Coloure Wheel: Age Up!

Get Together | Rules | Family Tree | Birthdays!

Welcome back to the Coloure Wheel. The last time we were with the Coloure family Charlene and Garrett worked to get together after the tragedy of losing all of Charlene’s family. They took their time, working on their aspirations, until they were strong enough to get married. They wasted no more time getting pregnant.

With that little recap out of the way let’s get to seeing what this new baby will look like in the Coloure Wheel of this family. Hehe, sorry, couldn’t help it.

Charlene is big on salads, or rather I am because I don’t want to set this tiny house on fire. Charlene is getting better and better at cooking though, so eventually we’ll let her make cooked food.

The pregnancy progresses without any issues. Charlene spends most of her time at the easel painting, and Garrett is working on book after book. All the small paintings around the walls were painted by Charlene.

The ghosts are very active in the house, haunting in pairs usually every night. It does mean we fix a LOT of plumbing every morning, but it’s still nice to have their help in other ways.

Charlene is Erratic and that comes out in multiple ways. Garrett is fairly used to it, so as she pretends to be a vampire he just ignores it. She goes right back to eating her breakfast and chatting normally.

The next day is Love Day, and it just so happens the Romance Festival corresponds to the same day. So gifts are exchanged, aspirations (or promotion for Garrett) are worked on, and a small trip together to the Romance Festival makes it a fun day for them both.

Gabe and Benny are out tonight, that would be Charlene’s dad and grandpa. It’s always so funny how ghosts eat our food, although it can also be irritating, unless it was poor quality food.

That look can only mean one thing. We found a cute nursery in the “rooms” section and went ahead and built it. We had enough money finally from all the paintings and books. So now it’s time to head to the hospital.

Everything at the hospital goes as we would expect, and the doc even seemed to know what he was doing. That’s a plus, since we were surprised by the notification we had not 1, but 2 baby girls.

Yep, that’s right. This is first born Christine, which Charlene grabbed right away, but Meg is also here as well. Welp, there go some points right off the bat. I have nothing that should have triggered twins, but that’s ok.

The toddler work is split between Garrett and Charlene, which is good so they both gain some parenting skill. Not that they shouldn’t both max it with the required 14 kids they will have, but still.

Nyla, Charlene’s mother attempts to be “helpful” by moping after breaking the toilet, sink, and shower. Charlene gets a head start on fixing things, especially as she needs to use it.

This is a great step for Garrett, and the extra money is very helpful. Garrett at least is starting as our parent to work outside of the house, but once he’s maxed this career we might switch it up and let Charlene do it.

Charlene starts working on a confident painting, and you can see the added hallway. The door you are seeing leads to the nursery. We will be adding a toddler room soon as well.

Knowing they have 14 to get through, Charlene proposes getting started on a new baby and Garrett readily accepts this proposal. We will hoping for no more twins for a while though!

We have success. Baby #3 is on the way. Doesn’t Charlene look thrilled here. She heads off to let the daddy know.

He also looks ecstatic to be having more kids. Haha, these sims and their faces. They actually both looked very happy right after these pictures were taken, it just made me laugh.

Great-Great Grandpa Asher goes in to look after his great-great grand babies. I believe this is Meg, but it’s nearly impossible to tell as I didn’t make note of bassinet color.

That erratic trait is coming out again, pretty strongly. One of Garrett’s book of poems is sitting there on the counter. I have had him write a little bit of everything.

Ghostly help again, this time grandpa Gabe and great-great grandma Maya are the ones out shushing the babies. They do actually both manage to take care of each of them, which is a big help to the parents.

Just a small picture to show that Charlene is almost through her first aspiration. All she needs is to finish maxing the painting skill. Garrett still has one more milestone after his current one, but he is also working hard.

In anticipation for the twins to become toddlers we bought a couple of high chairs, and extended the living/dinning/kitchen are of the house. It was about here that I realized it felt like it had been much longer than 3 days since we had the twins. I went and looked and they has 2 days before growing up. Weird….we are in our 3rd trimester with the new baby.

Asher is out again and Charlene is happy to have someone to talk to. She is pretty big again and we are ready for the twins to grow up. I’m starting to think they glitched because I don’t even remember them having an announcement.

Oh boy, I know that face. Time to head to the hospital again, with the twins still as babies. We are going to need another bassinet.

The same doctor is back, which is great, since he did a good job last time. This time we only have a single baby. It’s once again a little girl and she is named Carlotta.

Back at home, while waiting to see if the twins grow up on the day the calendar shows their birthday being, Charlene manages to complete her aspiration. Way to go Charlene. She chooses to work on Super Parent next.

Garrett works on getting the bathroom mopped up, and Saturday comes and goes without the twins growing up. Their sister, Carlotta is set as the birthday for tomorrow. I think they glitched. I tried resetting them and we will see what happens.

Garrett works on another book, he’s trying to finish up his best sellers needed, which he does. He now just needs to let the royalties add up a little more and finish maxing his writing skill.

Finally, about 1/2 way through Sunday, the twins spin out of their bassinets and become toddlers. They both clearly have their dad’s red hair, but I cannot tell their eyes. Let’s go give them a bit of a make-over and check it out.

On the left is Christine, she rolled the Clingy trait, and she has her daddy’s red hair, but her great-grandma’s red eyes (Asher started the red eyes, and passed them onto Amie.) On the right we have Meg, and she has the same coloring. In fact I think these two might be identical. She rolled the Fussy trait.

These two begin to play with the dollhouse, but it’s late they are tired as are their parents. It’s going to be a quick play time with night night right away.

Charlene goes to bed and let’s Garrett read the girls to sleep in their new toddler room, in their new toddler beds. Both girls are super cute, and that was where I was going to end this entry……

But as Garrett went toward bed, Carlotta spun out of her bassinet. So we are basically going to have triplet toddlers…..weeee.

This is Carlotta after a bit of a make-over. She obviously has her daddy’s purple eyes, but her hair is all great-great grandma Maya’s. The blonde was only ever seen in the family tree through her. With that we will end this entry, but I hope you enjoyed the toddlers.


Painting Aspiration (Charlene): +10 points
Twins: -10 points

TOTAL: 0 Points

I will count the color points upon their growing up, but current each of them with get +5 points (2 dad’s hair, 1 dad’s eyes) and then and additional 100 points (50 points from 2 Gen B eyes, and 50 for 1 Gen A’s hair.) So, at this moment 115 points will be awarded for the genetics upon their YA birthdays.

Get Together | Rules | Family Tree | Birthdays!

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I have been playing sims since TS1 and even played a little bit of the PS2 version and the mobile versions over time. Once I discovered challenges for TS2 I never looked back. I love the sims, the families I've been able to make, and play through the years, and connecting with people about them. I work from home as a QTC Admin for my company, have a cat I adore and have a million hobbies I feel like I will never have time to completely explore.

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