Roots of Emerson – Post 1.07

Post 1.06 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 1.08

Life continued with a new normal for Tim and Kayla with Kevin getting more and more mobile and understanding more and more about the world around him. Kayla also being pregnant again meant Tim had to pick up a little bit of the work when Kayla wasn’t feeling well.

While Tim enjoyed his time with the chickens and he was very excited as they began to grow up, he knew Kayla would be excited about having eggs, he had to keep a close eye on Kevin, who now could come down and pet the chickens too. Although he was a very careful and gentle boy with the little birds.

Kevin was a pretty quiet child overall and kept a fair amount to himself reading books or just playing in his room, which had finally been completed. They had also set up a small playroom for him as well.

Tim loved his little boy, and while Kayla was a great mom, her current pregnancy had really taken a toll on her, so she spent a lot more of her time resting than normal. Tim was happy to spend time with his son, however, and it was fun after a day of chores to play with him.

Tim kept filling Kayla in on how the chickens were growing and that he expected eggs to start getting laid soon. Kayla was missing the chickens so she headed out one evening when she was feeling pretty good, even though it was cold, to spend some time with them. Sure enough, she found some eggs that had been laid.

Foghorn the rooster was beginning to enjoy crowing. The first time startled both Kayla and Tim awake, but it became something they were all used to before too long. Tim was a little nervous about his neighbors caring about the sound, but no one ever complained.

As the pregnancy got farther and farther along Kayla found herself feeling better and she was able to help Tim with collecting eggs more often in the mornings. She even discovered that the chickens occasionally laid fairly random eggs.

Tim celebrated a new birthday and while Kayla had wanted to throw him a big celebration, and even got him a cake, by the time the day came they had to postpone everything due to the pregnancy taking its toll once again.

By the time Winterfest was getting close and with it Kayla’s due date, she was determined to make the holiday special. She was always tired, but they brought over some friends, and one even said they were going to be alone for the holiday, so Kayla told her to join them.

Tim got all the decorations up and Kayla was so thankful to her husband for handling that part on his own. She focused on getting everything prepped for the dinner.

Anything she could do during the days leading up to Winterfest she did. She was getting huge, and uncomfortable, and still had to go lay down multiple times throughout the day, but Tim helped where he could, and she was confident she could make it a success.

All the work and prep helped make Kayla feel better, but even still the big day was here before she knew it. The meal prep did make it so she was able to get the meal completed without too much trouble, and while she was very ready to sit down after it was ready, she was proud it was done. Their friend came over and everyone enjoyed the meal.

Once the meal was over Kayla needed to take a nap so Tim and the family friend watched over to Kevin while she did that. They planned to open presents when she got up. Which she did after a good nap, but felt a little twinge. When she got down to the tree to prepare to open presents she realized it was full-on labor.

Tim grabbed all the things they needed for the hospital and call them to let them know they were coming in. It was cold and snowy and Tim couldn’t get there nearly as quickly as he would like, and by the time they arrived, the doctor was also on the way into the hospital.

Tim got sat in the waiting room to relax and calm down a bit while Kayla and the doctor headed back to the delivery room. Kayla climbed into the birthing machine and prayed and hoped everything would be all right. It has been such a rough pregnancy.

The doctor let Kayla know everything looked just fine and the birth was going to be smooth as far as he could tell, but they monitored her closely. Her heart nearly sank just a little bit when they announced that she had another little boy. She knew Tim had his heart set on a girl.

He was given the name Ryan, but before she could be handed her new son the doctor let her know that the next baby was being born. Kayla couldn’t believe her ears. She was having twins? Sure enough, a new little baby girl is next to arrive.

Kayla rejoiced that they had a girl, and she was so excited to have Ryan and Jennifer here. The roughness of the pregnancy made a lot more sense to Kayla now that she knew she was having twins. Once she and the twins were able to go home the family met by the tree to finish the Winterfest celebration that was put on hold.

Tim looked down at the sweet face of his little girl. He was so thankful that Kayla was ok, and that the babies were also just fine. When he found out they had twins he nearly passed out. They were not ready for 2 additional kids, but he knew they would figure it out.

Tim’s life was pretty complete. He had his baby girl, and two amazing sons to help him around the farm as they got older. He had one of the most beautiful wives, who loved to cook and was willing to help him in the fields when he needed it. What more could a guy want?

Post 1.06 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 1.08

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I have been playing sims since TS1 and even played a little bit of the PS2 version and the mobile versions over time. Once I discovered challenges for TS2 I never looked back. I love the sims, the families I've been able to make, and play through the years, and connecting with people about them. I work from home as a QTC Admin for my company, have a cat I adore and have a million hobbies I feel like I will never have time to completely explore.

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