that we can “donate” to the science center for more money than you can sell them for. So we have started doing that with bugs. The gems we are cutting and cosigning at the consignment shop and we have started smelting the ores.

So we find ourselves at day 8 in this 21-day challenge. Bobbie heads to the dump right next door and begins diving into the dumpster there over and over again. Today, however, she has many guests. It’s as though people are learning that you can get some real value from these babies.

While Bobbie continues her dives I happen to notice the lady with the yellow pants on here has something going on where the piles of junk lay. I head over to see what is going on.

Turns out she is in the middle of a scary ghost story about a phantom who plays music. Terrifying, or at least the guy in green eating invisible popcorn sure seems to think so. That is the most exciting thing that happens this day, so let’s see the haul for day 8.

Turns out we are very good at finding sitting items. We have some benches, a couch, a love seat and a chair. These rugs are apparently very popular to get rid of as well as we find many of them. We have, however, discovered 2 TV’s, one of them very nice. I believe this might be the second of this type of TV, but I can’t fully remember.

After selling off the things we needed to sell there was still a little time left in the day and poor Bobbie had been very neglected socially. I took pity on her and sent her back to the dump to talk to our resident ghost historian.

So after some social interaction Bobbie heads back to her house and has some quiet time before bed. The next day we decide to try an entirely new dumpster over by the salon. Bobbie looks happy to be checking out a different dumpster for a while.

While Bobbie begins her diving I once again decide to go check out things around the area and I found the most enjoyable scene happening inside the salon.

The makeup that has gone onto this poor woman’s face made me laugh. She is continuous being upset at, what I can only assume, was the perpetrator of this monstrosity, and they continuously loose relationship points. This goes on for most of Bobbie’s diving but nothing else of interest is noted.

Back at home we line up Bobbie’s newest hall and discover the salon is apparently a great place to find bugs and even a table. There is an additional cough and in the back is a trash compactor, which we had not dug out before. We also have another guitar.

So with day 9’s haul taken care of, and much of it moved off to the side we send Bobbie to the consignment shop to cut the gems and see if we can sell anything there, including our newest smelted pieces.

Day 10 arrives and after a quick meal and pick up of the home Bobbie heads to her favorite spot, the dump. Her social is pretty tanked again and so after a couple of dives she takes the late morning to make friends with this girl.

After getting the social up it’s back to diving and by the end of the day we once again have a pretty decent haul in our front yard. During this time we have begun being able to expand up to a second floor, but there isn’t anything there yet. The house does have stairs however and we are on our way to a more complete house.

The haul for day 10 isn’t as expansive as some other days, but we didn’t dive for nearly as long either. The dryer is sold right away, we already have that exact one. Apparently it was a popular but not great dryer as people threw it out left and right.

Trying to get everything taken care of before midnight we head quickly to the science lab to “donate” (aka sell) our caught bug. It actually makes for a rather pretty picture overall.

That evening we decide it is time to buy a counter top so we can at least make a salad. We still do not have a stove and thus are stuck with salads and things we can grill. Bobbie isn’t the best chef, but at least it isn’t possible for her to catch this on fire.

Day 11 dawns and while Bobbie would love to have waffles or something else to eat except bread, don’t look at me like that Bobbie, you haven’t fished out a stove yet. Fish one from the dumpster and I’ll consider letting you try and cook. Bread and jam is what she has….you can tell Bobbie is also a slob.

It is an absolutely stunning view while Bobbie starts her dives for the day. Hoping we come up with something interesting to watch it appears everyone is out enjoying the day as literally no one else shows up to the dump this day. Bobbie is able to dive in peace and have her pick of the dumpsters if she would like.

By the end of the day Bobbie has found quite a large amount of stuff and lays it all out so we can take a look at it.

Excitedly, we see Bobbie dug up a new food processor, thus taking over the one we had to sell on the first day due to the fact we couldn’t afford a counter to put it on. There is also a couple of very nice stereos in the mix, as well as a plethora of lamps. We once again donate all the bugs, consign our gems and smelt our ores. With a successful start to the second floor that you can see Bobbie goes to bed pretty happy with herself.

As Bobbie was sleeping I watched the cars drive up and down road and watched people come and go from the consignment shop or the vamp bar at the end of the street. During all this watching I happen to notice a car pull up to the empty lot across the street. Out pops this…..post sim?

She wanders to the edge of the lot and disappears. It’s the first ghost I have seen in this area and I’m not sure where she was going, apparently into the forest behind the lot. We are officially through a little over half of the challenge and we have currently 7 rooms, although 3 do not have doors. 3 downstairs, and 4 upstairs. We have no wallpaper and basically no flooring, nor do we have windows, but the walls are complete.

Items bought since the beginning: Toilet, Refrigerator, Bed, Counter

Digging In | Rules | People Watching

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I have been playing sims since TS1 and even played a little bit of the PS2 version and the mobile versions over time. Once I discovered challenges for TS2 I never looked back. I love the sims, the families I've been able to make, and play through the years, and connecting with people about them. I work from home as a QTC Admin for my company, have a cat I adore and have a million hobbies I feel like I will never have time to completely explore.

2 thoughts on “Hope in Dumpsters: A Look Around”

  1. Lol the clown makeup! I once saw a vampire with clown makeup on and it was pretty creepy with those glowing eyes.

    The ghost thing is a thing that happens in Sims 3 where ghosts in the town’s graveyard start haunting, then spawn a car and drive off into the night. It’s funny because if you watch the graveyard at night, you can see them come out of their grave and then get into a car.


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