EPIC Tripp: Sports & Entertainment – 4.05

Post 4.04 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 4.06

Welcome back to another update of the Tripp. We are just blazing right along in terms of playing through this challenge and I’m so excited by how it’s going so far! I hope you are enjoying this story too.

Generation 4 – Sports & Entertainment

  • Once the heir(ess) has reached the top of the entertainment, acting, or athletic career – televisions, cameras, and arcade games are able to be purchased and used, as are workout machines.

As a quick refresher, not that we really probably need it, but all we are needing to finish this generation is for Lara to reach the top of her career. Then we unlock a lot of fun stuff….it will be nice to have a TV.

Last time we have a very subdued Christmas after losing Lindsey and Ferdinando, quite literally, in the same moment. We then celebrated Spring Fling, managed to get to Sixam and gather up the needed plants, and many of the geodes. We also finished the archeology collection, or rather the artifact one, we are still working on the other. So let’s jump right in.

We start off with little Abby reaching a milestone. She has already completed Whiz Kid, and is now working on Rambunctious Scamp. She is not going to make a second aspiration like her mom, but she is doing really well.

We come home to Lara getting a promotion. Way to go Lara. This put her one step closer to finishing up our coal. She went ahead and bought Great Kisser as it is a much faster way to get charisma built up, and since I threw out that mini-challenge I think it’s worth it.

We get a sweet message that Lara’s every faithful friend Cleo got married. We don’t really follow any other families here, especially since they only have one kid a time, but Cleo has been kind of like family.

Another day, and another day of work in the garden. Zygo is quite dressed up to be bonding with the bees, but whatever works for him I guess. We are getting better at keeping the bees happy.

As expected, Abby didn’t finish another milestone, but she is almost through her scouting time. She grew up lovely and I am waiting to see what she rolls to determine her path, since it will either be criminal or law enforcement.

She got a bit of a make-over. I actually really liked the way the hair she grew up in looked on her and so that got left alone. She rolled Kleptomaniac to go with Vegetarian. She seems to be leaning towards criminal with that trait, but we’ll see.

Right after that we get a notice that Cleo is now pregnant. I am excited to see what she has. Abby is too old to make it feasible that their kids get together, for as much fun as that would be, but still.

Zygo is doing well at his job too, and we even follow him there sometimes. Not always, but I would like to get him through his as well. I did discover, however, that he has probably used some of our discovered crystals without me really paying attention.

These two really do spend a lot of time together, and I believe this was Love Day, so they had an at home date. It was getting late and we didn’t want to do a whole date date. I didn’t even realize before you could do an at home date, read about it somewhere, so that you to whoever had that blog. 😀

All those money trees are really paying off now. Zygo has completed his 3rd aspiration. He’s gotten through The Curator, Mansion Barron and now Fabulously Wealthy. He now chooses Freelance Botanist, which shouldn’t be too hard to complete.

Our dear Belle decided to take laundry outside and do it in the wash basin. I leave this here for this specific purpose. Even though we have the washer and dryer inside, the ghosts helping out is so nice. I’m not sure why she is so mad here however.

Lara takes over extracting elements in the hopes of finding the final 2 we need. I’m sure I’ll need to analyze some things to figure out which ones to do, but I’ll get there.

Lara did take another trip to Sixam and we managed to get all the geodes needed! Collection complete, which is wonderful. There are so many that are really tough to get done, so these “easy” ones are nice.

So I forgot to mention, Abby got the Beach Life aspiration to start with. I figured, she’s on the beach, we might as well let her get it done. Part of what she needs to do is get a suntan. Not so easy to tell with her, but she burns instead.

We have been working on getting the sugar skulls, I think we got one new one, putting us up to 5 unique ones I believe. I could have that wrong, we may only be at 4 though, but I think that’s right.

Good ol’ Patchy is, of course, still around and he enjoys chatting it up with the family. He has become less of a help since Zygo has been getting up there in gardening. Lara is too actually, and since we’ve followed Zygo to work a few times he takes the opportunity to come out when he can.

Abby finishes up scouting and takes a job as a Lifeguard. I realized later I wasn’t sure if this broke the rules, but figured lifeguard is all fitness related, and we have pools now I don’t think it’s an issue, but I will ask an deduct if needed.

I had Abby start working in the garden, but the bees were attacking her so we have her start bonding with them. Lara, Abby, and Zygo have been working diligently since this to bond with the bees.

Cleo calls and invites Lara to a dance party. You can see them in the back of this picture just barely, and you can JUST make out another guest back there who surprised me by being here.

Lara’s mom and dad were here boogieing down. They are pretty happy ghosts tonight and Lara and Cleo spend a little time talking with them. I’m happy to see them out together, it’s sweet that they are apparently just as in sync in death as they were in life.

Sigh, Abby, you are VEGETARIAN. Why are you grabbing both a vegetarian dish, AND frank and beans from the fridge?

Abby: What? Why is this weird?

Um…because frank and beans has meat….you know, the franks.

Abby: Well this one is for dad anyway.

I did finally get her to put the frank and beans down and Zygo did come grab it, but still.

Mom and daughter work on the school project together. Makes sense that Lara would be the person to help. This is a rocket ship project after all.

Oh look, Johnny is out to haunt tonight and manages to catch himself on fire. You are a ghost Johnny, how? How do you do this?

As a final note before we wrap up this update we get a notice that Cleo had a baby girl. Little Mia, welcome to the world.

I am going to call this update here, a lot, and yet, not much, has happened all at the same time. Lara needs two promotions, but has the needed skills ready for the first one so now it will just take a little time.

Post 4.04 | Rules | Family Tree | Post 4.06

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I have been playing sims since TS1 and even played a little bit of the PS2 version and the mobile versions over time. Once I discovered challenges for TS2 I never looked back. I love the sims, the families I've been able to make, and play through the years, and connecting with people about them. I work from home as a QTC Admin for my company, have a cat I adore and have a million hobbies I feel like I will never have time to completely explore.

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