Roots of Emerson – Post 1.09

Post 1.08 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 1.10

The resident rooster of the Emerson farm was very happy for spring to be here once again and made sure to announce his joy for all to hear. The hens weren’t too happy to be awoken in such a way, even if it was spring, but that didn’t matter.

The rooster announcing his joy of spring was only really rivaled by Tim’s own excitement about the thawing happening at his farm. A thawing ground meant the time had come to clean out and get his springtime plant growing once again. Tim also took the chance to do a few cuttings and graftings to his plants.

The sun often wasn’t up or was just starting to come up, as Tim headed out to the farm, and he often started with the chickens, who were also typically getting up and searching for food, which Tim made sure they had plenty of. The chickens were wonderful to have and Tim was very happy to have each one of them.

The twins were also enjoying spring, although they didn’t get out much the windows in the house were usually opened and they could hear the chickens and all the activity outside. They wanted to explore more but Tim and Kayla kept a close eye on their very mobile toddlers.

Kevin had started school and was diligent about doing his school work. He had heard of places where kids didn’t go to school in the summer and secretly wished he lived in those places, but it wasn’t too bad. Overall he liked school ok.

Tim’s hard work in his garden was starting to pay off and the variety of plants he was growing had grown. He had learned about some more oversized crops, which apparently were good for canning, and Kayla had expressed wanting to try her hand at that, so Tim planted some new oversized crops too.

Kevin, and the twins, were very excited when it was time for Spring Day. Not only did it mean they got to hunt for eggs, but the Flower Bunny came by to hang out at their house for a little bit.

Kayla’s birthday was around the corner so they did a small get-together to celebrate. She was officially out of being known as a young adult and while she still felt plenty young herself, having 3 kids, one of those being a set of twins, had certainly lessened the amount of energy and free time she had.

Through the grafting, he had done early in the spring Tim was noticing that dragonfruit were beginning to grow in his garden, which made him very happy. He really wanted to learn to grow nearly every type of plant that he could.

With the twins becoming more and more able to care for themselves most of the time, of course, they still needed Tim and Kayla for many things, but they were good at entertaining themselves, and usually put themselves down for naps, Kayla was able to start her daily jogs again. It felt good to her to be out running again.

With the added time that wasn’t required to keep eyes on the twins every moment of the day Tim was able to also help Kayla more with things like cooking and he was enjoying learning from her. They also were able to spend more time with their eldest son and had more family dinners together again.

Kevin, for his part, was doing well in school and starting to make some friends. One boy, in particular, had become a pretty good friend and often came to visit Kevin. Many days he just came home with Kevin after school. It made Tim and Kayla happy to see their oldest making friends.

The twins were hardly ignored however and were often found following either Tim or Kayla watching what they were doing and talking away to both of them. They were quite the chatterboxes and both Tim and Kayla were happy they had each other to talk through often when they had to do something else.

Life continued on and the older their kids got the more time Tim and Kayla had to spend time together. They were still very much in love with each other and were happy to find more time, especially after all the kids were asleep, to be the couple who fell in love with each other all those years ago.

Tim started having Kevin help him in the garden more often as he was getting old enough to understand and learn about the farm. He so hoped one of his kids would be interested in carrying on the farm, heck he would be thrilled if all three would be interested!

So life continued for the Emerson family. Tim and Kayla, Kevin, Jennifer and Ryan, and of course the many chickens. Tim continued to bond with his chickens, and Kayla got back into working out more and more so she could compete as a bodybuilder again someday.

Life was going so well for the family, and when it was time for the twins’ birthdays they were in a good place and decided to take a trip to the park for the birthday celebration. It was starting to get dark early again, but everyone had a good time with the picnic they packed.

The twins were to start school the next school semester, and Tim was starting to feel his age a bit. His life felt so complete and as he and Kayal prepared the twins for school, he couldn’t help but look back over how much he had already accomplished. He knew his family would be proud of him.

Post 1.08 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 1.10

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I have been playing sims since TS1 and even played a little bit of the PS2 version and the mobile versions over time. Once I discovered challenges for TS2 I never looked back. I love the sims, the families I've been able to make, and play through the years, and connecting with people about them. I work from home as a QTC Admin for my company, have a cat I adore and have a million hobbies I feel like I will never have time to completely explore.

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