Roots of Emerson – Post 1.10

Post 1.09 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 1.11

On a very cold spring morning, Jennifer sat with Kevin to complete her homework. The kids had started back to school already and the twins were getting the hang of this school stuff.

Now that the kids are all able to take care of themselves (for the most part) and know what they should and should not be doing Tim has taken on more of the cooking. Kayla has focused more on her career. Jennifer is enjoying helping out in the kitchen as well.

Even though the kids are able to do more to help around the house Tim still takes his work outside the house very seriously. The chickens still take up much of his mornings, and they even have new chicks hatching.

One day the kids were really getting under Kayla’s skin and so Tim hurried through his morning chores, getting the kids to help, and then took them into the city to play around a bit and burn off some of their energy. This also gave Kayal a chance for a break.

Tim is a very good dad and nearly anything his kids ask for he will give them. Each of them is their own person certainly, but sometimes their desires align, like the day Kevin and Ryan wanted Tim to read to them out on the porch.

Ryan is really interested in mentally engaging activities and has started learning chess. Kayla is a proficient chess player and has worked on teaching Ryan more and playing games with him when she has a chance. He’s getting better, but still has a ways to go.

In fact, once Kevin got the basics down he started roping in Jennifer to play with him as well. She is picking up the rules quickly enough, but she isn’t much of a challenge for Kevin yet.

The passage of time does not stop, and Tim is noticing his chickens are starting to grow older and some of them appear to be eating less. So he takes a bit more time out of his day to check in and give everyone love.

With the garden going so well, Tim was ready to find more plants to plant. He knew he would likely need to go further out of town than he had before, so making sure the kids were behaving and Kayla was around for them he traveled further out into the country. He found a couple of new seeds he’s excited to try out.

Before heading home Tim traveled into the city to check out the newest seeds those vendors might have had. There wasn’t much new and so Tim grabbed himself a drink and made his way home after a long day of travel.

All three kids were doing pretty well in school and Kayla and Tim both helped them out whenever possible with their school projects. Some of the projects were pretty involved and it seemed all of the kids came home with projects around the same time.

Jennifer was starting to make friends in school and with the other kids around the neighborhood. Kayla and Tim were happy to see their children making friends, even if Jennifer was much more social than Ryan. Ryan mostly tagged along with his sister as she met and hung out with other kids.

Ryan seemed to enjoy staying closer to home and hanging out there. He still enjoyed the dollhouse and Kayla figured out he was often using it to play out various social scenarios. When she asked him Ryan admitted he felt a bit awkward around other kids.

The summer had come and was scorching the town. Tim was worried about his plants staying watered and keeping the chickens cool. Kayla had to worry about the inside, and the day the fridge died was a horrible day. Kayla spent a lot of time that morning seeing if she could fix it, but they ended up having to call someone out.

Shortly after the fridge broke the air conditioning went out and the house got so warm everyone was miserable. The heat made it nearly impossible for Kayla to work out and when she did go out one day to try and get in a bit of a run she really thought she might die of heat.

Thankfully the AC got fixed, the heat broke, and everything started going a bit back to normal. Tim had to spend long hours in the garden checking on all of the plants and trying to coax all of them back to good health. That left Kayla and the kids spending a lot of time together and Kayla was so glad all of her kids get along so well.

One night something terrifying happened to Kevin. No one is entirely sure what it was but Ryan ran in and woke up Tim and Kayla to tell them about a monster under his bed. Jennifer was up and worried, and Kevin was just terrified. He refused to sleep without a light on after that. He refused to discuss it, but Kayla believes Ryan might have woken him up scared by the “monster” and since he was dark he didn’t know what was happening and it caused his fear.

The fear of the dark stuck with Kevin for a long time. Tim and Kayla did everything they could to help him and comfort him, but they were hoping as he grew up more the fear might fade. They didn’t want his fear to spread to his siblings. There wasn’t much they could do but try and explain there was nothing to be afraid of and hope their word took hold.

Post 1.09 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 1.11

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I have been playing sims since TS1 and even played a little bit of the PS2 version and the mobile versions over time. Once I discovered challenges for TS2 I never looked back. I love the sims, the families I've been able to make, and play through the years, and connecting with people about them. I work from home as a QTC Admin for my company, have a cat I adore and have a million hobbies I feel like I will never have time to completely explore.

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